Hello, everyone, I am running the newest ServUO shard and I have an issue I need help with.

It is not an issue that I get an error with when starting the server!

Ok here is the issue and I was wondering if anyone could help me fix it. I added both pictures of both so that you can see what I see.

I get the same error on the original key I wanted to make sure it was not something I did. I have added both my new key and the old key of the offending item if anyone could please look at it and help me out? Thank you in advance!


  • UO0001.jpg
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  • UO0002.jpg
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is that the only place you see "unused tiles"? because that is not a problem with the keys it is most likely a separate issue.
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Ok, I fixed it but I am going to post this somewhere because it is the granite.cs file and I fixed it by adding a file from an older copy of the serveUO shard I had on hand. I reported this in the bug tab thank you for the help and making me think to look elsewhere lol.
I was also able to figure out how to make more pages on the keys as well. While I had many questions when I started my project I was able to figure them all out on my own.
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This is turning out to be quite fun maybe I will post some of my creations in the future so others can enjoy them as well :)
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Just for future reference:
In most cases, when one sees "Unused Tile", it means the itemID is off in a script somewhere or worse...the tiledata file (clientside) is different than the engine being used to run the shard.
It was the script I had for the granite it was missing the normal granite part of the script for some reason
These will crash the shard if you have an empty master key and click "Fill from backpack". There used to be a fix on runuo but obviously those were better days.
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//these are accessed through the context menu use
        public void Fill( Mobile from )
            FillEntriesFromBackpack( from );


//these are accessed through the context menu use
public void Fill( Mobile from )
if( _KeyTypes == null )

FillEntriesFromBackpack( from );

//these are accessed through the context menu use
        public void Fill( Mobile from )
            if( _KeyTypes == null )
            FillEntriesFromBackpack( from );

Works for me.. maybe someone knows a better way, but that has me good to go and no crash if you click fill from backpack with no keys in the master key.
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Here's another fix done by DatGuy awhile back...


public void FillEntriesFromBackpack( Mobile from )
            foreach( ItemStore store in _Stores )
                //don't resend this gump if it's not up
                store.FillFromBackpack( from, false );


   /// Fix By datguy
        //this triggers all fill from backpack methods in all entries contained within the master keys
        public void FillEntriesFromBackpack(Mobile from)
            if (_Stores == null)

            foreach (ItemStore store in _Stores)
                //don't resend this gump if it's not up

Without this fix, if someone has only the master key and selects "Fill from backpack" it will 100% crash your shard.
I would rather keep it all in one space really

        //these are accessed through the context menu use
        public void Fill( Mobile from )
            if( _KeyTypes == null || _Stores == null)
            FillEntriesFromBackpack( from );       
Yep. I just noticed that the old issue wasn't covered here. It was a fix on RunUO a long time ago that had been lost.
I updated and having a issue with storage keys . Has anyone run into this problem?

+ Custom Folder tim/NewSystems/Universal Storage Keys Version 2.0.6/Main Data Management/ItemListEntries.cs:
CS0426: Line 886: The type name 'RepairSkillType' does not exist in the type 'Server.Items.RepairDeed'
CS0426: Line 912: The type name 'RepairSkillType' does not exist in the type 'Server.Items.RepairDeed'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

Did a Fix ever get found for this? Because it's not the RepairDeed I'm using a fresh install of ServUO with no RepairDeed edits. Saw they had a similar problem but it just died off as a topic.
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My Best Guess is it has to do with:

public enum RepairSkillType { Smithing, Tailoring, Tinkering, Carpentry, Fletching, Masonry, Glassblowing }

Being Listed outside of "public class RepairDeed : Item" now. place it back inside just breaks RepairBench.cs, AltarContract.cs, and line 299 of RepairDeed.cs
Errors: + Items/Addons/RepairBench.cs: CS0246: Line 63: The type or namespace name 'RepairSkillType' could not be f ound (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) + Items/Consumables/AlterContract.cs: CS0246: Line 11: The type or namespace name 'RepairSkillType' could not be f ound (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) + Items/Consumables/RepairDeed.cs: CS0246: Line 299: The type or namespace name 'RepairSkillType' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
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Did a Fix ever get found for this? Because it's not the RepairDeed I'm using a fresh install of ServUO with no RepairDeed edits. Saw they had a similar problem but it just died off as a topic.
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My Best Guess is it has to do with:

public enum RepairSkillType { Smithing, Tailoring, Tinkering, Carpentry, Fletching, Masonry, Glassblowing }

Being Listed outside of "public class RepairDeed : Item" now. place it back inside just breaks RepairBench.cs, AltarContract.cs, and line 299 of RepairDeed.cs
Errors: + Items/Addons/RepairBench.cs: CS0246: Line 63: The type or namespace name 'RepairSkillType' could not be f ound (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) + Items/Consumables/AlterContract.cs: CS0246: Line 11: The type or namespace name 'RepairSkillType' could not be f ound (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) + Items/Consumables/RepairDeed.cs: CS0246: Line 299: The type or namespace name 'RepairSkillType' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
Loki helped me get this one fixed a few months ago it should work
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Sorry, the only part of that you should need is the item list entries


  • Universal Storage Keys Version
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  • [ServUO.com]-ItemListEntries.cs
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Loki helped me get this one fixed a few months ago it should work
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Sorry, the only part of that you should need is the item list entries
Oh its RepairDeed.RepairSkillInfo instead of RepairDeed.RepairSkilltype now.
Gotcha Thank You!
If any one wants a Updated Version that will work with the Current Github and UP follow these link
All the fixes people posted here and other bugs fixes have been added to it and BOD Key was removed since the BOD book was way better.
If you have a fix or something you want added. you can do a pull request and it will be added.

It will not work with older Servuo's
OMG THANK YOU GUYS FOR THIS WORK OF ART!! I will be implementing it into the newest version of the repo and hoping I can get everything I need from my old server via script hunting or script transferring. Trying to integrate Daat99 into ServUO current is just a messs!
Indeed ! Great work on these ! thanks !

I will compare with my version (which works with current ServUO too) and see if I can pull anything new to your repo.

big thx for sharing this :)
Anyone have any insight on how to fix this crash? Anytime you try to pull a map out of the treasuremap key crashes server.

Using the https://github.com/UOMachine/UniversalStorageKeys

ServUO Version 0.5, Build 7349.31126
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
.NET Framework: 4.0.30319.42000
Time: 2/15/2020 1:19:26 AM
Mobiles: 42884
Items: 207849
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Solaris.ItemStore.TreasureMapListEntry.get_Columns() in F:\ServUO-test\Scripts\customs\UniversalStorageKeys-master\Main Data Management\ItemListEntries.cs:line 228
at Server.Gumps.ListEntryGump.ApplyFilters() in F:\ServUO-test\Scripts\customs\UniversalStorageKeys-master\Gumps\ListEntryGump.cs:line 136
at Server.Gumps.ListEntryGump..ctor(Mobile owner, ListEntry listentry, Int32 page) in F:\ServUO-test\Scripts\customs\UniversalStorageKeys-master\Gumps\ListEntryGump.cs:line 102
at Server.Gumps.ListEntryGump..ctor(Mobile owner, ListEntry listentry) in F:\ServUO-test\Scripts\customs\UniversalStorageKeys-master\Gumps\ListEntryGump.cs:line 79
at Solaris.ItemStore.ItemStore.WithdrawItem(Mobile from, Int32 amount, Int32 entryindex, Boolean makedeed, Boolean resend) in F:\ServUO-test\Scripts\customs\UniversalStorageKeys-master\Main Data Management\ItemStore.cs:line 196
at Solaris.ItemStore.ItemStore.WithdrawItem(Mobile from, Int32 amount, Int32 entryindex, Boolean makedeed) in F:\ServUO-test\Scripts\customs\UniversalStorageKeys-master\Main Data Management\ItemStore.cs:line 161
at Solaris.ItemStore.ItemStore.WithdrawItem(Mobile from, Int32 entryindex, Boolean makedeed) in F:\ServUO-test\Scripts\customs\UniversalStorageKeys-master\Main Data Management\ItemStore.cs:line 155
at Server.Gumps.ItemStoreGump.OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) in F:\ServUO-test\Scripts\customs\UniversalStorageKeys-master\Gumps\ItemStoreGump.cs:line 472
at Server.Network.PacketHandlers.DisplayGumpResponse(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc) in F:\ServUO-test\Server\Network\PacketHandlers.cs:line 1453
at Server.Network.MessagePump.HandleReceive(NetState ns) in F:\ServUO-test\Server\Network\MessagePump.cs:line 342
at Server.Network.MessagePump.Slice() in F:\ServUO-test\Server\Network\MessagePump.cs:line 136
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args) in F:\ServUO-test\Server\Main.cs:line 674

Fixed it. Deleted old key created new one...new one works fine..THX for quick response
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Working on this for Pub 57 and get the following error when trying to add OWLTR stuff to the runic key, I just copied them from a prior version that was working on earlier versions.
The type or namespace name 'Type' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
entry.Add(new RunicToolEntry(typeof(RunicSewingKit), new Type[] { typeof(PolarRunicSewingKit) },CraftResource.PolarLeather,"Polar",0,30,-5,3));
PackItem(new RunicSewingKit( CraftResource.PolarLeather, 5 )); break; I added mine as a random drop
Working on this for Pub 57 and get the following error when trying to add OWLTR stuff to the runic key, I just copied them from a prior version that was working on earlier versions.
The type or namespace name 'Type' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
entry.Add(new RunicToolEntry(typeof(RunicSewingKit), new Type[] { typeof(PolarRunicSewingKit) },CraftResource.PolarLeather,"Polar",0,30,-5,3));
The type or namespace name 'Type' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Be sure that up at the top you have it using the reference to the OWLTR system as well if the previous part doesn't work.
PackItem(new RunicSewingKit( CraftResource.PolarLeather, 5 )); break; I added mine as a random drop
This worked and it shows items in the gump but doesn't accept them in the key.
The type or namespace name 'Type' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Be sure that up at the top you have it using the reference to the OWLTR system as well if the previous part doesn't work.
Just tried that, the old key didn't use it so I hadn't even thought of that but alas this also did not work..
Thanks to some help I just added:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server;
to the top and that appears to have fixed it.
@TheArt Only time u need using daat99 is when its referring to the actual system for the items like resources its collections
tried this version on pub 57 and got the InstrumentQuality errors fixed but I had this one as well

+ Custom/Universal Storage Keys Version 2.0.6/Main Data Management/ItemListEntries.cs:
CS0426: Line 912: The type name 'RepairSkillType' does not exist in the type 'RepairDeed'
CS0426: Line 886: The type name 'RepairSkillType' does not exist in the type 'RepairDeed'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
Both of those lines have:

remove the RepairDeed.
and leave the RepairSkillType

That's how mine is at least not certain if it will work for you or not.
I found an issue in the weapon and armory keys. The element damages do not show up, or only as 'none'. If you change AosElementDamage to AosElementDamages as it matched the weapoon property, it shows zero. This is what is reflected in the weapon property if you use [props command.

The issue seems to be that all of the property display code dynamically pulls the values for the weapon and does not actually store it in the weapon properties itself.

I have not been able to find a way to fix this in the baseweapon code.
Could probably replicate how it's stored in baseweapon and add the code in the store function
The problem is, I cannot find where it is stored in the baseweapon code. It seems to just be generated for when it is needed. Makes me wonder where all the attributes and properties for weapons (items) are configured. That might be a means of tracking down the way to do this.

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