I've spent the night digging around for some of the older UO tools I've used over the years and got to thinking, what happens when UO sites go away. Well I guess any tools the older sites hosted will / have gone.

I know usually you'll come across someone who has a copy of what your looking for.

Just a suggestion here, why not do a section for UO tools old & new and host them here.

Most of the older crypt tools I used way back like UORice, UOCH etc are still flosting around but took some finding. Just a suggestion folks ;)
I completely agree. The main reason I like this idea is because there are a lot of people who like to use older version of UO 4.0 5.0 6.0. While there are tools that can handle these version,. there is actually more tools for these version then the new version by far. especially tools that were never updated for the newer version. The second reason I like this idea is I'm a big fan of UO history, and the private community has a vast amount of exceptional history, part of which being these 'ancient tools'.
If servuo is up to the task of not only offering resources for the new uo I would like to see this put into action so we can preserve where uo started.

Edit: I know some shards that still use UORice.

btw I do have a copy of UORice with the source if you wanted to go that far and was unable to find it.
There is a misc section within the 3rd Party category. Sounds like UORice and other stuff mentioned in this thread would belong in the 3rd Party Apps->Misc section.

I'm all for organizing the archive and forum better though. So if you can make a better argument, or propose a better way to organize it...I'll be happy to consider making some changes.
Would be cool to see all these programs come back...would be even better if there was source for all of them so everyone can keep working on it when the owners just disappear.
Just thought about it because usually people give a link to other sites, better if they were copied and stored all in one place.
I have a few of the older tools, some with source code some without. Just needs someone with the right access tho to be able to upload them onto the site I guess.
3rd Party App's is probably the best place to have them if it was up to me ;)

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