
This is confirmed working for pub 58 of ServUO (the latest repo.)

How to install:

  • Step 1: unzip ServUO-Master.zip - if you are not using a clean install note the files that are changed in the next step - you might need to merge if you have made manual changes.
  • Step 2: unzip VNC-for-pub58 - there are changes to ServUO core files (Item.cs, Mobile.cs, World.cs, Utility.cs) as well as the entire VNC with around 15 edited files to make it compatible. In addition, I restored Customs Framework in order to make ServUO compatible with this release of VNC.
  • Step 3: copy in Ultima.dll - If you have Ultima.dll working add it now. If you are not sure, see below the notes about Ultima.dll
  • Step 4: change your DataPath.cfg - point to your Ultima client files (where you MUL files are for the Server to reference.)
  • Step 5: run Compile.WIN - Release.bat

NOTES on Ultima.dll:

Ultima.dll was removed from the latest ServUO release. VNC does look for it, so this will produce errors if Ultima is not restored and may affect how Super Gumps work among other things. However, if Ultima.dll is brought back in a state where it tries to access the MUL files in the default location, it can crash the Server.

My fix was to change where Ultima.dll looks for the MUL files. By default, it uses the Ultima registry locations to discover the installation folder. The problem is that will sometimes point it to the Program Files or Program Files (x86) folder, and it might have trouble with permissions reading that location, or have a conflict if the Client is also reading from that location. In order to change where it looks, Ultima has to be recompiled.

I have included the Ultima folder and a batch file to compile it. Before you compile it, make sure you edit Files.cs - look for the comments about entering your custom client files path. To use the batch file, remove the .txt ending and run it.


  • VCN-for-ServUO-pub58.zip
    1.1 MB · Views: 112
  • Ultima.zip
    79.6 KB · Views: 82
  • Compile.Ultima.bat.txt
    545 bytes · Views: 87
Step 3. I didnt have the ultima.dll so I download one from 2019 latest I could find. added ultima.dll into my assemblies

Step 4. Checked it out its already pointing to my c\ultima client

The files.cs is already pointed to my directory but it still says

Compile Ultima SDK

Press any key to continue . . .
Access is denied.

C:\WINDOWS\system32>"C:\Users\user\Desktop\ROTS\ServUO-master\bin\roslyn\csc.exe" /r:"C:\Users\user\Desktop\ROTS\ServUO-master\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.dll" /target:library /out:"C:\Users\user\Desktop\ROTS\ServUO-master\Ultima.dll" /recurse:"C:\Users\user\Desktop\ROTS\ServUO-master\Ultima\*.cs" /d:ServUO /d:NEWTIMERS /nowarn:0618 /nologo /unsafe /optimize
The system cannot find the path specified.


Press any key to continue . . .

Havent messed around since RunUo back in the day and still very rusty and help would be appreciated
Step 3. I didnt have the ultima.dll so I download one from 2019 latest I could find. added ultima.dll into my assemblies

Step 4. Checked it out its already pointing to my c\ultima client

The files.cs is already pointed to my directory but it still says

Compile Ultima SDK

Press any key to continue . . .
Access is denied.

C:\WINDOWS\system32>"C:\Users\user\Desktop\ROTS\ServUO-master\bin\roslyn\csc.exe" /r:"C:\Users\user\Desktop\ROTS\ServUO-master\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.dll" /target:library /out:"C:\Users\user\Desktop\ROTS\ServUO-master\Ultima.dll" /recurse:"C:\Users\user\Desktop\ROTS\ServUO-master\Ultima\*.cs" /d:ServUO /d:NEWTIMERS /nowarn:0618 /nologo /unsafe /optimize
The system cannot find the path specified.


Press any key to continue . . .

Havent messed around since RunUo back in the day and still very rusty and help would be appreciated

You did not read the post completely. It says to use your Ultima.dll if you have it working, otherwise, it would be best to recompile it as specified in the notes I provided. Please re-read that part and use the Ultima folder provided, edit the path to point to your client files, and compile it again.
The files in Vita-Nex that look for Ultima.dll have #defines at the top that can be commented depending on if you use Ultima.dll or not.
Hey I’m running into this issue please could anyone help?

ServUO-master\Scripts\Vitanex\Core\Services\WebAPI\WebAPI.cs(642,10): error CS0103: The name 'HttpUtility' does not exist in the current context [C:\Games\Electronic Arts\ServUO-NEW\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
Hey I’m running into this issue please could anyone help?

ServUO-master\Scripts\Vitanex\Core\Services\WebAPI\WebAPI.cs(642,10): error CS0103: The name 'HttpUtility' does not exist in the current context [C:\Games\Electronic Arts\ServUO-NEW\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]

HttpUtility has been replaced by : WebUtility in System.Net package


add at top
using System.Net;

Replace occurence of HttpUtility with WebUtility
(i.e. : HttpUtility.UrlEncode(value); => WebUtility.UrlEncode(value); )
There is a similar tutorial for those who use pub 57 or where I can find pub 58, I search but we end up getting lost.

thank you

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