
poolmanjim submitted a new resource:

SkillStone - For ServUO - Skill Stone can be used to add to a player's current skills.

GitHub Repo Link: poolmanjim/SkillStone

I know. I can already see the comments "but skill balls and skill stones are a thing already". Yes, they are. However, none of them worked quite like I wanted and none of them could be customized the way I wanted, so I made my own. In all fairness, I did take the type of item and the vague idea from the other skill stones and skill balls out there but 95% or more of the code was me guessing until...

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I tried t use it on my staff char. She had skill cap of 130 and I dropped her skills to 100. It said no points to use. I'm and older build 57
Did you try the 0.9.1 version? I found a couple of bugs and updated it really quick. (Note: the gump doesn't show version 0.9.0)

Does the gump show it having any points? It defaults to 12000 (1 point per 0.1).

I just messed with it again and it is working like expected. Extra details would be helpful. :) Thanks for testing it out.
Did htis stone can work like skillball?
What happens if players got skillcap,but skills lockdown and lockup?
Did htis stone can work like skillball?
What happens if players got skillcap,but skills lockdown and lockup?
I haven't used the skill ball in awhile so I'm not 100% on how they compare.

I believe Skill ball works by setting a set of skills to a value. This instead allows you to choose which skills and which value per skill.

It checks for the server skill cap and for the skill cap on each skill. It doesn't care about locked or up/down.

Does that answer your question?

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