
Milva submitted a new resource:

Tamers Little Helper - Taming

This would be from Runuo- tested it works fine-
Once Runuo is back up I can link to the release there
Statue when you click it- it will pull a summon to tame
There are 12 different summons- which have different name so no errors with having in the server.
More information here :
Shows the summon and the statue I put on the ground

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How would one make this craftable?

I have tried many things but it will not let me name it in my crafting gump

// Tamers Little Helper
            index = AddCraft(typeof(TamersLittleHelper), 1044297, 1044339, 85.0, 125.0, typeof(Board), 1044041, 65, 1044351);
            AddSkill(index, SkillName.Tailoring, 50.0, 55.0);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 60, 1044287);
            AddSkill(index, SkillName.Blacksmith, 75.0, 80.0);
            AddRes(index, typeof(IronIngot), 1044036, 150, 1044037);

I was able to figure this out. Here is what I did if anyone else has this issue.

// Tamers Little Helper
            index = AddCraft(typeof(TamersLittleHelper), 1044297, "Tamers Little Helper", 85.0, 125.0, typeof(Board), 1044041, 65, 1044351);
            AddSkill(index, SkillName.Tailoring, 50.0, 55.0);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 60, 1044287);
            AddSkill(index, SkillName.Blacksmith, 75.0, 80.0);
            AddRes(index, typeof(IronIngot), 1044036, 150, 1044037);

It shows on the crafting menu and the image shows up correctly when you go to the actual craft menu with all materials and needed skills. But shows up in the menu as a dressform (front) lol


Fixed this
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