
Dear all,

May I ask if there is a documentation on how to setup the "Ultima Live Streamer"?
I've seen updates with features published, with scripts and "Visual Studio" files...
The thing is I don't know what to do with it: what should I do to start?
What should I deliver to my player, or not? For example, should I deliver the maps or shall I deliver blank map?

I am searching for a kind of tutorial to start...

I understand my request is time consuming if there is nothing existing..

By the way, reading what "should" do this "Ultima Live Streamer", does anyone tried to synchronize CentrED modifications events with this streamer in order to imediatly view the modification in the UO client?
Ultima Live essentially can perform all of the same functions as CED/CED+, it just doesn't have a nice and fluffy looking UI to do it from, its all command based. You could easily create a gump to manage all of the same procedures.

@GoldDraco13 released a functional interface for this a while back: here.

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