
Neshoba submitted a new resource:

The Turtle Mob - is the big turtle mob based on the koto dragon

1 of the new turtles kinda changed the koto dragon for this so You May need to check or change drops for it this should be a drag and drop no mods other than maybe changing the drop items to suit Your needs or shard and patched to at I know you can see them at that patch

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This thing is intense haha thanks!
Def need to change the drops, wow OP stuff.
I dropped this into a clean install of the latest Repo and get the following error, any ideas on how to fix?

+ Custom Scripts/Turtlemob/TurtleQueen.cs:
CS1501: Line 265: No overload for method 'GetLootingRights' takes 2 arguments
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.

I'd even settle for someone directing me to a script that would show me how to fix.
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its the kotomasuki dragon that I changed for the turtle queen this is the clip here that's the problem
public override bool OnBeforeDeath()

if ( m_TrueForm )
List<DamageStore> rights = BaseCreature.GetLootingRights( this.DamageEntries, this.HitsMax );

if ( !NoKillAwards )
Map map = this.Map;

if ( map != null )
havent had any problems with it but We also have in the monster title system and the xml points system which may effect it past that I not gonna be much help because its still all trial and error with My scriptin
Has Anyone found a fix for this as of yet without needing to add in the (monster title system and the xml points system)

just wondering cause was looking at this and would be nice to be able to use it as it is intended
From just looking at it, you should be able to just change:
List<DamageStore> rights = BaseCreature.GetLootingRights( this.DamageEntries, this.HitsMax );

List<DamageStore> rights = GetLootingRights();
Thanks Visam. Did the above and works. Thanks for posting this Nesh....looks really cool!
Forgot to add to above post I use JustUo lol so is minor changes between it and ServeUo on some things

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