
Was sitting around today and had a thought has anyone ever thought about making mobiles for the spirit world?
Like a healer when your dead instead of the wandering healer there is a ghost healer in the spirit world that can only be seen when your dead? or mobs that can only be seen when your dead maybe pick up a quest when your dead only way to get it is when your dead i know you cant get items but you can talk when dead crab quest then turn in in the living world might be a cool idea.
Then again might need core mods so might be a bad idea lol just a thought.
I've spent a considerable amount of time contemplating the idea of an afterlife and how to implement it effectively. I basically came to the conclusion that it would require significant core mods. Something I'm not afraid of doing but is currently above my pay grade. I also considered utilizing a map entirely for this and making it an area one cannot escape without going through a sort of "rebirth quest". Though this notion wouldn't really have the player dead. Just a relocation upon death and its activation which would be optional. That way players could choose to take this step/quest.