Lol... always suggestions. Tell you what Hank, when I'm done with my multitude of projects and release the source for this, YOU are free to add what ever compatibility you want for which ever program you want. This program is designed for what it does... image ideas. As much as you and a few others would like your own spin on things; I just don't have the time to conveniently customize each product to suit everyone's needs.
you will get what I release, you will get the source, and you are free to modify what you want - how you want. Personally if you care about making maps, like I do, taking 5 minutes to import images and copying and pasting shapes is worth while; especially if you can get them to fit into one another
This program is not a map compiler. It just creates images you can borrow shapes and ideas from. You still need to put those images on your Terrain.bmp and add altitude as you normally would with the appropriate program in the suite.
The programs are named with tell-tale names for the most part...
These Programs Are Done:
CreateDataIndex.exe: Initializes the program suite
CreateColorTable.exe: Creates and customizes the color table and swatch files for Photoshop
CreateBitmaps.exe: Outputs the template map files: Terrain.bmp and Altitude.bmp
CreateAltitudeBitmap.exe: Outputs a rendition Altitude.bmp based off your Terrain.bmp
CreateLandscape.exe: Gives land shape ideas to map makers
CreateStatics.exe: Allows you to add statics to terrain types and outputs to .xml
CreateUOP.exe: Packs maps to .uop format
CreateMUL.exe: Extracts .uop maps to .mul format
CreateFacet.exe: Compiles your new map when you're done drawing it
These Programs Are Next:
CreateTransitions.exe: Creates 2way and 3way transitions and Outputs them to .xml
CreateSpawns.exe: An external spawner that uses a script to spawn in-game real-time
CreateRegions.exe: Create regions and this program handles:
- region specific lootpack spawns
- region specific weather
- region specific sicknesses based on the elements
- region specific rulesets
- and what ever else I can think of as I go along
Simple enough? I won't go into anymore detail about these programs until I release them.
This program is fully compatible with the Ultima Online Map Creator which uses UOLandscaper color tables. There will be mild editing that needs to be done with the colors to get the compiler to read them, but only because I haven't yet figured out how to customize the rbg values in the Generator.dll file.
Just FYI because you missed the memo the Ultima Online Map Creator suite is a clone of UOLandscaper:
UOLandscaper has been recoded (by me) from it's original code in Visual Basic to C#; I redid the forms, made the programs a lot more stable, added a few new programs to the suite, changed the name, updated the Ultima.dll, and redistributed it as open source since the original author dknight (1) no longer is working on UOL and (2) never released an official source. He gave me permission to clone it, but in order to release it I had to change the name.
The actual code for it was stolen from Punt originally anyway, so consider it a "what goes around comes around" type thing and since Punt believed everything should be open source, I'm making this a community project and posting the Visual Studio Professional project files; and before you ask, the actual project may or may not work with the free versions of Visual Studio; I don't know, except to say that some things made with the Professional version do not work with the free versions.
As for Dragon: a little known fact - UOLandscaper runs off Imod9 - that's how it compiles its transitions. However I will not be using Dragons color tables at all for this project since the actual suite allows users to make their own color tables and output to Adobe Photoshop .ACT and .ACO files from which you can screen shot the palette and use the image as a stand alone color table in any paint program.