This screenshot should explain it for you. The Static O'hii tree is on the left, and an item I created is on the right.


As I understand it, Statics are NOT the same as Items. If you add an O'hii Tree as an item ("[add item 3230") then you have an item that has a 'Hue' property, but Statics, as you can see from this screenshot, do NOT have a Hue.
With UltimaLive you can hue statics as well on the fly. It does require core dits though. John, did you perform the core edits as indicated by Praxiiz?
Thanks for the replies. I got it working. I forgot an edit somewhere. Got it working like a couple of days after. Sometimes if I work on something till I want to throw the computer out the window, stop, walk away, come back in a couple of days, that helps. I just forgot to post i got it working.

On a side note, how would I edit the map file so I can add an extra map?
And where.
To add an extra map, you got to register it both in Scripts/Misc/MapDefinitions.cs and Scripts\Custom Systems\UltimaLive\Core\MapRegistry.cs
I should have said....
How do I register a new map and what script files need to be edited to that?
And how would I format the script files to do that?
First you got to register your new map in Scripts\Misc\MapDefinitions.cs, Configure method, around line 19

These explainations are for classical use
 /* Example of registering a custom map:
            * RegisterMap( 32, 0, 0, 6144, 4096, 3, "Iceland", MapRules.FeluccaRules );
            * Defined:
            * RegisterMap( <index>, <mapID>, <fileIndex>, <width>, <height>, <season>, <name>, <rules> );
            *  - <index> : An unreserved unique index for this map
            *  - <mapID> : An identification number used in client communications. For any visible maps, this value must be from 0-5
            *  - <fileIndex> : A file identification number. For any visible maps, this value must be from 0-5
            *  - <width>, <height> : Size of the map (in tiles)
            *  - <season> : Season of the map. 0 = Spring, 1 = Summer, 2 = Fall, 3 = Winter, 4 = Desolation
            *  - <name> : Reference name for the map, used in props gump, get/set commands, region loading, etc
            *  - <rules> : Rules and restrictions associated with the map. See documentation for details

But I'm confused with mapID and fileIndex when its said value must be within 0-5, I register my new map like that :
RegisterMap( 34, 34, 34, 7168, 4096, 1, "Mines",		MapRules.TrammelRules );

Be careful to not use the firsts 32 index :
/* Here we configure all maps. Some notes:
            * 1) The first 32 maps are reserved for core use.
            * 2) Map 0x7F is reserved for core use.
            * 3) Map 0xFF is reserved for core use.
            * 4) Changing or removing any predefined maps may cause server instability.

THEN you got to register your new map for UltimaLive, in Scripts\Custom Systems\UltimaLive\Core\MapRegistry.cs Configure method around line 72

I register here like that :
AddMapDefinition(34, 34, new Point2D(7168, 4096), new Point2D(5120, 4096));

Of course if your new map has different size than Tram/Fel you got to change values.

With UltimaLive, you can't have bigger maps than Tram/Fel, but you can register smallers.

Hope you will find all you need ;)
if(your message appears on [go )
Seems to be a (string)name problem.

Does your region's name contains whitespaces or numbers.. ?

Maybe you should try with a simple name like "test"...
With UltimaLive you can hue statics as well on the fly. It does require core dits though. John, did you perform the core edits as indicated by Praxiiz?
I can not seam to find the Installation instructions on UltimaLive, have downloaded the newest, and no exe or readme files at all. Can you point the way to this old man?
He used to have an instruction setup named UltimaLiveUsersGuide but It don't seam to work with the playersmobile.cs from JustUO or ServeUO properly.
I think the only differences would be line numbers. The method names etc. should be the same.
Found this on RunUO but now can't get back into them. Sorry its in blackout. I get errors on serveUO with the playerMobile.cs so send it to you.
Errors are as follows:
Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs<1768,1>: error cs1519: Invalid token "if" in class,Struct,or interface member declaration.
Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs<1768,16>: error cs1519: Invalid token "!=" in class,Struct,or interface member declaration.
Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs<1769,26>: error cs1519: Invalid token "=" in class,Struct,or interface member declaration.
Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs<1769,50>: error cs1519: Invalid token "<" in class,Struct,or interface member declaration.
Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs<1769,75>: error cs1519: Invalid token ">" in class,Struct,or interface member declaration.
Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs<1774,19>: error cs1518: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface or struct.
Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs<1787,19>: error cs1518: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface or struct.
Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs<1791,20>: error cs1518: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface or struct.
Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs<1792,6>: error cs1022: Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected

after it says to launch servuo, and I get the same errors in red and the hit r to try again.
tried doing the edits according to the neo's UltimaLiveUsersGuide. but could not find a lot of the lines they were looking for.
So sending it to.


  • UltimaLive settings new.pdf
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  • PlayerMobile.cs
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  • UltimaLiveUsersGuide.pdf
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You were missing a closing slash on a comment field, which was causing a section to be commented out wrong. Also, you may have copy/pasted a line number in one place. I made the appropriate corrections and am re-uploading the file here. If you want to make the corrections manually instead, add a slash at the end of line 1746 to close the comment, and remove the "50. " from line 1769.


  • []-PlayerMobile.cs
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Bless you Lokai. I had gotten to the point that I was going to just give up. It goes to show you that there are good people in servuo.
Now I have to find the User Guide that gives all the instructions, as too how to do the work on it.
I just installed this too. Maybe, together, we can figure some things out and start a tutorial.

Maybe even Gargouille will help. I know Gametec will.

Do you have Skype? If so, we can collaborate. I'm at Safera92
Got it loaded in serveUO, and using the [set map 32, All it does is crash the server.Gives me fatal error No such fasit. Can't fine the Igrping.dll in the UltimaLive-0.98 version. here are the files that need to be setup, and they are the way the tutorial says to do it as far as I can see. I am using the fully upgraded client, and the newest ServeUO, as well as trying to get it loaded into JustUO as it has Vita-Nex already loaded in it. It compiles and loads the server, but can't go into the new files.


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You got that backwards but I found it, and fixed.
But the UltimaLive still don't work. about to go back into retirement.
Awe. Don't do that.
Every time I try to get setup something new is added to foul up the works.
I'm trying to use the ServeUO or JustUO as they seam to be functional right off the block.
I'm kinda leaning to the JustUO as they are using the VitaNex system. If you want to see the scripts I have changed so fare I think I sent them attached to Another post.
Hey EtsCat, is there any way of uploading your entire ServeUO code for some of us to look at? You must be missing something somewhere. It's a bit hard to get your head around programming when you're first starting out, especially when you jump into the deep end like this!

Also adding VitaNex Core to ServUO is really super easy, literally just drag and drop.
Depends on what software you are using Moody.

With Windows, Maybe.
Linux, not so much.

I run Linux. Adding everything is a bit of work, but its a faster server from what I have seen.

And is having Vita-Nex Core really that much better?
Depends on what software you are using Moody.

With Windows, Maybe.
Linux, not so much.

I run Linux. Adding everything is a bit of work, but its a faster server from what I have seen.

Haha! Is this really the time and place for a Windows vs Linux discussion? He's having trouble with some simple errors on a little server that he'd like to test things out on. By the time he needs to opt for a faster server, he'll know enough about what he's doing to make that call.

And is having Vita-Nex Core really that much better?
I like how you have the option of adding VN:C with ServUO and you don't have to remove it on install.
Also adding VitaNex Core to ServUO is really super easy, literally just drag and drop.

Not quite drag/drop. I have added it. There are a couple things to comment out or tweak, but very close yes.

And is having Vita-Nex Core really that much better?

Having Vita-Nex Core for those that use it is like having XmlSpawner for those that use it. If you use it and take it away, you would probably really miss it. It adds dimensions of effects and gump capabilities that would not be possible otherwise. (Or, I should say would be really difficult.)
Hey EtsCat, is there any way of uploading your entire ServeUO code for some of us to look at? You must be missing something somewhere. It's a bit hard to get your head around programming when you're first starting out, especially when you jump into the deep end like this!

Also adding VitaNex Core to ServUO is really super easy, literally just drag and drop.

I was going to set up the Complete Folder for you, but even zipped its to large to Upload to the forum

But here is a dropbox addy to get it.
That's 1.6 gigabytes!

Great Scott!

@ETsCat you don't need to zip your entire Ultima Client, just the folder containing your Scripts and Server folders. If your client is in the same folder, then just Zip your Scripts and Server folders separately.
Im testing Ultima live .97 using client (my server uses a client slave separate from my player client)

Server Crash Report

JustUO Version 2.0, Build 5.0
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
.NET Framework: 4.0.30319.34014
Time: 5/27/2015 10:37:54 PM
Mobiles: 2083
Items: 23529
System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at Server.Mobiles.XmlSpawner.GlobalSectorTimer.OnTick()
at Server.Timer.Slice()
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)

I swear I at-least got a black screen on my servuo server right now Im messing around on my justuo
so Ive set everything up client server etc.... map reg map def using a clone of felucca
but every-time I [set map 33 server restarts and obviously kicks my client & shoots me this crash report
Do i need to [clearfacets or something I just dont understand what xmlspawner has to do with it do i need to create a region is that my F up

i followed all the instructions I swear hues work no sweat

in the instructions it states to put server install folder in custom folder/ Client .dll to client folder
am I supposed to put the remaining folder somewhere special seems weird that there's no clear mention where this file goes seems like the most important part did I miss understand this part of instructions

PLZ HELP:eek: I really need this baby.


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I know this won't help. I am running a Linux Ubuntu 14.4LTS with ServUO and ULive Map Streamer. Working fine.
The only thing I can't get working is the UOAutoMap Server.
Other than that, I love my server.
I swear I at-least got a black screen on my servuo server right now Im messing around on my justuo
so Ive set everything up client server etc.... map reg map def using a clone of felucca
but every-time I [set map 33 server restarts and obviously kicks my client & shoots me this crash report

Did you add map 33 to your MapDefinitions.cs file? Can you post that file?
a Linux Ubuntu 14.4LTS with ServUO
John burns do you drive a prius? why does everyone who gets a prius announce it to everybody like they just won the lottery& Im not trying to knock you personally man but i keep reading randumb posts about people using Unbuntu if its not a large network of dedicated servers and actual running linux its pointless, Ubuntu is just a knock off of a mac desktop setup & is a terrible OS I have used & tested it & it felt like a slow virtual machine which is like trying to access your email through a tube Television lol its free so theres that but yea whatever....

Did you add map 33 to your MapDefinitions.cs file? Can you post that file?
yes sir I did but here it is


  • MapDefinitions.cs
    3.1 KB · Views: 4
  • MapRegistry.cs
    3.6 KB · Views: 3
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