
hello, I've placed 2 spawner
one with: Key/keyvalue/1

and the other spawner with:


My questions are:
1) is possible to hava a deay for door relock after ha been opened?
2) there is a way to delate the key after some tiime? (maybe reating a new key item as a time item?)

hello, I've placed 2 spawner
one with: Key/keyvalue/1

and the other spawner with:


My questions are:
1) is possible to hava a deay for door relock after ha been opened?
2) there is a way to delate the key after some tiime? (maybe reating a new key item as a time item?)

Pretty sure the default re-lock time on a door is 60 seconds, but I could be wrong.
What you could do is use a third Xmlspawner to handle these last two questions.

The third has an entry to RE-lock the door and delete the key.
Now, where is this key? Because answering *that* means deleting the key in a few different ways. SetOnNearby,Range,Name of Item/DELETE
Should work in most cases. Of course if the Range is 5 and the player is at tile 6, the key will not delete. It gets a lot trickier deleting items from players that are not within a specific range or location, but one fix for deleting this key would be a fourth Xmlspawner to delete the key as the player moves through the doorway. This way you could give them the key in Fel, they travel to Tram and unlock the door. Once they go inside the key is deleted.

Third Xmlspawner:
1. DoorXmlspawnerName,1/Locked/True
2. SetOnNearby,Range,Name of the door key/DELETE

The link that Milva left would be "better", because that package is set up to handle *exactly* what you are wanting to do, excepting deleting the key "after some time". You can set it to a certain number of Uses and after the last use the key is automatically deleted. You could make the key similar to a Peerless key that has a timer and when that expires the key self-deletes. Feel free to PM if you like! :)
yes, I've tryied the Milva's link and it works exactly how I needed.
But i appreciate very very much your explanation because you teached me that i can change spawner property with another spawner.
I am an apprentice and i've learnt something new :D
Thank you

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