After all this time (years) . . I started playing with UO Architect to add some additional fun for the players on my "RunUO 2.1" shard.
It took me a while but I've made good progress thanks to the great Tutorial here by Fireball
I have my first house (a Large Keep) ready to go but before patching out the .Muls I discovered a couple of problems:
1) When I open the house sign Gump it does not display the house price/value and
2) the house sign Gump also indicates there are are no secure, lockdowns etc . . says '0' beside each storage option
3) When I tested the secures inside the house . . everything I tried to lock down or secure gave me a message saying the item would exceed the allowed storage.
Am I missing something from the Tutorial?
Here is the section I added to my Houses.cs file for the new Large Keep.
I would love to use UO Architect to make more housing options but would need to get this this one working first.
Any helps would be appreciated
It took me a while but I've made good progress thanks to the great Tutorial here by Fireball
I have my first house (a Large Keep) ready to go but before patching out the .Muls I discovered a couple of problems:
1) When I open the house sign Gump it does not display the house price/value and
2) the house sign Gump also indicates there are are no secure, lockdowns etc . . says '0' beside each storage option
3) When I tested the secures inside the house . . everything I tried to lock down or secure gave me a message saying the item would exceed the allowed storage.
Am I missing something from the Tutorial?
Here is the section I added to my Houses.cs file for the new Large Keep.
public class LargeKeep : BaseHouse
public static Rectangle2D[] AreaArray = new Rectangle2D[]{ new Rectangle2D( -16, -16, 32, 32 ), new Rectangle2D( -1, 17, 4, 1 ) };
public override int DefaultPrice{ get{ return 1250000; } }
public override Rectangle2D[] Area{ get{ return AreaArray; } }
public override Point3D BaseBanLocation{ get{ return new Point3D( -5, 19, 0 ); } }
public LargeKeep( Mobile owner ) : base( 0x18, owner, 3625, 25 )
uint keyValue = CreateKeys( owner );
AddSouthDoors( false, -1, 15, 5, false );
SetSign( -3, 16, 6 );
AddSouthDoors( false, -1, -4, 5, false );
public LargeKeep( Serial serial ) : base( serial )
public override HouseDeed GetDeed() { return new LargeKeepDeed(); }
public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
base.Serialize( writer );
writer.Write( (int)0 );//version
public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
base.Deserialize( reader );
int version = reader.ReadInt();
I would love to use UO Architect to make more housing options but would need to get this this one working first.
Any helps would be appreciated