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any suggestions on software to edit scripts? codserver, notepad++, sublimetext, VS, nano, vim?

any suggestions on how to access your files to edit? FTP, RDP/VNC, SMB/VNC, SSH?

Looking to start working with RunUO and figure I'd reach out the community for input on this before I started to get some good ideas :D
when i did it i always used a dedi with anydesk. in anydesk its like ftp you can and and remove files its like the machines are merged. seems pretty secure but yeah if i left server unattended some person would hack it and ruin everything so im done honestly... i think a proper security thread is in order to help me b4 i make a server again.
I use: VS 2022 as mentioned , I'll also use Notepad++ Winmerge is a handy tool for comparing and merging files
BitBucket/SourceTree for repo management

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