
Milva submitted a new resource:

Variable Carpet Addon Deed - Carpet Deed

"Variable Carpet Addon
Originally posted by Manu for 1.0
updated it to 2.0 rc2. by Draco van Peeble

For those who have never used this carpet deed, it will give you a target for the house floor of where and how large to create this carpet. There are several types and hues of the carpet to choose from before placing, Works great!
There is also a Gold Carpet deed, the gold carpet is about 4x5 when placed....

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I saw a server I played on using something like this. I am so happy to find this!! You don't know how happy I am to see this because I am going to use this on my server when I get it up and running! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
Your welcome this has always been such a great script to have- can make large or small carpets :)
The latest version of the server doesn't like the deed's method of adding the addon. If you run into the issue, you can replace the old line (commented out in the example) with this one:

          //house.Addons.Add( addon );
           addon.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( m_P3D ) );
OK, no matter where I put this carpet, it tells me I can not build it there unless it is a really small area and only the gold one will go down any ideas?
If memory serves they do not like being within 1 tile of doors an walls . But I am frequently wrong .

Basing it off a older script on an server elsewhere.

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