using System;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Accounting;
namespace Server.Misc
public class CharacterCreation
public static void Initialize()
// Register our event handler
EventSink.CharacterCreated += new CharacterCreatedEventHandler( EventSink_CharacterCreated );
private static void AddBackpack( Mobile m )
Container pack = m.Backpack;
if ( pack == null )
pack = new Backpack();
pack.Movable = false;
m.AddItem( pack );
PackItem( new RedBook( "a book", m.Name, 20, true ) );
PackItem( new Gold( 100 ) ); // Starting gold can be customized here
PackItem( new Dagger() );
PackItem( new Candle() );
private static Item MakeNewbie( Item item )
return item;
private static void PlaceItemIn( Container parent, int x, int y, Item item )
parent.AddItem( item );
item.Location = new Point3D( x, y, 0 );
//Start Bankbox Fill No Expansion Test Center
//For Bag Spacing and alighnment inside the bankbox roughly evenly... vertical spacing 3 rows Y axis 146,132,118 horizontal x axis 8 columns per row 18,30,42,54,66,78,90,102
private static void FillBankbox( Mobile m )
m.StatCap = 225;
BankBox bank = m.BankBox;
Container cont;
Bag bag = new Bag();
// Begin bag of tools
cont = new Bag();
cont.ItemID = 0xE76;
cont.Hue = Utility.RandomList(Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 1058));
cont.Name = "Bag Of Tools";
PlaceItemIn( cont, 30, 35, new TinkerTools( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 90, 35, new DovetailSaw( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 30, 68, new Scissors() );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 45, 68, new MortarPestle( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 75, 68, new ScribesPen( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 90, 68, new SmithHammer( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 30, 118, new TwoHandedAxe() );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 60, 118, new FletcherTools( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 90, 118, new SewingKit( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( bank, 18, 132, cont );
// End bag of tools
// A few dye tubs
cont = new Bag();
cont.ItemID = 0xE76;
cont.Hue = Utility.RandomList(Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 1058));
cont.Name = "Bag Of Dye Tubs";
PlaceItemIn( cont, 30, 35, new Dyes() );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 90, 35, new DyeTub() );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 30, 68, new BlackDyeTub() );
DyeTub darkRedTub = new DyeTub();
darkRedTub.DyedHue = 0x485;
darkRedTub.Redyable = false;
PlaceItemIn( cont, 45, 68, darkRedTub );
PlaceItemIn( bank, 30, 132, cont );
// Beginning Bag of Food
cont = new Bag();
cont.ItemID = 0xE76;
cont.Hue = Utility.RandomList(Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 1058));
cont.Name = "Bag Of Food";
PlaceItemIn( cont, 30, 35, new Apple( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 90, 35, new Pear( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 30, 68, new RawRibs( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 45, 68, new RawFishSteak( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 75, 68, new RawLambLeg( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 90, 68, new Carrot( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 30, 118, new RawBird( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 60, 118, new FrenchBread( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 90, 118, new Onion( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( bank, 42, 132, cont );
//End of Bag of Food
//Begin Bag of Resources
cont = new Bag();
cont.ItemID = 0xE76;
cont.Hue = Utility.RandomList(Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 1058));
cont.Name = "Bag Of Resources";
// Resources
PlaceItemIn( cont, 30, 35, new Feather( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 90, 35, new BoltOfCloth( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 30, 68, new Hides( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 45, 68, new Bandage( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 75, 68, new Bottle( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 90, 68, new Log( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 30, 35, new DullCopperIngot( 5000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 37, 35, new ShadowIronIngot( 5000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 44, 35, new CopperIngot( 5000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 51, 35, new BronzeIngot( 5000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 58, 35, new GoldIngot( 5000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 65, 35, new AgapiteIngot( 5000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 72, 35, new VeriteIngot( 5000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 79, 35, new ValoriteIngot( 5000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 86, 35, new IronIngot( 5000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( bank, 54, 132, cont );
//End Bag of Resources
//Begin Bag of Reagents
cont = new Bag();
cont.ItemID = 0xE76;
cont.Hue = Utility.RandomList(Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 1058));
cont.Name = "Bag Of Reagents";
PlaceItemIn( cont, 30, 35, new BlackPearl( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 90, 35, new Bloodmoss( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 30, 68, new Garlic( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 45, 68, new Ginseng( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 75, 68, new MandrakeRoot( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 90, 68, new Nightshade( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 30, 118, new SulfurousAsh( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 60, 118, new SpidersSilk( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 65, 48, new Spellbook( ulong.MaxValue ) );
PlaceItemIn( bank, 66, 132, cont );
//End Bag of Reagents
// Begin bag of treasure maps
cont = new Bag();
cont.ItemID = 0xE76;
cont.Hue = Utility.RandomList(Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 1058));
cont.Name = "Bag Of Treasure Maps";
PlaceItemIn( cont, 30, 35, new TreasureMap( 1, Map.Felucca ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 45, 35, new TreasureMap( 2, Map.Felucca ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 60, 35, new TreasureMap( 3, Map.Felucca ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 75, 35, new TreasureMap( 4, Map.Felucca ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 90, 35, new TreasureMap( 5, Map.Felucca ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 105, 35, new TreasureMap( 6, Map.Felucca ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 30, 50, new TreasureMap( 1, Map.Felucca ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 45, 50, new TreasureMap( 2, Map.Felucca ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 60, 50, new TreasureMap( 3, Map.Felucca ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 75, 50, new TreasureMap( 4, Map.Felucca ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 90, 50, new TreasureMap( 5, Map.Felucca ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 105, 50, new TreasureMap( 6, Map.Felucca ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 55, 100, new Lockpick( 1000 ) );
PlaceItemIn(bag, 60, 100, new Pickaxe());
PlaceItemIn( bank, 78, 132, cont );
// End bag of treasure maps
// Begin box of money
cont = new Bag();
cont.ItemID = 0xE76;
cont.Hue = Utility.RandomList(Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 1058));
cont.Name = "Bag Of Gold Coin";
//1 Million Gold
cont.DropItem( new Gold( 9000 ) );
cont.DropItem( new Silver( 9000 ) );
/* cont.DropItem( new Gold( 65000 ) );
cont.DropItem( new Gold( 65000 ) );
cont.DropItem( new Gold( 65000 ) );
cont.DropItem( new Gold( 65000 ) );
cont.DropItem( new Gold( 65000 ) );
cont.DropItem( new Gold( 65000 ) );
cont.DropItem( new Gold( 65000 ) );
cont.DropItem( new Gold( 65000 ) );
cont.DropItem( new Gold( 65000 ) );
cont.DropItem( new Gold( 65000 ) );
cont.DropItem( new Gold( 65000 ) );
cont.DropItem( new Gold( 65000 ) );
cont.DropItem( new Gold( 65000 ) );
cont.DropItem( new Gold( 65000 ) );
cont.DropItem( new Gold( 25000 ) ); */
PlaceItemIn( bank, 90, 132, cont );
// End box of money
// Beginning Recall Runes
cont = new Bag();
cont.ItemID = 0xE76;
cont.Hue = Utility.RandomList(Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 1058));
cont.Name = "Bag Of Recall Runes";
PlaceItemIn( cont, 30, 35, new RecallRune() );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 90, 35, new RecallRune() );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 30, 68, new RecallRune() );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 45, 68, new RecallRune() );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 75, 68, new RecallRune() );
PlaceItemIn( bank, 102, 132, cont );
// End Recall Runes
// Begin bag of archery ammo
cont = new Bag();
cont.ItemID = 0xE76;
cont.Hue = Utility.RandomList(Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 1058));
cont.Name = "Bag Of Archery Ammo";
PlaceItemIn( cont, 48, 76, new Arrow( 5000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( cont, 72, 76, new Bolt( 5000 ) );
PlaceItemIn( bank, 115, 132, cont );
// End bag of archery ammo
private static void AddShirt( Mobile m, int shirtHue )
int hue = Utility.ClipDyedHue( shirtHue & 0x3FFF );
switch ( Utility.Random( 3 ) )
case 0: EquipItem( new Shirt( hue ), true ); break;
case 1: EquipItem( new FancyShirt( hue ), true ); break;
case 2: EquipItem( new Doublet( hue ), true ); break;
private static void AddPants( Mobile m, int pantsHue )
int hue = Utility.ClipDyedHue( pantsHue & 0x3FFF );
if ( m.Female )
switch ( Utility.Random( 2 ) )
case 0: EquipItem( new Skirt( hue ), true ); break;
case 1: EquipItem( new Kilt( hue ), true ); break;
switch ( Utility.Random( 2 ) )
case 0: EquipItem( new LongPants( hue ), true ); break;
case 1: EquipItem( new ShortPants( hue ), true ); break;
private static void AddShoes( Mobile m )
EquipItem( new Shoes( Utility.RandomYellowHue() ), true );
private static Mobile CreateMobile( Account a )
if ( a.Count >= a.Limit )
return null;
for ( int i = 0; i < a.Length; ++i )
if ( a[i] == null )
return a[i] = new PlayerMobile();
return null;
private static void EventSink_CharacterCreated( CharacterCreatedEventArgs args )
if ( !VerifyProfession( args.Profession ) )
args.Profession = 0;
NetState state = args.State;
if ( state == null )
Mobile newChar = CreateMobile( args.Account as Account );
if ( newChar == null )
Console.WriteLine( "Login: {0}: Character creation failed, account full", state );
args.Mobile = newChar;
m_Mobile = newChar;
newChar.Player = true;
newChar.AccessLevel = args.Account.AccessLevel;
newChar.Female = args.Female;
//newChar.Body = newChar.Female ? 0x191 : 0x190;
newChar.Race = Race.DefaultRace;
//newChar.Hue = Utility.ClipSkinHue( args.Hue & 0x3FFF ) | 0x8000;
newChar.Hue = newChar.Race.ClipSkinHue( args.Hue & 0x3FFF ) | 0x8000;
newChar.Hunger = 20;
newChar.FollowersMax = 5;//Followers Allowed
newChar.Skills.Cap = 7000;//SkillCap
newChar.StatCap = 225;//Stat Cap
//Individual Skill Caps
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Alchemy].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Anatomy].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.AnimalLore].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.AnimalTaming].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Archery].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.ArmsLore].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Begging].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Blacksmith].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Fletching].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Camping].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Carpentry].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Cartography].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Cooking].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.DetectHidden].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Discordance].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.EvalInt].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Fencing].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Fishing].Cap = 100;
//newChar.Skills[SkillName.Focus].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Forensics].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Healing].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Herding].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Hiding].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Inscribe].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.ItemID].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Lockpicking].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Macing].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Magery].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Meditation].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Mining].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Musicianship].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Parry].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Peacemaking].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Poisoning].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Provocation].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.RemoveTrap].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.MagicResist].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Snooping].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.SpiritSpeak].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Stealing].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Stealth].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Swords].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Tactics].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Tailoring].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.TasteID].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Tinkering].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Tracking].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Veterinary].Cap = 100;
newChar.Skills[SkillName.Wrestling].Cap = 100;
bool young = false;
if ( newChar is PlayerMobile )
PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile) newChar;
pm.Profession = args.Profession;
SetName( newChar, args.Name );
AddBackpack( newChar );
SetStats( newChar, state, args.Str, args.Dex, args.Int );
SetSkills( newChar, args.Skills, args.Profession );
Race race = newChar.Race;
if( race.ValidateHair( newChar, args.HairID ) )
newChar.HairItemID = args.HairID;
newChar.HairHue = race.ClipHairHue( args.HairHue & 0x3FFF );
if( race.ValidateFacialHair( newChar, args.BeardID ) )
newChar.FacialHairItemID = args.BeardID;
newChar.FacialHairHue = race.ClipHairHue( args.BeardHue & 0x3FFF );
if ( args.Profession <= 3 )
AddShirt( newChar, args.ShirtHue );
AddPants( newChar, args.PantsHue );
AddShoes( newChar );
if( TestCenter.Enabled )
FillBankbox( newChar );
if ( young )
NewPlayerTicket ticket = new NewPlayerTicket();
ticket.Owner = newChar;
newChar.BankBox.DropItem( ticket );
//CityInfo city = GetStartLocation( args, young );
//CityInfo city = args.City; // Allows user to choose start city (unless template)
CityInfo city = new CityInfo( "Britain", "Sweet Dreams Inn", 1496, 1628, 10, Map.Felucca );
newChar.MoveToWorld( city.Location, city.Map );
Console.WriteLine( "Login: {0}: New character being created (account={1})", state, args.Account.Username );
Console.WriteLine( " - Character: {0} (serial={1})", newChar.Name, newChar.Serial );
Console.WriteLine( " - Started: {0} {1} in {2}", city.City, city.Location, city.Map.ToString() );
new WelcomeTimer( newChar ).Start();
public static bool VerifyProfession( int profession )
if ( profession < 0 )
return false;
//else if ( profession < 7 )
else if ( profession < 8 )
return true;
return false;
private class BadStartMessage : Timer
Mobile m_Mobile;
int m_Message;
public BadStartMessage( Mobile m, int message ) : base( TimeSpan.FromSeconds ( 3.5 ) )
m_Mobile = m;
m_Message = message;
protected override void OnTick()
m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( m_Message );
private static CityInfo GetStartLocation( CharacterCreatedEventArgs args, bool isYoung )
return new CityInfo( "Britain", "Sweet Dreams Inn", 1496, 1628, 10, Map.Felucca );
/* if( args.State != null && args.State.NewHaven )
//return m_NewHavenInfo; //We don't get the client Version until AFTER Character creation
return args.City; //TODO: Uncomment when the old quest system is actually phased out
} */
bool useHaven = isYoung;
ClientFlags flags = args.State == null ? ClientFlags.None : args.State.Flags;
Mobile m = args.Mobile;
switch ( args.Profession )
case 0: //Advanced(Choose Location)
//(m as PlayerMobile).Young = ((Account)m.Account).Young = false; //Account will start with player not young and can choose location to start
//return args.City;
return new CityInfo( "Britain", "Sweet Dreams Inn", 1496, 1628, 10, Map.Felucca );
case 1: //Warrior
return new CityInfo( "Britain", "Sweet Dreams Inn", 1496, 1628, 10, Map.Felucca );
case 2: //Mage
return new CityInfo( "Britain", "Sweet Dreams Inn", 1496, 1628, 10, Map.Felucca );
case 3: //Blacksmith
return new CityInfo( "Britain", "Sweet Dreams Inn", 1496, 1628, 10, Map.Felucca );
case 4: //Ranger
return new CityInfo( "Britain", "Sweet Dreams Inn", 1496, 1628, 10, Map.Felucca );
case 5: //Animal Tamer
return new CityInfo( "Britain", "Sweet Dreams Inn", 1496, 1628, 10, Map.Felucca );
case 6: //Bard
return new CityInfo( "Britain", "Sweet Dreams Inn", 1496, 1628, 10, Map.Felucca );
case 7: //Lumberjack
return new CityInfo( "Britain", "Sweet Dreams Inn", 1496, 1628, 10, Map.Felucca );
//return args.City;
return new CityInfo( "Britain", "Sweet Dreams Inn", 1496, 1628, 10, Map.Felucca );
private static void FixStats( ref int str, ref int dex, ref int intel, int max )
int vMax = max - 30;
int vStr = str - 10;
int vDex = dex - 10;
int vInt = intel - 10;
if ( vStr < 0 )
vStr = 0;
if ( vDex < 0 )
vDex = 0;
if ( vInt < 0 )
vInt = 0;
int total = vStr + vDex + vInt;
if ( total == 0 || total == vMax )
double scalar = vMax / (double)total;
vStr = (int)(vStr * scalar);
vDex = (int)(vDex * scalar);
vInt = (int)(vInt * scalar);
FixStat( ref vStr, vStr + vDex + vInt - vMax, vMax );
FixStat( ref vDex, vStr + vDex + vInt - vMax, vMax );
FixStat( ref vInt, vStr + vDex + vInt - vMax, vMax );
str = vStr + 10;
dex = vDex + 10;
intel = vInt + 10;
private static void FixStat( ref int stat, int diff, int max )
stat += diff;
if ( stat < 0 )
stat = 0;
else if ( stat > max )
stat = max;
private static void SetStats( Mobile m, NetState state, int str, int dex, int intel )
int max = state.NewCharacterCreation ? 90 : 80;
FixStats( ref str, ref dex, ref intel, max );
if ( str < 10 || str > 60 || dex < 10 || dex > 60 || intel < 10 || intel > 60 || str + dex + intel != max )
str = 10;
dex = 10;
intel = 10;
m.InitStats( str, dex, intel );
private static void SetName( Mobile m, string name )
name = name.Trim();
if ( !NameVerification.Validate( name, 2, 16, true, false, true, 1, NameVerification.SpaceDashPeriodQuote ) )
name = "Generic Player";
m.Name = name;
private static bool ValidSkills( SkillNameValue[] skills )
int total = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < skills.Length; ++i )
if ( skills[i].Value < 0 || skills[i].Value > 50 )
return false;
total += skills[i].Value;
for ( int j = i + 1; j < skills.Length; ++j )
if ( skills[j].Value > 0 && skills[j].Name == skills[i].Name )
return false;
return total == 100 || total == 120;
private static Mobile m_Mobile;
private static void SetSkills( Mobile m, SkillNameValue[] skills, int prof )
switch ( prof )
case 1: // Warrior
m.InitStats( 50, 20, 10 );
skills = new SkillNameValue[]
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Anatomy, 40 ),
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Healing, 40 ),
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Swords, 50 ),
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Tactics, 40 )
case 2: // Magician
m.InitStats( 35, 10, 35 );
skills = new SkillNameValue[]
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.EvalInt, 40 ),
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Wrestling, 40),
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Magery, 50 ),
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Meditation, 40 )
case 3: // Blacksmith
m.InitStats( 60, 10, 10 );
skills = new SkillNameValue[]
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Mining, 40 ),
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Macing, 40 ),
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Blacksmith, 50 ),
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Tinkering, 40 )
case 4: // Ranger
m.InitStats( 50, 20, 10 );
skills = new SkillNameValue[]
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Archery, 40 ),
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Fletching, 40 ),
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Tracking, 50 ),
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Tactics, 40 )
case 5: //Tamer
m.InitStats( 40, 10, 30 );
skills = new SkillNameValue[]
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.AnimalTaming, 50 ),
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Veterinary, 40 ),
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.AnimalLore, 40 ),
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Magery, 40 )
case 6: //Bard
m.InitStats( 60, 10, 10 );
skills = new SkillNameValue[]
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Musicianship, 50 ),
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Magery, 40 ),
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Discordance, 40 ),
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Provocation, 40 )
case 7: //Lumberjack
m.InitStats( 50, 20, 10 );
skills = new SkillNameValue[]
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Lumberjacking, 50 ),
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Carpentry, 40 ),
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Swords, 40 ),
new SkillNameValue( SkillName.Tinkering, 40 )
if ( !ValidSkills( skills ) )
bool addSkillItems = true;
//bool elf = m.Race == Race.Elf;
switch ( prof )
case 1: // Warrior
EquipItem( new PracticeLongsword() );
EquipItem( new LeatherChest() );
EquipItem( new LeatherArms() );
EquipItem( new LeatherGloves() );
EquipItem( new LeatherGorget() );
EquipItem( new LeatherLegs() );
EquipItem( new Boots() );
addSkillItems = true;
case 2: // Mage
EquipItem( new LeatherChest() );
EquipItem( new LeatherGloves() );
EquipItem( new Boots() );
addSkillItems = true;
case 3: // Blacksmith
EquipItem( new ChainChest() );
EquipItem( new Boots() );
addSkillItems = true;
case 4: // Ranger
PackItem( new Arrow( 50 ) );
EquipItem( new PracticeBow() );
EquipItem( new LeatherChest() );
EquipItem( new LeatherArms() );
EquipItem( new LeatherGloves() );
EquipItem( new LeatherGorget() );
EquipItem( new LeatherLegs() );
EquipItem( new Boots() );
addSkillItems = true;
case 5: // Tamer
EquipItem( new Bandage(25) );
EquipItem( new LongPants( Utility.RandomRedHue() ) );
EquipItem( new LeatherGloves() );
EquipItem( new ThighBoots( Utility.RandomYellowHue() ) );
EquipItem( new Cloak( Utility.RandomRedHue() ) );
addSkillItems = true;
case 6: // Bard
EquipItem( new BodySash( Utility.RandomYellowHue() ) );
EquipItem( new FancyShirt( Utility.RandomBlueHue() ) );
EquipItem( new LongPants( Utility.RandomGreenHue() ) );
EquipItem( new Cloak( Utility.RandomRedHue() ) );
EquipItem( new Boots( Utility.RandomYellowHue() ) );
addSkillItems = true;
case 7: // Lumberjack
EquipItem( new LeatherArms() );
EquipItem( new LeatherGloves() );
EquipItem( new LeatherLegs() );
EquipItem( new Boots() );
addSkillItems = true;
/* PackItem( new Hammer() );
PackItem( new TinkerTools() ); */
for ( int i = 0; i < skills.Length; ++i )
SkillNameValue snv = skills[i];
if ( snv.Value > 0 && ( snv.Name != SkillName.Stealth || prof == 7 ) && snv.Name != SkillName.RemoveTrap )
Skill skill = m.Skills[snv.Name];
if ( skill != null )
skill.BaseFixedPoint = snv.Value * 10;
if ( addSkillItems )
AddSkillItems( snv.Name, m );
private static void EquipItem( Item item )
EquipItem( item, false );
private static void EquipItem( Item item, bool mustEquip )
item.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
if ( m_Mobile != null && m_Mobile.EquipItem( item ) )
Container pack = m_Mobile.Backpack;
if ( !mustEquip && pack != null )
pack.DropItem( item );
private static void PackItem( Item item )
item.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
Container pack = m_Mobile.Backpack;
if ( pack != null )
pack.DropItem( item );
private static void PackInstrument()
switch ( Utility.Random( 6 ) )
case 0: PackItem( new Drums() ); break;
case 1: PackItem( new Harp() ); break;
case 2: PackItem( new LapHarp() ); break;
case 3: PackItem( new Lute() ); break;
case 4: PackItem( new Tambourine() ); break;
case 5: PackItem( new TambourineTassel() ); break;
private static void PackScroll( int circle )
switch ( Utility.Random( 8 ) * ( circle + 1 ) )
case 0: PackItem( new ClumsyScroll() ); break;
case 1: PackItem( new CreateFoodScroll() ); break;
case 2: PackItem( new FeeblemindScroll() ); break;
case 3: PackItem( new HealScroll() ); break;
case 4: PackItem( new MagicArrowScroll() ); break;
case 5: PackItem( new NightSightScroll() ); break;
case 6: PackItem( new ReactiveArmorScroll() ); break;
case 7: PackItem( new WeakenScroll() ); break;
case 8: PackItem( new AgilityScroll() ); break;
case 9: PackItem( new CunningScroll() ); break;
case 10: PackItem( new CureScroll() ); break;
case 11: PackItem( new HarmScroll() ); break;
case 12: PackItem( new MagicTrapScroll() ); break;
case 13: PackItem( new MagicUnTrapScroll() ); break;
case 14: PackItem( new ProtectionScroll() ); break;
case 15: PackItem( new StrengthScroll() ); break;
case 16: PackItem( new BlessScroll() ); break;
case 17: PackItem( new FireballScroll() ); break;
case 18: PackItem( new MagicLockScroll() ); break;
case 19: PackItem( new PoisonScroll() ); break;
case 20: PackItem( new TelekinisisScroll() ); break;
case 21: PackItem( new TeleportScroll() ); break;
case 22: PackItem( new UnlockScroll() ); break;
case 23: PackItem( new WallOfStoneScroll() ); break;
private static void PackPot()
switch ( Utility.Random( 6 ) )
case 0: PackItem( new AgilityPotion() ); break;
case 1: PackItem( new LesserCurePotion() ); break;
case 2: PackItem( new LesserHealPotion() ); break;
case 3: PackItem( new LesserPoisonPotion() ); break;
case 4: PackItem( new RefreshPotion() ); break;
case 5: PackItem( new StrengthPotion() ); break;
private static Item NecroHue( Item item )
item.Hue = 0x2C3;
return item;
private static void AddSkillItems( SkillName skill, Mobile m )
//bool elf = m.Race == Race.Elf;
switch ( skill )
case SkillName.Alchemy:
PackItem( new Bottle( 4 ) );
PackItem( new MortarPestle() );
switch ( Utility.Random( 8 ) )
case 0: PackItem( new Bloodmoss(4) ); break;
case 1: PackItem( new BlackPearl(4) ); break;
case 2: PackItem( new MandrakeRoot(4) ); break;
case 3: PackItem( new Ginseng(4) ); break;
case 4: PackItem( new SpidersSilk(4) ); break;
case 5: PackItem( new SulfurousAsh(4) ); break;
case 6: PackItem( new Garlic(4) ); break;
case 7: PackItem( new Nightshade(4) ); break;
EquipItem( new Robe( Utility.RandomRedHue() ) );
case SkillName.Anatomy:
PackItem( new Bandage( 3 ) );
EquipItem( new Robe( Utility.RandomYellowHue() ) );
case SkillName.AnimalLore:
int hue = Utility.RandomGreenHue();
EquipItem( new PracticeShepherdsCrook() );
EquipItem( new Robe( hue ) );
case SkillName.AnimalTaming:
EquipItem( new PracticeShepherdsCrook() );
case SkillName.Archery:
PackItem( new Arrow( 25 ) );
EquipItem( new PracticeBow() );
case SkillName.ArmsLore:
switch ( Utility.Random( 5 ) )
case 0: EquipItem( new PracticeKryss() ); break;
case 1: EquipItem( new PracticeLongsword() ); break;
case 2: EquipItem( new PracticeMace() ); break;
case 3: EquipItem( new PracticeBow() ); break;
case 4: EquipItem( new PracticeShepherdsCrook() ); break;
case SkillName.Begging:
EquipItem( new PracticeGnarledStaff() );
case SkillName.Blacksmith:
switch ( Utility.Random( 3 ) )
case 0: PackItem( new Tongs(50) ); break;
case 1: PackItem( new SmithHammer(50) ); break;
case 2: PackItem( new SledgeHammer(50) ); break;
/* PackItem( new Pickaxe() );
PackItem( new Pickaxe() ); */
PackItem( new IronIngot( 10 ) );
EquipItem( new HalfApron( Utility.RandomYellowHue() ) );
/* case SkillName.Bushido:
} */
case SkillName.Fletching:
PackItem( new Board( 14 ) );
PackItem( new Feather( 5 ) );
PackItem( new Shaft( 5 ) );
PackItem( new FletcherTools() );
case SkillName.Camping:
PackItem( new Bedroll() );
PackItem( new Kindling( 5 ) );
case SkillName.Carpentry:
switch ( Utility.Random( 10 ) )
case 0: PackItem( new Saw() ); break;
case 1: PackItem( new Hammer() ); break;
case 2: PackItem( new DovetailSaw() ); break;
case 3: PackItem( new JointingPlane() ); break;
case 4: PackItem( new MouldingPlane() ); break;
case 5: PackItem( new SmoothingPlane() ); break;
case 6: PackItem( new Scorp() ); break;
case 7: PackItem( new DrawKnife() ); break;
case 8: PackItem( new Inshave() ); break;
case 9: PackItem( new Nails() ); break;
PackItem( new Board( 10 ) );
//PackItem( new Saw() );
EquipItem( new HalfApron( Utility.RandomYellowHue() ) );
case SkillName.Cartography:
PackItem( new BlankMap() );
PackItem( new BlankMap() );
PackItem( new BlankMap() );
PackItem( new BlankMap() );
PackItem( new Sextant() );
case SkillName.Cooking:
PackItem( new Kindling( 2 ) );
PackItem( new RawLambLeg() );
PackItem( new RawChickenLeg() );
PackItem( new RawFishSteak() );
PackItem( new SackFlour() );
PackItem( new Pitcher( BeverageType.Water ) );
/* case SkillName.Chivalry:
} */
case SkillName.DetectHidden:
EquipItem( new Cloak( 0x455 ) );
case SkillName.Discordance:
case SkillName.Fencing:
EquipItem( new PracticeSpear() );
case SkillName.Fishing:
EquipItem( new FishingPole() );
int hue = Utility.RandomYellowHue();
EquipItem( new FloppyHat( hue ) );
case SkillName.Healing:
PackItem( new Bandage( 50 ) );
PackItem( new Scissors() );
case SkillName.Herding:
EquipItem( new PracticeShepherdsCrook() );
case SkillName.Hiding:
EquipItem( new Cloak( 0x455 ) );
case SkillName.Inscribe:
PackItem( new BlankScroll( 2 ) );
PackItem( new BlueBook() );
case SkillName.ItemID:
EquipItem( new PracticeGnarledStaff() );
case SkillName.Lockpicking:
PackItem( new Lockpick( 5 ) );
case SkillName.Lumberjacking:
EquipItem( new PracticeHatchet() );
case SkillName.Macing:
EquipItem( new PracticeMace() );
case SkillName.Magery:
BagOfReagents regs = new BagOfReagents( 30 );
foreach ( Item item in regs.Items )
item.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
PackItem( regs );
regs.LootType = LootType.Regular;
PackScroll( 0 );
PackScroll( 1 );
PackScroll( 2 );
Spellbook book = new Spellbook( (ulong)0x382A8C38 );
EquipItem( book );
book.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
EquipItem( new WizardsHat( Utility.RandomBlueHue() ) );
EquipItem( new Robe( Utility.RandomRedHue() ) );
case SkillName.Mining:
PackItem( new PracticePickaxe() );
PackItem( new Shovel() );
case SkillName.Musicianship:
case SkillName.Parry:
EquipItem( new WoodenShield() );
case SkillName.Peacemaking:
case SkillName.Poisoning:
PackItem( new LesserPoisonPotion() );
PackItem( new LesserPoisonPotion() );
case SkillName.Provocation:
case SkillName.Snooping:
PackItem( new Lockpick( 4 ) );
case SkillName.SpiritSpeak:
EquipItem( new Cloak( 0x455 ) );
case SkillName.Stealing:
PackItem( new Lockpick( 4 ) );
case SkillName.Swords:
EquipItem( new PracticeLongsword() );
case SkillName.Tactics:
//EquipItem( new PracticeLongsword() );
case SkillName.Tailoring:
PackItem( new BoltOfCloth() );
PackItem( new SewingKit() );
case SkillName.TasteID:
case SkillName.Tinkering:
PackItem( new ClockParts() );
PackItem( new ClockFrame() );
PackItem( new TinkerTools() );
EquipItem( new FullApron( Utility.RandomYellowHue() ) );
EquipItem( new Shirt( Utility.RandomOrangeHue() ) );
case SkillName.Tracking:
if ( m_Mobile != null )
Item shoes = m_Mobile.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Shoes );
if ( shoes != null )
int hue = Utility.RandomYellowHue();
EquipItem( new Boots( hue ) );
EquipItem( new PracticeSkinningKnife() );
case SkillName.Veterinary:
PackItem( new Bandage( 5 ) );
PackItem( new Scissors() );
case SkillName.Wrestling:
EquipItem( new LeatherGloves() );