
What is the proper syntax to spawn something only if a player has a specific item equipped.

I looked at tutorials and i cant figure it out.. Just looking for the proper syntax please don't direct me to a tutorial
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I'm not sure what you are asking, do you want a spawner only to activate if a player has a certain item equipped or do you want something to spawn when a player equips the item?
You need to add a function in OnEquip function.
and also, need to add in OnRemoved.
thia is a simple way to solve your question.
that did come to mind. i was hoping to do it on the fly. xml spawner tutorials elude to this method but it doesnt work for me.
You don't need to use xmlspawner's function.
what you need to do is checking summoncreature.cs in spells/magery/fifth/
It will help you to finish your work.

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