
So I followed the getting started guide and after compiling my configs, I made an admin account and attempted to log in via Razor enhanced and I get stuck at "Verifying Account"

I'm not sure what information to give, I've tried googling but I can't find any real answers.

I'm trying to connect to a server on the same machine via as per the guide.

Could some one please help me figure out what I'm doing wrong?
Does the console report any reasons for not allowing the connection?
The Server reports that there is a connection, but the client never moves past "verifying" until the connection times out

Client version? Sounds like unsupported protocol.
I am using the most up to date version, Should I be using a different client? I couldn't find anything on using an older client.
Also do you have encryption on or off.
I have it off, but I've tried both
Does it show it's 'Listening' on ports at all, generally is the one in particular you'll probably need in there, 4th line from the bottom on mine.

RunUO - [] Version 2.0, Build 3168.23410
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Core: Optimizing for 16 64-bit processors
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...done (cached)
Scripts: Skipping VB.NET Scripts...done (use -vb to enable)
Scripts: Verifying...done (2809 items, 692 mobiles)
Regions: Loading...done
World: Loading...Warning: Multi data files not found
done (376307 items, 127764 mobiles) (5.49 seconds)
Restricting client version to Action to be taken: LenientKick
Invasion System
Wood Cutter System
Stargate System v3.1 : Checking...
Stargate System : Startup Running...
Stargate System : Removing Previous Components...
Stargate System : Delete Command Issued
Stargate System : Deletion done, Reloading From Existing File...
Stargate System : Building 112 Stargates...
Stargate System : Loading Compleated Successfully... (112 Entries, 0.3 seconds)
City system current. Version 2.21
0 mall vendors cleared
Listening: fe80::b8f1:53c3:d834:4eb8%9:2593
Lottery System Tick.
Does it show it's 'Listening' on ports at all, generally is the one in particular you'll probably need in there, 4th line from the bottom on mine.

RunUO - [] Version 2.0, Build 3168.23410
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Core: Optimizing for 16 64-bit processors
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...done (cached)
Scripts: Skipping VB.NET Scripts...done (use -vb to enable)
Scripts: Verifying...done (2809 items, 692 mobiles)
Regions: Loading...done
World: Loading...Warning: Multi data files not found
done (376307 items, 127764 mobiles) (5.49 seconds)
Restricting client version to Action to be taken: LenientKick
Invasion System
Wood Cutter System
Stargate System v3.1 : Checking...
Stargate System : Startup Running...
Stargate System : Removing Previous Components...
Stargate System : Delete Command Issued
Stargate System : Deletion done, Reloading From Existing File...
Stargate System : Building 112 Stargates...
Stargate System : Loading Compleated Successfully... (112 Entries, 0.3 seconds)
City system current. Version 2.21
0 mall vendors cleared
Listening: fe80::b8f1:53c3:d834:4eb8%9:2593
Lottery System Tick.
Yes it does show that it is listening to
Possibly your firewall is blocking the connection?
I will try disabling the firewall later tonight and try again. I'm pretty sure I already added exceptions but maybe that was a fever dream.
Does anything show up in the console window when you start the client to connect ?

Something like...

Listening: fe80::b8f1:53c3:d834:4eb8%9:2593
Lottery System Tick.
Client: Connected. [1 Online]
Login: Creating new account 'player'
Client: Connected. [2 Online]
Login: Account 'player' at character list
Client: Disconnected. [1 Online] [player]
Login: New character being created (account=player)
- Character: My Dude (serial=0x00000E83)
- Started: New Haven (1411, 1716, 40) in Trammel
Sounds like Encrypted client to me, i might be wrong but it will usually hang at about that point.

You need a tool to remove the client encryption and try again.

It's connecting then hanging ?
Could try this...

@FingersMcSteal is correct, you can't just use an out-of-the-box UO client to login, you need to either decrypt it, or use a 3rd-party assistant like UORazor or UOSteam to launch the client with the "remove encryption" check-box enabled.

Alternatively, you can try logging in with the ClassicUO client.

Although, with encrypted clients, the console should still give that as the reason for rejecting the connection...

So in the event it's not encryption related, then it's very likely the firewall settings.
@FingersMcSteal is correct, you can't just use an out-of-the-box UO client to login, you need to either decrypt it, or use a 3rd-party assistant like UORazor or UOSteam to launch the client with the "remove encryption" check-box enabled.

Alternatively, you can try logging in with the ClassicUO client.

Although, with encrypted clients, the console should still give that as the reason for rejecting the connection...

So in the event it's not encryption related, then it's very likely the firewall settings.
I am using Razor Enhanced and am using the relevant options, I am getting no error from the server. In fact the server says it IS connected, but the client is stuck at verifying. Turned off firewall, still can't get past "verifying account." Used linked Decrypter, same thing.
Sounds like Encrypted client to me, i might be wrong but it will usually hang at about that point.

You need a tool to remove the client encryption and try again.

It's connecting then hanging ?
Could try this...

I've tried it, still hangs on "verifying account."

Thanks for everyone's help but at this point the only thing I can think of is something is wrong with the initial server setup, I'll try fresh tomorrow. Or I have an old gaming PC I was gonna use as a media pc, might try hosting the server on that and connecting.
Maybe check the login.cfg file in the game directory your using (The game files) or maybe just check the SocketOptions.cs file (server file), just a long shot but you never know.

If i remember right the client triggers that popup about the port being allowed or something like that but i think normally on the loopback address ( etc) it usually works.

My SocketOptions.cs file:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using Server;
using Server.Misc;
using Server.Network;

namespace Server
    public class SocketOptions
        private const bool NagleEnabled = false; // Should the Nagle algorithm be enabled? This may reduce performance
        private const int CoalesceBufferSize = 512; // MSS that the core will use when buffering packets
        private const int PooledSockets = 32; // The number of sockets to initially pool. Ideal value is expected client count.

        private static IPEndPoint[] m_ListenerEndPoints = new IPEndPoint[] {
            new IPEndPoint( IPAddress.Any, 2593 ), // Default: Listen on port 2593 on all IP addresses

Sounds like your almost there, good luck ;)
Old thread i know but, did you ever solve this? I am running in to the exact same issue with RunUO and running CassicUO client. Firewalls turned off etc.
2021 was an old thread but no i don't know what the outcome was to this issue.

From memory that problem where it connected and hung i think was either the firewall was blocking the port on whatever IP, theres a few sites where you can ping back to your own 'internet IP' and port if your allowing outside people into it but i'm not sure how you'd ping

if it's a private server. Again from memory theres 2 parts to that, one is to allow port forwarding throught your 'internet' router and another setting on the actual PC its running 'a windows' setting that allowed connections on that port, usually '2593' on the local machine.

And finally.... it's a memory day today ;)... the client needs to be un-crypted, the encrypted client i think looked like this type of a hanging and just sits doing nothing.

this bit...

Client: Connected. [1 Online]
Login: Creating new account 'player'
Client: Connected. [2 Online]
Login: Account 'player' at character list
Client: Disconnected. [1 Online] [player]
Login: New character being created (account=player)
- Character: My Dude (serial=0x00000E83)
- Started: New Haven (1411, 1716, 40) in Trammel

does like 2 connects, first it logs into an account server then gets the server from the begining 'like the Europa server' for example, then connects to THE 'Europa server'... this was all written into the old RunUO core to work 'like' this but for the RunUO or ServUO core as far as i remember it's all in the core code, removes the account server and stored accounts in XML format i think

Simple guess for just running on a local machine with no outside players, check the clients unencrypted (and client version) and check 'windows' firewall settings for the port.

It's been awhile but hopefully helpful ;)



as well, custom paths to games directory
Server list for your server to show up on list at login
SocketOptions.cs was for port setup i think.... default used to be 2593
Last edited:
but i'm not sure how you'd ping or otherwise known as localhost is a loop back within the machine, which your correct that it can't be reached via external means!
I am running it localy and i actuall managed to get it working, i have no idea what the problem is/was but here is what i did. I had the issue with ClassicUO so i tried downloading Razor but i got stuck on connecting instead, so i figured id try using my IP instead of Localhost and it actually worked, however, every time i toog a few steps in the game the character would freeze, i could still open and close the map but nothing more, i seemd to remember from way back in mid 2000 i had a similar issue and the problem was that the game version was to new that time ( i think it's 20 years ago) and since i couldnt figure out how to run an older version in ClassicUO i downloaded the angel island launcher, ran the installers from that and.. tada! works.

Regarding the encrypted client, i tried switching that on and off but if i ran encrypted the server would dissconect me with the message that i was running encrypted client.

I thank you for replying and i hope this maybe might help someone in the future that just wants to play around with a "singel player" version of UO :)

Thanks all! Now i have a butt ton of configs to figure out... :D

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