
Redmoon submitted a new resource:

The Exodus Encounter Quest - Exodus Encounter

You may need to change the hues in these files, as I have custom hues.

You will need to change the locations of these if you're not using my map:
BossLocation = new Point3D(2072, 626, -40);//Change Here if using newer maps
TeleportDest = new Point3D(1979, 624, 0);//Change Here if using newer maps
ExitDest = new Point3D(2142, 628, -80); //Change Here if using newer maps

(I will upload the map to another resource it was too large combined)

Xmlspawner is...

Read more about this resource...
You will need to change the locations to the old gargoyle city if you are using the newer maps. I have uploaded the map I'm using so I could keep both the older Gargoyle City, and the newer one for the Exodus quest.
Also, the "altars" will need to be added as static, then add the Exodus Tome. I had a huge problem getting this to allow players to place the altar correctly per OSI. :oops:
Awesome! Going to implement it tonight and test it out and i'll let you know how it goes. So all that needs to be done is spawn the chests via the specs you showed, change the point3d locs to correct ones, and spawn the other mobs in the dungeon + the altar and tome? Sound about right?

Edit: Mine threw a bunch of errors when I put it in, some of which look fairly simple to address, but I thought I'd post them here just so you know:
ServUO - [] Version 0.5, Build 5157.1903
Publish 54
Core: Optimizing for 6 64-bit processors
RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)
OpenUO Error: Client files not found.
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...Failed with: 6 errors, 3 warnings
+ Custom Systems/LabyrinthChampion/Labyrinth.cs:
    CS0219: Line 61: The variable 'Spawn' is assigned but its value is never use
+ Custom Systems/VirtueArtifactSystem/VirtueArtifacts.cs:
    CS0162: Line 180: Unreachable code detected
+ Skills/ItemIdentification.cs:
    CS0219: Line 41: The variable 'oMods' is assigned but its value is never use
+ Custom Systems/Exodus Encounter/Mobiles/ClockworkExodus.cs:
    CS0246: Line 60: The type or namespace name 'Daat99Tokens' could not be foun
d (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Custom Systems/Exodus Encounter/Mobiles/ExodusArchZealot.cs:
    CS0246: Line 93: The type or namespace name 'ExodusArchZealotGump' could not
be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 95: The type or namespace name 'ExodusArchZealotGump' could not
be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services/Craft/DefAlchemy.cs:
    CS0246: Line 167: The type or namespace name 'GoldDust' could not be found (
are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 171: The type or namespace name 'NexusCore' could not be found
(are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services/Craft/DefBlacksmithy.cs:
    CS0246: Line 521: The type or namespace name 'ExodusSacrificalDagger' could
not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 524: The type or namespace name 'SmallPieceofBlackrock' could n
ot be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services/Craft/DefCarpentry.cs:
    CS0246: Line 615: The type or namespace name 'SmallPieceofBlackrock' could n
ot be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 616: The type or namespace name 'NexusCore' could not be found
(are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services/Craft/DefInscription.cs:
    CS0246: Line 447: The type or namespace name 'ExodusSummoningRite' could not
be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

Looks like the dagger is actually called PeerlessExodusSacrificalDagger and not just ExodusSacrificalDagger? Did you upload maybe an older version of the code before you made changes? The other errors just seem to be from items that weren't included in the script.
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Awesome! Going to implement it tonight and test it out and i'll let you know how it goes. So all that needs to be done is spawn the chests via the specs you showed, change the point3d locs to correct ones, and spawn the other mobs in the dungeon + the altar and tome? Sound about right?

Edit: Mine threw a bunch of errors when I put it in, some of which look fairly simple to address, but I thought I'd post them here just so you know:
ServUO - [] Version 0.5, Build 5157.1903
Publish 54
Core: Optimizing for 6 64-bit processors
RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)
OpenUO Error: Client files not found.
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...Failed with: 6 errors, 3 warnings
+ Custom Systems/LabyrinthChampion/Labyrinth.cs:
    CS0219: Line 61: The variable 'Spawn' is assigned but its value is never use
+ Custom Systems/VirtueArtifactSystem/VirtueArtifacts.cs:
    CS0162: Line 180: Unreachable code detected
+ Skills/ItemIdentification.cs:
    CS0219: Line 41: The variable 'oMods' is assigned but its value is never use
+ Custom Systems/Exodus Encounter/Mobiles/ClockworkExodus.cs:
    CS0246: Line 60: The type or namespace name 'Daat99Tokens' could not be foun
d (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Custom Systems/Exodus Encounter/Mobiles/ExodusArchZealot.cs:
    CS0246: Line 93: The type or namespace name 'ExodusArchZealotGump' could not
be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 95: The type or namespace name 'ExodusArchZealotGump' could not
be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services/Craft/DefAlchemy.cs:
    CS0246: Line 167: The type or namespace name 'GoldDust' could not be found (
are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 171: The type or namespace name 'NexusCore' could not be found
(are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services/Craft/DefBlacksmithy.cs:
    CS0246: Line 521: The type or namespace name 'ExodusSacrificalDagger' could
not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 524: The type or namespace name 'SmallPieceofBlackrock' could n
ot be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services/Craft/DefCarpentry.cs:
    CS0246: Line 615: The type or namespace name 'SmallPieceofBlackrock' could n
ot be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0246: Line 616: The type or namespace name 'NexusCore' could not be found
(are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services/Craft/DefInscription.cs:
    CS0246: Line 447: The type or namespace name 'ExodusSummoningRite' could not
be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

Looks like the dagger is actually called PeerlessExodusSacrificalDagger and not just ExodusSacrificalDagger? Did you upload maybe an older version of the code before you made changes? The other errors just seem to be from items that weren't included in the script.

This was the "updated" version to be a peerless system. Let me update to make sure ya'll have everything you need.
Daat99Tokens can be marked out if you don't have OWLTR.
Place Exodus Arch Zealot outside of gargoyle city or anywhere
Place static altar addons in Ilshenar at the shrines (All but chaos)
Place a unmovable Exodus Tomes on top of altars.
All mobiles but Clockwork Exodus go in Ilshenar Exodus Dungeon, or anywhere.
Exodus Chest via xmlspawner in Exodus dungeon (remember will not appear there unless you use detect hidden)

To test:
[add exodustomealtar
[add peerlessrobeofrite
[add peerlessexodussacrificaldagger
[add peerlessexodussummoningrite
[add exodussummoningalter_deedonly

drop all these items in the Exodus Tome, and should give you a master key scroll. Double click and will take you to the "Exodus Encounter" location.

The OSI location is the Gargoyle City in Ilshenar (where you used to buy books to learn to mine sand, rock). OSI changed this area to a open "dungeon". I didn't want to get rid of this city, but wanted the new open dungeon. If you're using a newer map with the open dungeon change the locations. If you're using the map I added a link to, then you will not need to change the locations.

I apologize for the inconvenience and hope this helps.
Thanks for the info ! Also, where did you get the stats for Clockwork Exodus? I can't seem to find them anywhere, except one Japanese site which only has his HP and estimates it at 50,000. I just ask because you have it set to a pretty low number, only 5000. And his str is lower than even some of the mobs. Sorry if I'm sounding over-critical as that is not my intent. In fact I think this is great work :) I think i speak for everyone when I say that I appreciate the contribution!
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Thanks for the info ! Also, where did you get the stats for Clockwork Exodus? I can't seem to find them anywhere, except one Japanese site which only has his HP and estimates it at 50,000. I just ask because you have it set to a pretty low number, only 5000. And his str is lower than even some of the mobs. Sorry if I'm sounding over-critical as that is not my intent. In fact I think this is great work :) I think i speak for everyone when I say that I appreciate the contribution!

There isn't any information on Clockwork Exodus, so I just made a guess. If I ever find his stats I'll update the script.
The new resource update still doesn't seem to have the gump files or the missing resources Nexus Core, Gold Dust, or SmallPieceofBlackrock
Awesome, this update works. I'm using your maps also, and you might wanna take a look at the Ankh dungeon & Ki-rin pass. If you teleport to the Ki-rin pass enterance and enter the Ankh dungeon that way you'll see what I mean. Seems to be some conflict there with what looks like the new gargoyle city you implemented. Great work though!

Edit: I worked up a script for an Exodus Zealot for this system. On OSI in addition to the mobs you have already there's also an Exodus Zealot which has a chance to spawn with one of the keys in his pack that you can steal. I've attached the script in case you or anyone else wants it. He spawns right in the Exodus dungeon just like all the other mobs. Many of the reports of him talk about him liking to poison people, so I gave him high poisoning skill (not that it makes him cast it any more often, but it will make his poison seem more relevant)


  • ExodusZealot.cs
    5.5 KB · Views: 18
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Awesome, this update works. I'm using your maps also, and you might wanna take a look at the Ankh dungeon & Ki-rin pass. If you teleport to the Ki-rin pass enterance and enter the Ankh dungeon that way you'll see what I mean. Seems to be some conflict there with what looks like the new gargoyle city you implemented. Great work though!
I'll clean this up and re-up; there are more areas that OSI wall bombed. I'm not sure if OSI is ~trying~ to kill it's player base, but this is ridiculous.

Edit: I worked up a script for an Exodus Zealot for this system. On OSI in addition to the mobs you have already there's also an Exodus Zealot which has a chance to spawn with one of the keys in his pack that you can steal. I've attached the script in case you or anyone else wants it. He spawns right in the Exodus dungeon just like all the other mobs. Many of the reports of him talk about him liking to poison people, so I gave him high poisoning skill (not that it makes him cast it any more often, but it will make his poison seem more relevant)
Awesome! The more the merrier. :D

    • I'll clean this up and re-up; there are more areas that OSI wall bombed. I'm not sure if OSI is ~trying~ to kill it's player base, but this is ridiculous
Lol, i thought it looked a little funny. I do like this map that you have better than the new ones though, mainly because it actually has lord blackthorn's castle still. No fricking clue why they keep getting rid of cool stuff like that. They ruin dungeons, take out sweet looking castles, and turn towns to rubble. Strange. Anyway, I edited the ExodusChest.cs script also to be closer to OSI -- i couldn't find alot of info on the loot from the chests, however there is a small amount of info and a video on stratics that someone posted of them walking through Exodus dungeon looting hidden chests/stealing from exodus zealots and I went off that. Looks like they drop a decent amount of gems, 2-3k gold, some pots, and essences/peerless reagents, so I put all that as chance drop from the chests.


  • ExodusChest.cs
    6.5 KB · Views: 16
I edited the ExodusChest.cs script also to be closer to OSI -- i couldn't find alot of info on the loot from the chests, however there is a small amount of info and a video on stratics that someone posted of them walking through Exodus dungeon looting hidden chests/stealing from exodus zealots and I went off that. Looks like they drop a decent amount of gems, 2-3k gold, some pots, and essences/peerless reagents, so I put all that as chance drop from the chests.

I will combine all these additions and update this resource once we're sure it's all good. I added your scripts to mine, and added props to ya via the header. :D
I have a question, where do i change the location yoiu teleport to , when you double click the key. Thank you
Redmoon has this posted
You will need to change the locations of these if you're not using my map:
BossLocation = new Point3D(2072, 626, -40);//Change Here if using newer maps
TeleportDest = new Point3D(1979, 624, 0);//Change Here if using newer maps<<<maybe change for new Dest point if the key works off this info?
ExitDest = new Point3D(2142, 628, -80); //Change Here if using newer maps
Could anyone share map download again please? Seems like links are broken..

nevermind since with EC client all that is useless
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I am trying to implement this quest, everything fine, great one, but when you make the XML spawner for the CHEST setting XML Proximity to any number then -1 the chest NO LONGER spawn.

Why this?
So you set the spawner in a chest to -1 or you set the spawn area to -1? Usually -1 would be under the map, but of course this would depend on the props height of the map, but lets ask @tass23 if he might know :)
So you set the spawner in a chest to -1 or you set the spawn area to -1? Usually -1 would be under the map, but of course this would depend on the props height of the map, but lets ask @tass23 if he might know :)

Sorry that wasnt a bug the box do not spawn that way just if u use det hidden so it work. I sent my merge job to admin dmurphy With my package to hopely include many osi quests already posted by other users and never included before
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I optimized this quest with the following corrections, feel free to update the resource with my changes...
Very few master changes needed in order to make this quest 100% OSI like, but over my capabilities.

- Now player is allowed to place altars manually (no longer needed to be placed the altars by GM/CONSEULORS OR ANY STAFF)
- Death Vortex corrected body model
- Developed XML spawn & decos
- Hues fixes
- Loot fixes (included the correct altar deed as fourth key to summon the book according to uoguide)
- Minor fixes to fit the up-described changes

- Included XML spawns & decorations

- Ritual should be considered done only if each party member has the required stuff
- Allow player to be teleported from Felucca/Trammel to Ilshenar after using the master key (without having to get to Ilshenar shrine for this)

Hopely to see this in ServUO official repository someday! :rolleyes:


  • The Exodus Encounter.rar
    42.8 KB · Views: 13
For anyone who wish to include opposition group between dupres and exodus creatures everything is included in the this new revision.

Read and apply the few changes in the readme file before starting server.


  • The Exodus Encounter Revised by me.rar
    45.6 KB · Views: 14
For anyone who wish to include opposition group between dupres and exodus creatures everything is included in the this new revision.

Read and apply the few changes in the readme file before starting server.
Glad you got this figured out and submitted. This makes an awesome resource even better :). Thanks for doing this!
For those of us who are using Pre-UOP versions of the Ultima Online client how do we get the exodus vd file/animation working? I think the Exodus animation came about with client or close to there.

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