
Lemke submitted a new resource:

Way to allow just humans or elfs.(APG by Lokai). - Use these gates to choose your race (human o elf) in a start zone.

Hello guys,afetr a long time looking for allow just elfs or humans under SA+ expansion,i found a solution modifiying a bit the Advanced Player Gate" by Lokai,so i do not have any credit for that.
Here is all i do:
I created aclosed start zone for new charactes with these 2 gates,so when they move over one of these they get desired race,including colored skin.
Deleted the gump send by the gates too,but you can configure using [Props command on gates to teleport chars to a new location,set...

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Another thing that can be done, that is less 'dependent' on a closed starting location thing. Run a character creation event sync so that when a 'gargoyle' is created, the toon is automatically changed to human via bodymod code and race adjustment. Then just have the script drop in a few basic items into their backpack so the player can repick their skin tone/hair etc, or even convert to an elf.
Lemke submitted a new resource:

Way to allow just humans or elfs.(APG by Lokai). - Use these gates to choose your race (human o elf) in a start zone.

I found the best way to rid of the gargoyle race is to remove certain gumps via UOFiddler. It is simple.
In the gumps section right-click and select remove on the following gumps:
0x767 (radio button)
0x768 (radio button
0x7D3 (Gargoyle race selection on character creation screen)
0x7D4 (Gargoyle race selection on character creation screen)
0x7D5 (Gargoyle race selection on character creation screen)

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