
Which fold in my servo is considered "root directory" ?

Depending on the Server you use for RunUO, 1 or 2, you will need to drop the contents of the uoar server 1.0 or 2.0 files into your runuo server root directory.

Thank you

Ok so where i put it, in my main servo server folder it looks like its trying to work, when i say connect with my ip and pass and account name, i get a "Connectioin Failed, Underlying socket was closed" so i'm missing something or its in wrong folder....... will continue to shuffle, input is always aprreciated, comments welcomed, Thank you
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The Server Folder goes into your Custom Folder

Soon as you open your run uo folder add these in
Put the OrbServerSDK & UOArchitectInterface libraries into your core directory.
Put System.Runtime.Remoting or your own local copy into your core directory.

Then Open your Data folder- open Assemblies.cs script and add these at the bottom

If your connecting on the same computer as the server- use the local login ip
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Again not to sound Stupid........ok even i admit this sounds stupid............Define "core" i see core in several places.
and i do not even see this one in the .rar i opened
Put System.Runtime.Remoting or your own local copy into your core directory.

thanks for helping me with this tho, i just hope i cant do it lol
so you mean the client folder that came with it?
This is the UO Architect i am using , unless you know a easier one
This one contains a server and a client folder and both folders have the files you listed in them, so that confuses me a little, sorry if i'm complicating this lol
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So these{ OrbServerSDK.dll, System.Runtime.Remoting.dll and UOArchitectInterface.dll} all go into the place where i see (scripts, logs, data, exe) ?
Correct-check the SS which I added
The client folder goes into your Custom Folder and be sure to also fix the Assemblies.cs script
i dont see a "Assemblies.cs " and i did a search, btw, i forgot to put my client folder in Customs, sorry
still nine errors and i did find a Assemblies.cfg, that right ?
this is my .cfg file





But its not a .cs so not sure if this is the right one
CustomOrb.JPG I posted this in my first post :)

    • Then Open your Data folder- open Assemblies.cs script and add these at the bottom
    • This shows the folder which goes into your custom folder--OrbRemoteServer
Please be patient with me here. Is a Assemblies.cfg the same as Assemblies.cs ? If not i am missing a Assemblies.cs then.
Ok so i took a chance and added it to my .cfg file and now only ONE error comes ...... it says
+ Misc/Customs/OrbRemoteServer/UOArchitect/MobileSaver.cs
CS0246: Line 110: The type or namespace name "FortuneTeller" could not be found <are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?>

So i think we're close, if i/we can figure this error out now. Btw, thank you for your patience in this, i know i must be frustrating you.
Correct for Assemblies.cfg- just add //in front of the FortuneTeller (Mobile Saver.cs) save and restart server - it's fine I have tons of patience :)
OMG IT COMPILED !!!! Do i run client as admin?

Aww dangit !!! now i get this.................

Connection Failed
Underlying connection was closed" Either there was a fatal error on the server or client authentication failed.
Well thats just nice..............grrr

and server listing ? Name of our shard?
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Nice happy you got it sorted out :) Not sure what you mean by running client as Admin? When you open UOArt for connect use your admin information /account name and password.
After you open the UOArt program
check the Options tab-be sure it is
pointed to the client which you are using
Remember the client which your using can't be any higher then Version:
When you click on Add -you can add any name for the server
then use your admin account name and password
If connecting local use be sure it states 2594 for the port
omg its like EVERYONE saying heres a old client but i go there and NOTHING lol..........its insanely nuts ..........*becomes afraid of goggle* No luck yet, but like a squirrel, i'm still looking for that nut !
So while i look for a OLDER CLIENT lol........omg i feel like i'm looking for ME ! ArGh........ anyhow, i seen hanks addons, do i just drop those in customs as well? I love his ideas, even if he and i go together like water and gas LOL Hes got good skills, that much i respect. Addons for the UOA i mean, i need to be more exact =)
Are you referring to the toolbox additions? Or the package of ~150 UOAR builds I posted? I can easily help you with adding both.
Ok i found a and when UOA tries to connect to my server it says "Encrytped cliend detected, disconnecting" and thats it. Sooo what am i doing wrong now?
i used options and directed it like this
C:/programfiles (x86)/ Electronic Arts/ Ultima Online Classic2
and i get the error in the pic below,...........suggestions?


  • Untitled.jpg
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Hmm so you went to the UO folder opened it then copied and pasted the directory in options? You also used your game account name and password and checked to be sure the port was correct? Are you using xp or windows 7 or 8?
I am running UO Architect 2.7 and I don't see anyway to move around in the editor.

** EDIT 8-5-2014 **
How do I add things that are not in the build menu?
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ServUO - [] Version 0.5, Build 5738.36321
Publish 54
Core: Optimizing for 4 64-bit processors
RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)
OpenUO Error: Client files not found.
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...Failed with: 1 errors, 0 warnings
+ Custom Systems/OrbRemoteServer/OrbServer.cs:
CS0234: Line 6: The type or namespace name 'Tcp' does not exist in the names
pace 'System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

is there error i am getting but not sure why i ran my Wb 2015 compiler and no errors but when i loaded it this is what showed up and can't figure it out i have everything in there correctly (aint the first time i have installed it, Running new server and lost everything in my old one when it crashed)
Finally had the chance to test UOArt with the newest ServUO Pub 54 5739.14180
and had no errors so I will add a check list for you just in case you might have missed something :)
{You will need to go into MobileSaver.cs and //FortuneTeller

Added in Assemblies.cs
Put the OrbRemoteServer folder into your Custom Script folder.
Put the OrbServerSDK.dll & UOArchitectInterface.dll & t System.Runtime.Remoting.dll libraries into your core directory.

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