
Ixtabay submitted a new resource:

SkillBallPlus.cs - [add SkillBallPlus

Helpfull item if you want to give players a boost, plus items to go with selected skills. Set your SkillBallPlus to a number of skills and level you want to raise them. The player will receive helpful items in their backpack based on their selections.

The SkillBallPlus can be added to character backpack on character creation, or can be added manually. Default is 5 skills to level 85, but it can be changed to whatever you want.

SkillBallPlus is immovable, so they cannot be dropped or...

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This looks awesome but one question.

On a newer shard, can the gargoyles select archery and can the humans and elfs select throwing?
[doublepost=1483574824][/doublepost]If so maybe add an option to show one or the other based on race?

The gump is awesome.
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This looks awesome but one question.

On a newer shard, can the gargoyles select archery and can the humans and elfs select throwing?
[doublepost=1483574824][/doublepost]If so maybe add an option to show one or the other based on race?

The gump is awesome.
I updated it so it hides the check boxes where skills don't belong in the expansion. I am working on a way to hide throwing for non-Gargoyles, but having some trouble getting Mobile.Race into a variable I can use.

i just download for try your script and i got error:

+ Misc/Assistants.cs:
CS0162: Line 99: Impossible d'atteindre le code détecté
CS0162: Line 155: Impossible d'atteindre le code détecté
+ Customs/SkillBallPlus.cs-master/SkillBallPlus.cs-master/SkillBallPlus.cs:
CS0122: Line 20: 'Server.CurrentExpansion.Expansion' est inaccessible en rai
son de son niveau de protection.

can you help me plz
Which version of RunUO/ServUO are you using? Are you using mono? I just tested on linux (mono) and windows (regular) with latest ServUO, with no errors. Here is a workaround:

Online 20:

Replace this:
			public string expansion = CurrentExpansion.Expansion.ToString();
With this:
			public string expansion = "SA"; // Your expansion None: T2A, UOR, UOTD, LBR, AOS, SE , etc
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i 'am using runuo 2.6
[doublepost=1483712671][/doublepost]that work thank you very much !
Ok, I'll try to check this weekend when I have more time as I don't have RunUO 2.6 setup at the moment. In the meantime, the workaround above should work for you. Let me know. Cheers
Edit* Just realized this is a new thread/script, which means its probably been resolved in this version I'd imagine. Haven't tested but, it might be okay.

One of the "lore" options is still causing a client crash whenever I try to open my backpack, which is basically every time I try to log back into the character I was testing it on. I just commented those out for the moment since no one in their right mind would choose them anyway, but figured I'd let you know.

Fairly certain its an item being given since, as I said, it only seems to crash me once I try to open my backpack.

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