And bam: Got it to work finally...
All that trouble was because i was not reinitialising my variables correctly.
I will release some codes in the third party section when i'll get something more reliable.
A map maker program, basically making a map out of a heightmap .bmp file.
So far i suck at math-logics so it's messy mountain lines everywhere xD
Success ladies and gentlemens:

The only problem so far is that the Y axis is mirrored, but that will be easy to fix.
EDIT: fixed.
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The fartest i went was to set a tileset for specific Z levels, but i didn't look good.
I'm making that program so i can build up maps much faster, and to make my maps much less "flat".

The main problem i faced was the lack of heightmap images on google, they were either too small, too ugly, real world maps or JPGs...
I was more interested if you are treating 0 as sea level, or somewhere in between. Each pixel on a heightmap is 0-255 in value, so you can start at 0 and anything above that is higher, or make a baseline of like 64, giving you 63 levels that can go below sear level, and 191 above. Being able to set this via a config file might be helpful for exploring new ideas for map making. Cave entrances that go under the water would be cool (if possible)
So far i'm not that close, i need to make more planification before getting that far.
I do think about a config file and much more, atm it's all c++ with a console application, i will either make the menu console based, or switch to c# for much easier coding and interfaces.

Never use LOTR heightmaps, Warner Brothers high counsel would be mad.

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