
Just posting here to let everyone know the Adventures server is open for any friendly players to join. Adventures is a fork of Ultima odyssey and is the #1 downloaded resource on this site. You can see the thread below to see some of the features, but its something that has to be experienced.

Server has been live for 2 years, no skillcap - no unwanted PVP and the best part is we release 100% of the server code/save every few months. Meaning if you play the server all your progress will be distributed in the resource for you to download and continue if the server goes down for any reason. This server hasn't been marketed, doesn't have a fancy website, and the devs don't make a single dime from all of it - its a labor of love.

Resource thread: Shard Pack - Ultima Adventures - A full featured, content packed offline/online server

download, copy everything to your c:\ and run Ultima-adventures/runme options.... and join the discord!

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I have tried to run several servers in year past, and stayed with friends servers, but they all have the same lands/maps. In my house I have 7 maps of the lands( and treasure maps) and for an explorer this is the best.3 ? play styles a Baby (starter for scaredy cats),normal, and a hard style that if you die that character is perm. dead and you start out with a different toon with different stats and skills.
First map is about as hard as normal UO shards, and they get harder as you go.

Its a very exciting shard that is even better if you bring your family/friends in to play with you.. Play back to back, talk and plan, and coordinate your moves.

Start crafters and make your own Great armor, or just search for magic armor. Crafting is great, and the people are great and willing to help new players. New monsters, and lands, what more could you get with a new game shard.

PvP is limited and we don't allow rez killing or any of that stuff. But the place is still dangerous and challenging.
Come and find Asarco and family to get some fair to good armor to start. We will also show you around the easier places.
We are an International Family here, and no political Boundaries.
Come Play With us ! !
yeah there are three playstyles, observer (easy), Avatar (more challenge, but more benefit), and soulbound. soulbound is very fun now, permadeath with legacy elements.
When I played Ultima Online in 1998 I instantly fell in love however after playing for a few weeks i grew tired of being murdered by player killers the instant i left town. Many years later i started getting into free shards for other MMORPGs. Most the UO free shards i would join were overwhelming. Too much of the newer UO and not so much the nostalgic feel i had in the 1990s so i set out to run my own server just so I could play solo in the world however most required me to completely populate the world before being able to experience it.

Then i found Ultima Adventures. Side by side with Ruins to Riches, tried both but found R2R very restrictive in things like skill caps and just in general, opportunity to play it the way I wanted. The world felt desolate and empty without other players. So then I gave UA a try and was pleasantly surprised. Its very much the old school feel of Ultima, a world with plenty to do, less restrictive in the way of play styles and even has npcs that mimic players to make you feel not so alone. After finding out i didn't need to register or anything to join the online server i gave it a go. Ive been here ever since. Two years in the making i've played countless hours, make numerous friends, built my own entire player made town and added lots of treasures for the would be explorer who happens upon it.

There are many interesting mechanics in the game and currently more are being added like viable playable classes such as bard, mage, tamers, evil and good fighters, one life mode, easy mode and fighters for the balance. I even have merchant style characters that never enter dungeons yet have been a blast to play making money and selling goods to new players and the NPC customers alike. Even after two years I still constantly find things I was unaware of and dabble in systems i've known of but not understood their depths. I cannot speak highly enough of UA, offline or online they are both incredible worlds who are built upon by the dev team and players alike, still to this day the project goes on and Im glad I've been able to leave my mark.

If you ever wanted to enjoy a more relaxed version of the original Ultima Online with plenty of modern day improvements, this is it. Perfect for if you wanna pal around with buddies or make new friends online. The offline server package is very easy to setup and get you and your buddies playing on in no time. If you are like me and wish for the olden days of UO but without the constant threat of PVP or if your new and you want a good top down RPG to play, this is it. Join us!

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