The community is always here. Remember to check github when it goes down. Development and bug fixes do not stop when the site can not be accessed.
Yes happy everything is back...this is an invaluable asset to the community and a great oasis for good people.
The community is always here. Remember to check github when it goes down. Development and bug fixes do not stop when the site can not be accessed.
I don't use servuo, I do use runuo, but I have found this place even for runuo to be the most invaluable asset to have because there are still people who work with even runuo.
What was the problem this time? Was it money? This is such a great resource, the community wouldn't let it go down for something as trivial as a hosting fee.
The initial issue was billing, then there was a technical issue with the host invoicing that suspended the account despite being paid up (which dmurphy posted a video about in Discord).

These issues have been resolved, I am currently working on reform for the way donations are handled and what rewards may be available.
If just 7 people upgraded to Gold tier ($10/month), that would cover the hosting costs.
Thanks for the explanation Voxpire.

Personally I would rather donate a lump sum rather than monthly subscription but that option isn't available to us. Is this something that can be provided? Also some display of how long hosting is currently paid up for would help in establishing what needs to be done on an on-going basis.

I didn't know there was a Discord for ServUO. I will try to locate it.
Hmmmm. 10 dollars a month you say? And.... Would gold tier give me access to the multi-lingual script? If so, I would be more than willing to pay for that for a while to help keep this site going

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