
I know I've prob been pretty mia for the last few years been pretty swamped with stuff. From time to time take a look at community here to see how things going. As for old orb projects I'll see if I can dig up some old content for UOL and UOAR to share if I can. I haven't done anything with UO for the last 10 years but glad to see everything is still active here.

Anyway Happy New Year Guys! Will check back in near future (not 10 more years)

Agree nice to see you!! Khaybel I'm sure you have been missed by many :) I know Second Life keeps you very busy
Pokes head in chat, still alive, hope everyone keeping safe.
Hey Rob! Long time no "see"! Dian popped in a few days ago too and I just talked to Punt! Hey, if you can, dig up the source code for UO Architect 2.8 and post it, I'd like to take a look at possibly updating it. Also, do you still have all the forum data from Orbsydia? Lots of good info there and it would be great if you could restore it if you still have it. Take care!
Pokes head in chat, still alive, hope everyone keeping safe.
Hey man what's up! IDK if you remember me but I was on Orb a long time ago and we even used to chat a lot via MSN Messenger like.. wow almost 15 years ago or even longer I can't remember lol. Glad to see you back!
Poking head in chat again, I seem to come up for air from work every 6 months or so. Finally got uo installed again last night and have a look at stuff. I'm looking at old databases and Hellrazer will get you uoa source to mess with I'm on Discord via Athayus#1218 should you want to reach out that way. Been doing a lot of coding with unreal engine but with updated skills been looking at old tools. I feel like a total noob again.
I miss the OrBSydia site. So many useful things, scripts, programs etc having to do with UOL and UOAR. Glad to see you are still around!

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