
After reading the XML tutorial made by Milva, I wanted to try the proximity message feature in the XML spawners. How exactly can I get this feature to work so that when a player enters that set area they get a message?
I put my message in the ProximityMSG box and nothing happens.
Thank you in advance.
After reading the XML tutorial made by Milva, I wanted to try the proximity message feature in the XML spawners. How exactly can I get this feature to work so that when a player enters that set area they get a message?
I put my message in the ProximityMSG box and nothing happens.
Thank you in advance.
There are several ways to accomplish this, but firstly let us make sure that your Props are correct:
If a player is triggering the Xmlspawner by Proximity set the ProximityRange to the farthest tile away from the Home point as you want players to be to trigger it. (it becomes a square with whatever value you enter. if ProximityRange is 4, that is 4 tiles away from the Xmlspawner on all 4 sides.)

Next is the SpawnOnTrigger and Min/Max Delay props:
SpawnOnTrigger means as soon as the player reaches the farthest tile you set the ProximityRange to, it is triggered. This does not mean something spawns though, because then the timer starts for the Min/Max Delays.

Next is setting the Max/Min Delays.
The time used here is the time it takes the Xmlspawner to spawn *after* SpawnOnTrigger. Player reaches the farthest tile, the Xmlspawner is triggered with a Min Delay of 1 minute and a Max Delay of 3 minutes. Sometime in between 1 minute and 3 minutes, the first spawn entry will spawn.

If you use a Sequential spawn on top of that, the time in Min/Max Delay is the time between spawn entries then.

If you want something to spawn immediately, zero the time for Min/Max Delay and use SpawnOnTrigger.

Hope that helps!
(Pm for most support if you like. :) )
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Thank you! what I ended up doing was one spawner to trigger a system message because I originally had 4 harpies on that spawner and you get the prox message every time one spawns.
Thank you! what I ended up doing was one spawner to trigger a system message because I originally had 4 harpies on that spawner and you get the prox message every time one spawns.
Right, so what you could also do is; use SetOnTrigMob/SendMSG/"Watch out for the harpies!" as an actual entry and do not use a ProximityMsg.
1. SetOnTrigMob/SendMSG/"Watch out for the Harpies!"
2. Harpy

Hope that helps next time! ;)
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I'm sorry lol where is that option located on the props?


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I'm sorry lol where is that option located on the props?
Sahisahi is correct, it is an actual entry you type into the Xmlspawner, like where you would normally type in Harpy, instead you type in:
SetOnTrigMob/SendMSG/"Whatever your message is!"

SetOnTrigMob is targeting the player that triggers the Xmlspawner.
SendMSG is a keyword command you can build on to.

If you want, feel free to have a look at these quest tutorials too.
While they do not cover your exact situation, they do include complex spawn entries and some more advanced usage of Xmlspawner plus how to set up quests using Props.
1. XmlQuestNPC-A Beginner's Advanced Guide
2. XmlDialog/XmlEdit, XmlQuestNPC, KILLNAMED Objective, XmlMobFactions

But you can always PM me if you would like more specialized support ;)

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