
I'm using UL to allow my players to modify parts of the map, but I need to know if I can reset this region back to the original state... Anyone know if it is possible?
Probably only if you have saved various stages of the map files separately (IE before they were edited).
The map changes save server-side so anything your players do can be reverted. I'd like to help you more but I have custom directories where UL saves so they wouldn't be the same as yours.
The idea is to allow players build things on the map, but if needed I could revert any changes on the fly. Saving players mods to specific folder so I can delete the changes then revert the mods should work, but it would work on the fly? Can I ask UL to re-load the map changes like it does while server starting or some major mods are required?
The server should already save the changes a player makes... what you're wanting to do is have it create another directory to save player made changes into... as of now UL only supports global changes made by everyone to be saved in a specific folder.

Example in the UltimaLiveSettings.cs

    //Folder The System Exports Client Changes
    public const string ULTIMA_LIVE_ROOT_FOLDER_NAME = @"Export\UL";
    public const string ULTIMA_LIVE_CLIENT_EXPORT_FOLDER_NAME = @"uleClientExport";

    //System Plugins: Map Change Modifications
    public const string ULTIMA_LIVE_MAP_CHANGES_FOLDER_NAME = @"LandStaticEdits";
    public const string ULTIMA_LIVE_LUMBER_HARVEST_FOLDER_NAME = @"LumberHarvest";

I assume you can follow the code backwards to accomplish what you want but you're going to have to define what is a player made change and differentiate that from changes made by the server owner or staff. Everything is possible, UL does what it was designed to do; you're going to have to add code to the project to accomplish what you want. If you need help just post your issues or pm me and I'll see if this is something the original author really wants to tackle.

I would suggest looking into the ClientFileExport.cs as well.
Could be a lot of work to sort each mod by author, by version, manage a way to have multi mapx.live and staticx.live, manage a way to find mods before revert them...etc...

If your meaning is just to let players play with UL, and keep control on your world, what about "simply" create a way to delete all mods concerning targeted blocks on a map, and by the way restore the original map.mul and static.mul on that area.

Not exactly what you planned to do, but certainly easier to create.

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