
I wanna turn the guards to humans, not superman that kill everything in one touch.
I'm playing in Odyssey if it matters, and my settings are the ones that if a guard kills you - you go to jail, but I can't find why whenever they touch me I get about 10000 dmg.
I set all of their stats wayyy down and max dmg about 70 but still they one shot kill everything..
What lines control that?
Look under WarriorGuard.cs. under the method for AttackTimer. Unless this has changed drastically for the ServUO github file I am looking at, this method executes a kill command on the offending mobile. Thus, the instakill is not based on damage.

I am using RunUO. Unless ServUO has changed, the line for the AttackTimer method should begin at 263. I am not familiar with the Odyssey files, and they may differ from stock ServUO.
Yeah I see it in notmal ServUo but not in odyssey.. Not warriorguards in Odyssey only townGuards and they have no instakill..
You are thinking too much here. Open a paperdoll of a guard and hover over their weapon and you will see why they kill you instantly.
Hehe straight from the source.. I'll check it out!
Btw, I have to ask, Odyssey is AMAZING, but why no spellweaving?

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