
the screen where I choose the skin color and the character's name can I change skin color? I can remove the gargoyle selectable as a race? what the script to be changed?

These are all part of the client. The client gathers the needed information about character creation then passes the information to the server which then processes that to create a character with the selected information. To change this would require you to edit the client or for you to be clever and completely bypass the client character creation. To bypass that you have to fill each account with the maximum number of characters the account can have. Then you will have to take care of creating the character when they log in.
I had seen him already but I had a doubt: it presupposes that I remove the main.cs there right now?
give me trouble removing the official main?
thanks for support
That script won't give you character creation as I understand it. I think it's just about making the default characters to fill up the spots so there is no new option in the client to make a new character on the client end.

It's the same thing I'm working on (no I won't be releasing it as I don't release things that mod the core/core scripts) But after that is done you still need a way for people to set up their new characters. I'm using a gump system of my own design, others use gates, still others use commands. This would just be a first step in getting past the client's character creation not a fully working system.

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