Got a good one for ya... my character(s) wont attack anything. They will target, make it turn gray *or red but wont swing a weapon/wrestle at all ( I can cast spells and be just fine ) :( Any help to resolve this would most welcome.
Anything changed recently?

Are you mounted, by any chance?

Did you set your "Blessed" property to True?
Well I would have to wonder then with the OWLTR if BaseWeapon.cs was modified for this or what ever your using for login razor, etc if there might be something set in there. Have you tried the ServUO repo with out the OWLTR installed?
After looking around it was indeed BaseWeapon.cs I did manage to get it working after "bandaiding" I had to take and use the default ServUO baseweapon, but Daats had some references to two bod rewards. I just removed them.... Guess you could call it "working"
You might want to get those 2 edits from the OWLTR and merge them into yours for the bods because of the owltr custom ores :)
Yea, Ill look at it all later today and try to learn how to add them and post the modified version incase anyone has problems
From SmithersProtector.cs
           public override void OnHit( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			base.OnHit( attacker, defender );
			if (attacker.Skills[SkillName.Blacksmith].Value >= 100 && Utility.Random((int)attacker.Skills[SkillName.Blacksmith].Value - 40) >= 20)
				int damage = Utility.RandomMinMax(10,25);
				defender.SendMessage( 33, "The Smithers Protector smelted you and you lost {0} HP", damage );
				defender.Hits -= damage;
				attacker.SendMessage( 33, "The Smithers Protector smelted your opponent and delivered {0} extra damage", damage );
				attacker.PlaySound( 0x308 );
This heres the little snippit of code thats giving errors for the default baseweapon.cs
I just dl'd the server & compiled it. What I'm seeing is NO weapon speed on the weapons. Which usually means no attacks. Not something caused by OWLTR per se, but could be the result of a bad merge. I'll see if I can sort it out once I get some sleep.
Here, try this one. The BaseWeapon.cs in the merged ServUO was missing 1/2 of the OWLTR edits. My tester copy of it now shows weapon speed on weapons.


  • BaseWeapon.cs
    179.2 KB · Views: 1
Are your weapons showing weapon speed? I'll test the server in more depth as time allows. Of course, if your player is invul, they wont attack.
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