
I have looked and Did not find anything, so I hope to create here a compendium of how to get a base install of ServUO spawned, decorated and ready to play. I know for the experienced players this can be an easy task, but for people new to this, or returning after some time it can be difficult to remember how to do it properly.

Please any one that can help me to fill this out and complete it!

Step one:

Type [createworld and click ok.
This will put doors and teleporters in the world for you.

Step Two: XmlSpawner

type [xmlload Spawns
this should spawn the world for you (I am currently having issues with this such as all the spawns not properly spawning unless you spawn per folder so Instead of just [xmlload Spawns add Spawns/region (I.E. [xmlload Spawns/Termur)

More to come as soon as I figure it out, at which point I will really clean up this initial post to only contain pertinent info.
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I'm using nerun distro adaptaded to ServUO. However i have a lot of patience and i'm organizing spawners one-by-one: now you won't find ettin + troll + cow + chicken + elemental in the same spawner... ;)
No sir, too OCD for me.

Like I said, just trying to get a basic tutorial for out of the box ServUO to a basic playable state.

I will obviously customize some spawns myself as well, and I like the flexibility I get with XMLSpawner
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It only works on 32bit operating systems. No source was ever released.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 4
What was this program? 3rd party separate from uo? All we would need is a way to pull a list of all spawners from the server to re-create something like this., I assume pulling the list and repopulating the changed on would be the hard part
It was a program that worked with the XML spawner system. It let you load and create spawns via a GUI it would show the world map and you could drop spawner a set ranges etc very helpful

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
There was a fix published for, I believe, Vista, but sadly, it didn't work on Win 7 and I doubt it'd work on Win 8. Since Xmlspawners can pretty much be loaded, reloaded and deleted at anytime (live shard or not), it seems it'd be a simple thing to use the existing map mul files and the coords from current spawners to place them on the map in whatever program. The program can read from each of the spawner xml files and you can update live by "pushing" the changes directly to the server, or saving the file locally and uploading. I would say if it were going to update live though that you'd want specific control on the spawner file you just changed or even a specific spawner. Otherwise if you updated a spawn file live, you'd have to respawn all the xml files....players might wonder what the hell just happened when they were in the middle of killing something and it disappeared, only to reappear nearby and at full health.

Just my few cents. ;)
I have looked and Did not find anything, so I hope to create here a compendium of how to get a base install of ServUO spawned, decorated and ready to play. I know for the experienced players this can be an easy task, but for people new to this, or returning after some time it can be difficult to remember how to do it properly.

Please any one that can help me to fill this out and complete it!

Step one:

Type [createworld and click ok.
This will put doors and teleporters in the world for you.

Step Two: XmlSpawner

type [xmlload Spawns
this should spawn the world for you (I am currently having issues with this such as all the spawns not properly spawning unless you spawn per folder so Instead of just [xmlload Spawns add Spawns/region (I.E. [xmlload Spawns/Termur)

More to come as soon as I figure it out, at which point I will really clean up this initial post to only contain pertinent info.

My UO days came to an end 10 years ago when I got married and had kids, or so I thought. Few weeks ago, caught my daughter watching some old flash films, Edmcmanus Republican Army. Years back He and a few others were ahead of the times in flash films in regards to UO and when she said "This looks like an old game" It made me go into backups and pull my old server out. To my horror, it did not like Windows 10, or even 7 for that matter so went to the source to see the message the program was drawn to a close but still had a newer version but again my daughter beat me to it when she told me of servuo so gave it a shot and was great-full it started up with no issues. Im going to try getting my old maps swapped out in hopes they will work with the new server, but also once I logged in and saw not just 2 facets, but 5 and no spawns, I shuddered at having to repopulate. Not that I'm lazy, kids and I started putting spawners out after I showed them how, but knew it be a long time to get all of the game filled, not to mention figuring out what went in the other facets so came back in hopes of finding a plugin that save a lot of time and found this post. Has this command existed even back in runuo times? If so I feel so dumb, as never knew of its existence even with all the searching, but searching paid off and even though the post is old, I thank the one who made it. It's helped out greatly so my kids can now enjoy the game and I can put out spawners to touch up the huge world. Great work!
When I do [createworld it crashes.
ServUO - [ServUO - Ultima Online Emulation] Version 0.0, Build 0.0 - Build on 1/1/2000 12:00:00 AM UTC - Release
Core: Optimizing for 4 64-bit processors
Core: Compiled for .NET MONO/CSC/Unknown
RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)
Core: Loading config...
Scripts: Verifying...
Finished (6119 items, 1292 mobiles, 0 customs) (1.06 seconds)
Config: Warning, using default value for DataPath.CustomPath
DataPath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic
Regions: Loading...done
World: Loading...
...done (2390 items, 117 mobiles) (0.40 seconds)
17:15:34 Restricting classic client version to Action to be taken: LenientKick
17:15:34 Restricting enhanced client version to SA. Action to be taken: Kick
17:15:34 ServerList: Auto-detecting public IP address...
17:15:34 ServerList: >>>
17:15:35 ServerList: >>>
17:15:35 ServerList: <<<
17:15:35 ServerList: Done: ''
17:15:39 [Honesty]: Generating...
17:15:39 [Honesty]: Generation completed in 0.00 seconds.
17:15:39 Listening:
17:15:39 Listening:
17:15:39 Listening:
17:15:39 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
17:15:39 Initialized 764 Teleporter Regions.
17:15:48 Commands:
17:15:48 crash - Forces an exception to be thrown.
17:15:48 save - Performs a forced save.
17:15:48 shutdown - Performs a forced save then shuts down the server.
17:15:48 shutdown nosave - Shuts down the server without saving.
17:15:48 restart - Sends a message to players informing them that the server is
17:15:48 restarting, performs a forced save, then shuts down and
17:15:48 restarts the server.
17:15:48 restart nosave - Restarts the server without saving.
17:15:48 online - Shows a list of every person online:
17:15:48 Account, Char Name, IP.
17:15:48 bc <message> - Type this command and your message after it.
17:15:48 It will then be sent to all players.
17:15:48 sc <message> - Type this command and your message after it.
17:15:48 It will then be sent to all staff.
17:15:48 hear - Copies all local speech to this console:
17:15:48 Char Name (Region name): Speech.
17:15:48 ban <name> - Kicks and bans the users account.
17:15:48 kick <name> - Kicks the user.
17:15:48 pages - Enter page mode to handle help requests.
17:15:48 help|? - Shows this list.

This is what I get when I say
ServUO - [ServUO - Ultima Online Emulation] Version 0.0, Build 0.0 - Build on 1/1/2000 12:00:00 AM UTC - Release
Core: Optimizing for 4 64-bit processors
Core: Compiled for .NET MONO/CSC/Unknown
RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)
Core: Loading config...
Scripts: Verifying...
Finished (6119 items, 1292 mobiles, 0 customs) (1.06 seconds)
Config: Warning, using default value for DataPath.CustomPath
DataPath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic
Regions: Loading...done
World: Loading...
...done (2390 items, 117 mobiles) (0.40 seconds)
17:15:34 Restricting classic client version to Action to be taken: LenientKick
17:15:34 Restricting enhanced client version to SA. Action to be taken: Kick
17:15:34 ServerList: Auto-detecting public IP address...
17:15:34 ServerList: >>>
17:15:35 ServerList: >>>
17:15:35 ServerList: <<<
17:15:35 ServerList: Done: ''
17:15:39 [Honesty]: Generating...
17:15:39 [Honesty]: Generation completed in 0.00 seconds.
17:15:39 Listening:
17:15:39 Listening:
17:15:39 Listening:
17:15:39 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
17:15:39 Initialized 764 Teleporter Regions.
17:15:48 Commands:
17:15:48 crash - Forces an exception to be thrown.
17:15:48 save - Performs a forced save.
17:15:48 shutdown - Performs a forced save then shuts down the server.
17:15:48 shutdown nosave - Shuts down the server without saving.
17:15:48 restart - Sends a message to players informing them that the server is
17:15:48 restarting, performs a forced save, then shuts down and
17:15:48 restarts the server.
17:15:48 restart nosave - Restarts the server without saving.
17:15:48 online - Shows a list of every person online:
17:15:48 Account, Char Name, IP.
17:15:48 bc <message> - Type this command and your message after it.
17:15:48 It will then be sent to all players.
17:15:48 sc <message> - Type this command and your message after it.
17:15:48 It will then be sent to all staff.
17:15:48 hear - Copies all local speech to this console:
17:15:48 Char Name (Region name): Speech.
17:15:48 ban <name> - Kicks and bans the users account.
17:15:48 kick <name> - Kicks the user.
17:15:48 pages - Enter page mode to handle help requests.
17:15:48 help|? - Shows this list.

ServUO - [ServUO - Ultima Online Emulation] Version 0.0, Build 0.0 - Build on 1/1/2000 12:00:00 AM UTC - Release
Core: Optimizing for 4 64-bit processors
Core: Compiled for .NET MONO/CSC/Unknown
RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)
Core: Loading config...
Scripts: Verifying...
Finished (6119 items, 1292 mobiles, 0 customs) (1.06 seconds)
Config: Warning, using default value for DataPath.CustomPath
DataPath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic
Regions: Loading...done
World: Loading...
...done (2390 items, 117 mobiles) (0.40 seconds)
17:15:34 Restricting classic client version to Action to be taken: LenientKick
17:15:34 Restricting enhanced client version to SA. Action to be taken: Kick
17:15:34 ServerList: Auto-detecting public IP address...
17:15:34 ServerList: >>>
17:15:35 ServerList: >>>
17:15:35 ServerList: <<<
17:15:35 ServerList: Done: ''
17:15:39 [Honesty]: Generating...
17:15:39 [Honesty]: Generation completed in 0.00 seconds.
17:15:39 Listening:
17:15:39 Listening:
17:15:39 Listening:
17:15:39 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
17:15:39 Initialized 764 Teleporter Regions.
17:15:48 Commands:
17:15:48 crash - Forces an exception to be thrown.
17:15:48 save - Performs a forced save.
17:15:48 shutdown - Performs a forced save then shuts down the server.
17:15:48 shutdown nosave - Shuts down the server without saving.
17:15:48 restart - Sends a message to players informing them that the server is
17:15:48 restarting, performs a forced save, then shuts down and
17:15:48 restarts the server.
17:15:48 restart nosave - Restarts the server without saving.
17:15:48 online - Shows a list of every person online:
17:15:48 Account, Char Name, IP.
17:15:48 bc <message> - Type this command and your message after it.
17:15:48 It will then be sent to all players.
17:15:48 sc <message> - Type this command and your message after it.
17:15:48 It will then be sent to all staff.
17:15:48 hear - Copies all local speech to this console:
17:15:48 Char Name (Region name): Speech.
17:15:48 ban <name> - Kicks and bans the users account.
17:15:48 kick <name> - Kicks the user.
17:15:48 pages - Enter page mode to handle help requests.
17:15:48 help|? - Shows this list.
This is what I get when I say [createworld
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When I do [createworld it crashes.
Grab the crash file, I think there is a forum for posting for help with scripts.
Chances are something is missing or not set up right, I can look if you want but you will get better help asking for help in the appropriate place.

I had the same issue and these are the notes I took for myself for next time:

System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'zlibwapi64': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
Happening when trying [createworld in game
Fixed by installing VCred - 2013 and / or 2015 fixed it for me
Grab the crash file, I think there is a forum for posting for help with scripts.
Chances are something is missing or not set up right, I can look if you want but you will get better help asking for help in the appropriate place.

I had the same issue and these are the notes I took for myself for next time:

Happening when trying [createworld in game
Fixed by installing VCred - 2013 and / or 2015 fixed it for me
Ok I got the VCred - 2013 that you said and I still get this error when I do [createworld
System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'zlibwapi64': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
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Ok I got the VCred - 2013 that you said and I still get this error when I do [createworld
System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'zlibwapi64': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
This thread *might* be helpful, Candy! *fingers crossed*

Or this one...

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