Welcome to your UO Life. Currently in beta '2' stage with auto account creation.
Come and stake your place in the world. Roleplay is encouraged and rewarded for those that wish to contribute to the lore and story line.
Some of the features are
- squires
- mercenaries
- custom housing
- kingdoms to be fought for and claimed. (In custom maps)
Do you want to make your own city? If so, player government is in and you BUILD the pieces to make your city hall. You can have allies or enemies, your choice!
There is PvP, PvM and accepting applications for those that want to be part of building the world and being part of live quests.
If you wish to play via mobile then you can connect using MobileUO . ( for MobileUO files and port 2593 )
Join the UO LIfe Discord Server!
Make sure you send a note that you arrived by way of ServUO so I have an idea where some of the traffic comes from.
Web page is Light Theme and use the preconfigured ClassicUO and razor at (may have to replace local ip ) Other connection information port 2593
I look forward to seeing you there, and make sure to leave a note so I can give your welcome package.
Come and stake your place in the world. Roleplay is encouraged and rewarded for those that wish to contribute to the lore and story line.
Some of the features are
- squires
- mercenaries
- custom housing
- kingdoms to be fought for and claimed. (In custom maps)
Do you want to make your own city? If so, player government is in and you BUILD the pieces to make your city hall. You can have allies or enemies, your choice!
There is PvP, PvM and accepting applications for those that want to be part of building the world and being part of live quests.
If you wish to play via mobile then you can connect using MobileUO . ( for MobileUO files and port 2593 )
Join the UO LIfe Discord Server!
Make sure you send a note that you arrived by way of ServUO so I have an idea where some of the traffic comes from.
Web page is Light Theme and use the preconfigured ClassicUO and razor at (may have to replace local ip ) Other connection information port 2593
I look forward to seeing you there, and make sure to leave a note so I can give your welcome package.