
This post is not directed at any one person, there are many examples of this happening.
Someone needs to make a new user guide for xmlspawner2. If only we had a WIKI
Specifically here on Servuo as a go to guide not just willy nilly archive guides and links.

There is only going to be more confusion and questions as members join the community, notice that there is odd code in the distro for servuo. Later do they find out it's just xmlspawner code. Then the questions start rolling in. You can just about find a to z if you dig deep enough on the web but people generally don't do themselves that favor. So we need a way to reduce the number of people asking the same questions.

I think it would behoove us all to have such a guide.

Edit: One idea on a way we could achieve this is by using all the awesome resource we already have. Then just create a expanded index with descriptions so people can look for what they want and it will point them in the right direction.
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I'd love to contribute to a guide but I still haven't learned xmlspawner myself. I've seen how powerful and wonderful it is but I always seem to just code something myself vs trying to learn xmlspawner's syntax. Lack of time, laziness, and lack of a good guide is what's holding me back from learning it but learning it is on my to-do list ;).
Making a comprehensive and exaustive guide would take a lot of time.

All the things needed are already available, there are some examples inside my archives/svn, as some video shows what can be done.

Also, there is a complete section, available inside the game, in XmlSpawner GUMP -> HELP, that can help you in finding some of the xmlspawner commands, if you have anyway some doubt you can ask me here, I'll try to figure out what the problem is, if it's a problem, and I'll add some guidance inside the already available TXTs if it's something needed.

Remember that the only thing that matters, here, is fantasy, I have found ways to resolve things with the same tool different from other solution I already have found in the past...This because the tool itself changed but also because the knowledge of the tool grows :)
All the things needed are already available
Then why can't people seem to take the time to find the available things?
They need it spoon fed to them. Going out and using search engines is far to complicated for some people. Edit: I'm not even sure why these people think they can handle a emu if they can't even find basic information for themselves.
I'm just suggesting we make it entry level for even the newest person to servuo. As xmlspawner2 is a part of the distro servuo.
if only we had a wiki
Then why can't people seem to take the time to find the available things?
They need it spoon fed to them. Going out and using search engines is far to complicated for some people. Edit: I'm not even sure why these people think they can handle a emu if they can't even find basic information for themselves.
I'm just suggesting we make it entry level for even the newest person to servuo. As xmlspawner2 is a part of the distro servuo.
if only we had a wiki

Your the one that brought it up. They will find it and learn eventually. If not, well then they will either keep trying or they will give up. If you ask me its a good thing because if the information is out there and they aren't willing to work we don't need them.

Someone needs to make a new user guide for xmlspawner2. If only we had a WIKI
Nobody should have to make something for them, if someone wants to they may.
That is not what I am saying, if somebody wants to develop one they can. If they don't want to they are not obligated to, this is an open source project and built off of people who want to help. For another user to say that somebody has to do something is a complete joke if you ask me.
Goober, I think you are taking things a bit too seriously man.. I agree with Hank, and I am sure he was just throwing it out there for an idea to anyone lurking around bored, for a project. You are making it out like he is making some demands. Lighten up a bit :)
I have stated what I believe, for the sake of keeping things on track, I will not go on.
just try to do something good for it, the help gump in my releases has been updated, lots of bug fixes were made in the meantime, I still wonder if ServUO is still using the old system or if at least they updated some of the code...

Doing a wiki is something impossible for me, if you want to do it I'll gladly answer any question you might have.
I still wonder if ServUO is still using the old system or if at least they updated some of the code...
This brings up a good question. I see the xmlspawner2 gets updates by fwiffo on runuo. If these are the same updates that go into servuo then servuo is behind on xmlspawner updates.
Edit: wait I just quoted fwiffo :confused: *hic*
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This brings up a good question. I see the xmlspawner2 gets updates by fwiffo on runuo. If these are the same updates that go into servuo then servuo is behind on xmlspawner updates.
Edit: wait I just quoted fwiffo :confused: *hic*

and thats possibly so.. as far as I know ..ServUO uses the newest SVN of RunUO as a base ..Hence a Branch/Trunk project..And has the SVN of Malenius or whoever he spelled his name) that guy did Source code/SVN for ML expansion ..SA + is all original code.. as for ServUO as of today looks to me Insanity and team has done a wonderful job of re-coding/reorginizing the code to bring up to date what start as the SA Project on Orbs... I say WTG Serv Team.. the spawner itself was added by team as it seems as a default due to nerun not updating for ServUO and for Runuo only.

But from my GUI front End which is an adaptation of Neruns GUI premium spawner it is possible to make things easier with XMLSpawner for Admins/GMs alike

if I am wrong in any of my above statement.. then i apologize .. but that was my understanding for the time that things was going on =)

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