Prax u might want to look into this if it s an issue for more people than just me. When I am in a custom map and I log off I cant log back in with that character for some reason. I have to get a gm to pull him back to a normal map.
No it doesn't crash.. I just log off in the custom map when I am done playing ... when I try to log back in the client crashes and wont let me so I have to log into the gm toon to pull him out of that map.
I think I have the map wrapping points resolved. UltimaLive now detects and successfully streams the wrapped points across wraps. This will be included in the upcoming release.
ion said:
No it doesn't crash.. I just log off in the custom map when I am done playing ... when I try to log back in the client crashes and wont let me so I have to log into the gm toon to pull him out of that map.

I am not sure what causes this. I think I've seen it happen before, but without running the debug dll and looking at the code to compare, it's hard to say what is causing it. I have fixed a couple of these issues that I've found while preparing for the next release. Sometimes finding out what crashes a particular client is difficult because different versions of the client have bugs too.

In the next release I am planning on adding some file checking code that would be executed the next time UltimaLive executes if it crashed the previous time. That way if it's something getting corrupted in the statics file or index file (such as an index pointing beyond the end of the file), it can be fixed automatically before the client encounters it and crashes.
I just added a version string that is displayed when a player logs into a shard. Not much to do before the next release, just a few more features and a lot of testing.

cool. is there a way for it not to stream the normal 5 maps are stream only custom maps. my does the opposite. It streams the normal maps and the custom maps get a mini map all green with no streaming. It stays green.
You can copy the original maps into the appdata folder under ultimalive\shardidentifier. This would make each crc check pass and no streaming should occur.
ok after the new release ... I don't see a shard identifier folder to copy the maps too ... the flicking black screen everytime u move is annoying. where would these maps go on the new release?
Did you copy the ServerSideScripts over top of yours? Did you go back into UltimaLiveSettings.cs and change the shard identifier back?
Yes I did a fresh install of this and copied the server side scripts into a new custom folder in the server ... I followed the exact instructions on your pdf. the Ultimalive settings is changed and the custom maps work and everything but no Appdata folder is found
Windows 7 ... i had it with the .75 version but don't have it with this version. Not sure why. I run it with administration privileges and all
If you put the debug dll in place, you should be able to see where the system is loading maps from. That will tell you where it is storing them.
Ok I have still yet to figure out how to get the Ultima live in the app data so I can put the original maps in to get rid of the streaming .... I have now come across another error I wanted to report. Every once in a while the screen goes completely black and I get "DirectSound SetVolume failed"
Map data is stored in the Microsoft Windows application-specific data folder (CSIDL_APPDATA) under a folder called UltimaLive.
This location varies according to the version of windows that you are using. It's a standard place for applications to store application specific data.

On Windows 10 its in a hidden folder which is typically C:\ProgramData\UltimaLive

Other versions of windows put it in somewhere like

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\UltimaLive



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