
But.....I have no idea how to work with servuo. Ive downloaded the whole project or in other words cloned from sourcetree, but now I cant figure out how to actually get the server up and running. Im use to runuo, being able to just click on the runuo.exe and the shard starting up, but this right here has gotten me a little confused. Sorry if this sounds a little stupid, but Im really trying to work with this emulator so I can test things out myself. Thank you for taking the time and reading, hope someone can help.
The server does come with a compiler as Hands of God mentioned above. (You will find it in your main folder) Otherwise, you can also run this project from Visual Studio with .NET 4.5 framework, and compile/manage everything right from there. Hope that helps.
when i ran compile.bat this is what it came out with, I'm pretty sure its a error.
C:\Users\Shar\Desktop\New folder (2)>cd EmergencyBackup
C:\Users\Shar\Desktop\New folder (2)\EmergencyBackup>SET DOTNET=C:\WINDOWS\Micro
C:\Users\Shar\Desktop\New folder (2)\EmergencyBackup>SET PATH=C:\WINDOWS\Microso
C:\Users\Shar\Desktop\New folder (2)\EmergencyBackup>csc.exe /r:..\SevenZipSharp
.dll /debug /nowarn:0618 /nologo /out:..\EmergencyBackup.exe /optimize /unsafe /
C:\Users\Shar\Desktop\New folder (2)\EmergencyBackup>cd ..
C:\Users\Shar\Desktop\New folder (2)>cd Server
C:\Users\Shar\Desktop\New folder (2)\Server>csc.exe /win32icon:forkuo.ico /r:..\
OpenUO.Core.dll /r:..\OpenUO.Ultima.dll /r:..\OpenUO.Ultima.Windows.Forms.dll /r
:..\SevenZipSharp.dll /debug /nowarn:0618 /nologo /out:..\ForkUO.exe /optimize /
unsafe /recurse:*.cs
c:\Users\Shar\Desktop\New folder (2)\ForkUO.exe: error CS1567: Error generating
        Win32 resource: Error reading icon 'c:\Users\Shar\Desktop\New folder
        (2)\Server\forkuo.ico' -- The system cannot find the file specified.
C:\Users\Shar\Desktop\New folder (2)\Server>PAUSE
Press any key to continue . . .
I believe the stand alone compiler is broken right now and the team is working on fixing it. (From what I had read about a week ago) Sorry, I just remembered that. It might be beneficial to you to use a program like Visual Studio 2012, or Visual Studio express to compile the server. I just double checked and my compiler gives out the same error you're seeing.
when i ran compile.bat this is what it came out with, I'm pretty sure its a error.
C:\Users\Shar\Desktop\New folder (2)>cd EmergencyBackup
C:\Users\Shar\Desktop\New folder (2)\EmergencyBackup>SET DOTNET=C:\WINDOWS\Micro
C:\Users\Shar\Desktop\New folder (2)\EmergencyBackup>SET PATH=C:\WINDOWS\Microso
C:\Users\Shar\Desktop\New folder (2)\EmergencyBackup>csc.exe /r:..\SevenZipSharp
.dll /debug /nowarn:0618 /nologo /out:..\EmergencyBackup.exe /optimize /unsafe /
C:\Users\Shar\Desktop\New folder (2)\EmergencyBackup>cd ..
C:\Users\Shar\Desktop\New folder (2)>cd Server
C:\Users\Shar\Desktop\New folder (2)\Server>csc.exe /win32icon:forkuo.ico /r:..\
OpenUO.Core.dll /r:..\OpenUO.Ultima.dll /r:..\OpenUO.Ultima.Windows.Forms.dll /r
:..\SevenZipSharp.dll /debug /nowarn:0618 /nologo /out:..\ForkUO.exe /optimize /
unsafe /recurse:*.cs
c:\Users\Shar\Desktop\New folder (2)\ForkUO.exe: error CS1567: Error generating
        Win32 resource: Error reading icon 'c:\Users\Shar\Desktop\New folder
        (2)\Server\forkuo.ico' -- The system cannot find the file specified.
C:\Users\Shar\Desktop\New folder (2)\Server>PAUSE
Press any key to continue . . .

Thats an easy fix. The ICO file is no longer there and has been renamed to servuo.ico

So what you would do is open the bat with a text editor by right clicking and editing it. and changing the forkuo.ico to servuo.ico

cd EmergencyBackup
SET DOTNET=C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
csc.exe /r:..\SevenZipSharp.dll /debug /nowarn:0618 /nologo /out:..\EmergencyBackup.exe /optimize /unsafe /recurse:*.cs
cd ..
cd Server
csc.exe /win32icon:forkuo.ico /r:..\OpenUO.Core.dll /r:..\OpenUO.Ultima.dll /r:..\OpenUO.Ultima.Windows.Forms.dll /r:..\SevenZipSharp.dll /debug /nowarn:0618 /nologo /out:..\ForkUO.exe /optimize /unsafe /recurse:*.cs
cd ..
title ForkUO - By Team ForkUO @
echo off

cd EmergencyBackup
SET DOTNET=C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
csc.exe /r:..\SevenZipSharp.dll /debug /nowarn:0618 /nologo /out:..\EmergencyBackup.exe /optimize /unsafe /recurse:*.cs
cd ..
cd Server
csc.exe /win32icon:servuo.ico /r:..\OpenUO.Core.dll /r:..\OpenUO.Ultima.dll /r:..\OpenUO.Ultima.Windows.Forms.dll /r:..\SevenZipSharp.dll /debug /nowarn:0618 /nologo /out:..\ServUO.exe /optimize /unsafe /recurse:*.cs
cd ..
title ServUO - By Team ServUO @
echo off

Are you sure you have got the newest git from servuo. This has been fixed in it already.
Alright that helped, thank you so much you guys. Took a little time to load out the .exe file, almost thought it wasnt working but with a little patience I saw it still compiling everything. Thank you again you guys, much help. Also was wondering if I could Nerun's Distro Spawner from runuo (the new version) to some how work on ServUO, or is that completely different, and any script from runuo for that matter? Or would I have to change a lot of things within the files?
Alright that helped, thank you so much you guys. Took a little time to load out the .exe file, almost thought it wasnt working but with a little patience I saw it still compiling everything. Thank you again you guys, much help. Also was wondering if I could Nerun's Distro Spawner from runuo (the new version) to some how work on ServUO, or is that completely different, and any script from runuo for that matter? Or would I have to change a lot of things within the files?
I feel confident to say that any script that works on RunUO will also work on ServUO :) And worst case scenario, try adding the script from RunUO in, if it works your golden, if not ask for help and we can probably get you going :)

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