It is not a problem. Shards do not use checks any more since the new gold system has been introduced. Instead it uses an account based gold balance.

Think of it replacing checks with a debit card.

However, if you prefer the old system then you can do so by editing CurrentExpansion.cs
It is not a problem. Shards do not use checks any more since the new gold system has been introduced. Instead it uses an account based gold balance.

Think of it replacing checks with a debit card.

However, if you prefer the old system then you can do so by editing CurrentExpansion.cs
i see , so how can make the cheque?
and other question, can you teach me how can edit prefer the old system
			AccountGold.Enabled = Core.TOL;
			AccountGold.ConvertOnBank = true;
			AccountGold.ConvertOnTrade = false;

			AccountGold.Enabled = false;
			AccountGold.ConvertOnBank = true;
			AccountGold.ConvertOnTrade = false;

That should do it.

Active Shards


Total amount