
Tukaram submitted a new resource:

Treasure Map Atlas - Runebook for all TMaps

Continuing in my tradition of editing other people's work....

This is a set of atlas for all the Tram & Fell Treasure Map locations.

It should be drag & drop. Put it wherever you keep your custom scripts. To get the books use the commands: [add TrammelTMapAltas and [add FeluccaTMapAltas

This the the old publicmoongate.cs from RunUO (by BrozeTheNewb, Ashlar, & Morrigan). It was changed by Icon to be the World Travel Book. Basically a moongate that looks like a book, and is movable....

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This does bring up a good question... is there any plans on making the ServUO TMaps work like on OSI shards? You know, the new "improved" random locations. I sure hope not!

I'm not sure about that. But in my experience, the TMap locations are still somewhat in the same areas as the old system but the actual location of the treasure in that area is random.
Just set a macro to target the TMap and walk around the area you think it is. Once you hit the spot, it will send a message about not walking while digging or something and the macro seems to stop working too.

I also found a tip on OSI boards to use EC and zoom in as much as possible on the tmap and that makes it a lot easier.
if i don't have a custom folder do i make one and if so were do i put it or can i just put these in my script folder

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