
adding this to our shard on request of my oldest son.

Trying to compile gives me:

Error478 Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long' /home/clayton/projects/ServUOpub54/Scripts/Customs/Clayton/Xanthos/EVO/System/Mercenary/Mercenary.cs line:447

Here is the script:
#region Header
// EvoSystem version 2.1, by Xanthos
// Mercenary is based on a concept by Raelis, Sadoul and Grae
// freshened up and added
// by clayton @ dec 07 2013
#endregion Header
using System;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Misc;
using Server.SkillHandlers;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server.Targeting;
using Xanthos.Utilities;
using Xanthos.Interfaces;
namespace Xanthos.Evo
[CorpseName( "a mercenary corpse" )]
public class Mercenary : BaseEvo, IEvoCreature
[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.Administrator )]
public new bool CanHue
get { return false; }
private static Hashtable s_Keywords;
private static string s_Version = "EvoSystem version 2.1, by Xanthos";
public override BaseEvoSpec GetEvoSpec()
return MercenarySpec.Instance;
public override BaseEvoEgg GetEvoEgg()
return null;
public override bool AddPointsOnDamage { get { return false; } }
public override bool AddPointsOnMelee { get { return true; } }
public override Type GetEvoDustType() { return null; }
enum Commands { None = 0, Restyle, Dress, Undress, Mount, Dismount, Stats, Unload, List, Arm, Grab, Loot, Attack, Tithe, Help, WhosYourDaddy, Last = Commands.WhosYourDaddy, }
static Mercenary()
string [] keyWords = { " ", "restyle", "dress", "undress", "mount", "dismount", "stats", "unload", "list", "arm", "grab", "loot", "attack", "tithe", "help", "whosyourdaddy" };
s_Keywords = new Hashtable( keyWords.Length, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase );
for ( int i = 0; i < keyWords.Length; ++i )
s_Keywords[keyWords[i]] = i;
public Mercenary( string name ) : base( name, AIType.AI_Melee, 0.01 )
SpeechHue = Utility.RandomDyedHue();
Hue = Utility.RandomSkinHue();
Item hair = new Item( Utility.RandomList( 0x203B, 0x2049, 0x2048, 0x204A ) );
hair.Hue = Utility.RandomNondyedHue();
hair.Layer = Layer.Hair;
hair.Movable = false;
AddItem( hair );
if ( Female = Utility.RandomBool() )
Body = 0x191;
Body = 0x190;
if ( Utility.RandomBool() )
Item beard = new Item( Utility.RandomList( 0x203E, 0x203F, 0x2040, 0x2041, 0x204B, 0x204C, 0x204D ) );
beard.Hue = hair.Hue;
beard.Layer = Layer.FacialHair;
beard.Movable = false;
AddItem( beard );
if ( !(this is IEvoGuardian) )
Item weapon;
switch ( Utility.Random( 6 ) )
case 0: weapon = new Kryss(); break;
case 1: weapon = new Scimitar(); break;
case 2: weapon = new WarAxe(); break;
case 3: weapon = new Cutlass(); break;
case 4: weapon = new HammerPick(); break;
default: weapon = new WarFork(); break;
AddItem( weapon );
AddItem( new Robe() );
if ( null == Backpack )
Container pack = new Backpack();
pack.Movable = false;
AddItem( pack );
public Mercenary( Serial serial ) : base( serial ) {}
public override FoodType FavoriteFood{ get{ return FoodType.Eggs | FoodType.Fish | FoodType.Meat | FoodType.FruitsAndVegies; } }
protected override void PackSpecialItem()
Item item;
switch ( Utility.Random( 4 ) )
case 0: item = (Item)new MercenaryDeed(); break;
case 1: item = (Item)new EtherealLlama(); break;
case 3: item = (Item)new HoodedShroudOfShadows(); break;
default: ((BallOfSummoning)(item = (Item)new BallOfSummoning())).Charges = 2000; break;
item.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
PackItem( item );
protected override void Evolve( bool hatching )
base.Evolve( hatching );

public override string ApplyNameSuffix( string suffix )
if ( !IsBonded )
return "";
MercenarySpec spec = GetEvoSpec() as MercenarySpec;
if ( null != spec && null != spec.Stages )
if ( suffix.Length == 0 )
suffix = GetMercTitle( spec, m_Stage );
suffix = String.Concat( suffix, " ", GetMercTitle( spec, m_Stage ) );
return base.ApplyNameSuffix( suffix );
private string GetMercTitle( MercenarySpec spec, int stage )
string title = "";
if ( 0 <= m_Stage && m_FinalStage >= m_Stage )
if ( stage == m_FinalStage || stage == m_FinalStage - 1 )
title = ", " + spec.Stages[ stage ].Title + " of " + ControlMaster.Name;
title = spec.Stages[ stage ].Title;
return title;
private string GetRestrictedUseTitle( bool isArtifact )
MercenarySpec spec = GetEvoSpec() as MercenarySpec;
return null == spec || null == spec.Stages ? "a higher" : GetMercTitle( spec, isArtifact ? spec.ArtifactStage : spec.CraftedWeaponStage );
private bool CanUseRestrictedItem( bool isArtifact )
MercenarySpec spec = GetEvoSpec() as MercenarySpec;
return ( null != spec && ( isArtifact ? spec.ArtifactStage : spec.CraftedWeaponStage ) <= m_Stage );
public override bool HandlesOnSpeech( Mobile from ) { return true; }
public override void OnSpeech( SpeechEventArgs e )
Mobile from = e.Mobile;
if ( ControlMaster != from || IsDeadPet )
base.OnSpeech( e );
object command = Commands.None;
if ( e.Speech.Length > "all ".Length && e.Speech.Substring( 0, "all ".Length ).ToLower() == "all " )
command = s_Keywords[ e.Speech.Substring( "all ".Length ) ];
else if ( e.Speech.Length > Name.Length + 1 && e.Speech.Substring( 0, Name.Length + 1 ).ToLower() == Name.ToLower() + ' ' )
command = s_Keywords[ e.Speech.Substring( Name.Length + 1 ) ];
switch ( (command == null ? (int)Commands.None : (int)command) )
case (int)Commands.Restyle:
from.SendGump( new Xanthos.Evo.HairstylistBuyGump( from, this ) );
case (int)Commands.Dress:
Say("I shall attmept to equip all the items in my pack.");
List<Server.Item> items = Backpack.Items;

for ( int i = items.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i )
Item item = (Item)items[i];
if ( item is BaseWeapon || item is BaseClothing || item is BaseArmor || item is BaseJewel )
Backpack.DropItem( item );
OnDragDrop( from, item );
case (int)Commands.Undress:
Say("I shall give you everything I am wearing.");
List<Server.Item> items = Items;

for ( int i = items.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i )
Item item = (Item)items[i];
if ( !(item is Container || item is IMountItem) && item.Layer != Layer.FacialHair && item.Layer != Layer.Hair )
from.AddToBackpack( item );
case (int)Commands.Mount:
if ( null == Mount )
IMount mount = FindMyMount( Backpack );
if ( null == mount )
from.Target = new MountTarget( from, this );
mount.Rider = this;
case (int)Commands.Dismount:
if ( null != Mount )
IMount mount = FindMyMount( null );
if ( null != mount )
mount.Rider = null;
if ( mount is EtherealMount )
Backpack.DropItem( mount as EtherealMount );
((BaseMount)mount).ControlOrder = OrderType.Follow;
case (int)Commands.Stats:
from.SendGump( new AnimalLoreGump( this ) );
case (int)Commands.Unload:
Say("I shall give you everything in my pack.");
List<Server.Item> items = Backpack.Items;

for ( int i = items.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i )
from.AddToBackpack( (Item)items[i] );
case (int)Commands.List:
Say("I am carrying:");
foreach( Item item in Backpack.Items )
if ( null != item )
Say( "{0} {1}", item.Amount, item.GetType().Name );
case (int)Commands.Arm:
Item item = Backpack.FindItemByType( typeof( BaseWeapon ) );
if ( null == item )
Say( "I have no weapons to arm myself with." );
Backpack.DropItem( item );
OnDragDrop( from, item );
case (int)Commands.Grab:
GrabItems( false );
case (int)Commands.Loot:
GrabItems( true );
case (int)Commands.Tithe:
bool ankhInRange = false;
foreach ( Item item in GetItemsInRange( 2 ) )
if ( item is AnkhNorth || item is AnkhWest )
ankhInRange = true;
if ( !ankhInRange )
Say( "I must be near a shrine to tithe." );
Container pack = Backpack;
if ( null != pack )
Item item = pack.FindItemByType( typeof( Gold ) );
int tithe;
if ( null != item && item.Amount > 0 && pack.ConsumeTotal( typeof( Gold ), (tithe = item.Amount) ))
Emote( "*Tithes gold as a sign of devotion.*" );
TithingPoints += tithe;
PlaySound( 0x243 );
PlaySound( 0x2E6 );
Say( "I now have {0} tithing points.", TithingPoints );
case (int)Commands.Help:
Say("I will follow these commands: restyle, dress, undress, mount, dismount, unload, list, arm, grab, loot, attack, tithe and stats.");
case (int)Commands.WhosYourDaddy:
Say( s_Version );
case (int)Commands.Attack:
switch ( Utility.Random( 3 ) )
case 0: WeaponAbility.SetCurrentAbility( this, ((BaseWeapon)Weapon).PrimaryAbility ); break;
case 1: WeaponAbility.SetCurrentAbility( this, ((BaseWeapon)Weapon).SecondaryAbility ); break;
case 2: new Server.Spells.Chivalry.ConsecrateWeaponSpell( this, null ).Cast(); break;
goto default;
base.OnSpeech( e );
e.Handled = true;
public override void OnThink()
if ( Hits < HitsMax - 100 && null == BandageContext.GetContext( this ))
Item item = Backpack.FindItemByType( typeof(Bandage) );
if ( null != item && null != BandageContext.BeginHeal( this , this ))
item.Consume( 1 );
if ( Hunger < 10 || Loyalty <= BaseCreature.MaxLoyalty / 10 )
private void CheckFeedSelf()
if ( !IsDeadPet && null != Backpack )
Item item = Backpack.FindItemByType( typeof( Food ) );
if ( null == item )
((Food)item).Eat( this ); Stam += 15;
if ( Loyalty < BaseCreature.MaxLoyalty && 0.5 >= Utility.RandomDouble() )
this.Emote( "*Looks happier.*" );
if ( IsBondable && !IsBonded )
Mobile master = ControlMaster;
if ( master != null && master.Skills[SkillName.AnimalTaming].Value >= MinTameSkill )
if ( BondingBegin == DateTime.MinValue )
BondingBegin = DateTime.Now;
else if ( (BondingBegin + BondingDelay) <= DateTime.Now )
IsBonded = true;
BondingBegin = DateTime.MinValue;
master.SendLocalizedMessage( 1049666 ); // Your pet has bonded with you!
public void GrabItems( bool ignoreNoteriety )
ArrayList items = new ArrayList();
bool rejected = false;
bool lootAdded = false;
Emote( "*Rummages through items on the ground.*" );
foreach ( Item item in GetItemsInRange( 2 ) )
if ( item.Movable )
items.Add( item );
else if ( item is Corpse )
{ // Either criminally loot any corpses or loot only corpses that we have rights to
if ( ignoreNoteriety || NotorietyHandlers.CorpseNotoriety( this, (Corpse)item ) != Notoriety.Innocent )
Emote( "*Rummages through items in a corpse.*" );
foreach ( Item corpseItem in ((Corpse)item).Items )
items.Add( corpseItem );
foreach ( Item item in items )
if ( !Backpack.CheckHold( this, item, false, true ) )
rejected = true;
bool isRejected;
LRReason reason;
NextActionTime = DateTime.Now;
Lift( item, item.Amount, out isRejected, out reason );
if ( !isRejected )
Drop( this, Point3D.Zero );
lootAdded = true;
rejected = true;
if ( lootAdded )
PlaySound( 0x2E6 ); //drop gold sound
if ( rejected )
Say( "I could not pick up all of the items." );
public override bool CheckGold( Mobile from, Item dropped )
if ( dropped is Gold )
return false;
return base.CheckGold( from, dropped );
public IMount FindMyMount( Container pack )
List<Server.Item> items = ( null == pack ) ? Items : pack.Items;
foreach ( Item item in items )
if ( item is IMountItem )
return ((IMountItem)item).Mount;
else if ( item.Layer == Layer.Mount )
return (IMount)item;
return null;
public override bool OnDragDrop( Mobile from, Item dropped )
Item itemEquipped;
if (( ControlMaster != from && this != from ) || IsDeadPet )
return base.OnDragDrop( from, dropped );
bool isArtifact = Xanthos.Utilities.Misc.IsArtifact( dropped );
if ( ( Xanthos.Utilities.Misc.IsPlayerConstructed( dropped ) || isArtifact ) && !CanUseRestrictedItem( isArtifact ) )
from.SendMessage( Name + " must attain {0} level to equip {1} items.", GetRestrictedUseTitle( isArtifact ), isArtifact ? "artifact" : "crafted" );
from.AddToBackpack( dropped );
return false;
if ( dropped is Bandage || dropped is Food )
Backpack.DropItem( dropped );
from.SendMessage( "You give " + Name + " supplies." );
return true;
else if ( dropped is Gold )
Backpack.DropItem( dropped );
from.SendMessage( "You give " + Name + " gold." );
return true;
else if ( dropped is BaseWeapon )
itemEquipped = FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded );
if ( null != itemEquipped && ((BaseWeapon)dropped).CheckConflictingLayer( this, itemEquipped, Layer.TwoHanded ))
from.AddToBackpack( itemEquipped );
itemEquipped = FindItemOnLayer( Layer.OneHanded );
if ( null != itemEquipped && ((BaseWeapon)dropped).CheckConflictingLayer( this, itemEquipped, Layer.OneHanded ))
from.AddToBackpack( itemEquipped );
itemEquipped = FindItemOnLayer( Layer.FirstValid );
if ( null != itemEquipped && ((BaseWeapon)dropped).CheckConflictingLayer( this, itemEquipped, Layer.FirstValid ))
from.AddToBackpack( itemEquipped );
Backpack.DropItem( dropped );
AddItem( dropped );
from.SendMessage( "You give " + Name + " a weapon." );
return true;
else if ( dropped is BaseArmor )
BaseArmor armor = (BaseArmor)dropped;
if ( !armor.AllowMaleWearer && Body.IsMale )
from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010388 ); // Only females can wear this.
from.AddToBackpack( armor );
else if ( !armor.AllowFemaleWearer && Body.IsFemale )
from.SendMessage( "Only males can wear this." );
from.AddToBackpack( armor );
itemEquipped = FindItemOnLayer( dropped.Layer );
if ( null != itemEquipped )
from.AddToBackpack( itemEquipped );
Backpack.DropItem( dropped );
AddItem( dropped );
from.SendMessage( "You give " + Name + " armor." );
return true;
else if ( dropped is BaseClothing || dropped is BaseJewel )
if ( null != ( itemEquipped = FindItemOnLayer( dropped.Layer ) ))
from.AddToBackpack( itemEquipped );
Backpack.DropItem( dropped );
AddItem( dropped );
from.SendMessage( "You give " + Name + (dropped is BaseJewel ? " jewelry." : " clothing.") );
return true;
return base.OnDragDrop( from, dropped );
private bool HasRangedEquipped()
Item item = FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded );
return ( item != null && item is BaseRanged );
public override void OnItemAdded( Item item )
base.OnItemAdded( item );
if ( item is BaseRanged )
ChangeAIType( AIType.AI_Archer );
public override void OnItemRemoved( Item item )
base.OnItemRemoved( item );
if ( item is BaseRanged )
public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
writer.Write( (int)0 ); 
public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
int version = reader.ReadInt();
if ( HasRangedEquipped() )
ChangeAIType( AIType.AI_Archer );
internal class MountTarget : Target
private Mercenary m_Merc;
public MountTarget( Mobile from, Mercenary merc ) : base( 1, false, TargetFlags.None )
m_Merc = merc;
from.SendMessage( "Choose a mount for " + m_Merc.Name + " to ride." );
protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object obj )
DoOnTarget( from, obj, m_Merc );
public static void DoOnTarget( Mobile from, object o, Mercenary merc )
EtherealMount ethy = o as EtherealMount;
if ( null != ethy )
if ( null != ethy.Rider )
from.SendMessage( "This ethereal mount is already in use by someone else." );
else if ( !ethy.IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) )
from.SendMessage( "The ethereal mount must be in your pack for you to use it." );
ethy.Rider = merc;
BaseMount mount = o as BaseMount;
if ( null == mount )
from.SendMessage( "That is not a mount." );
else if ( null != mount.Rider )
from.SendMessage( "This mount is already in use by someone else." );
else if ( mount.ControlMaster != from )
from.SendMessage( "You do not own this mount." );
mount.Rider = merc;

The problem is with this line:

NextActionTime = DateTime.Now;

I have attached the rest of the system in case you would like to have it.


  • Xanthos.rar
    77.4 KB · Views: 174
i did that before. But it then gives:

Error 478 'System.DateTime' does not contain a definition for 'NowUtc'

So I had put it back
That leads to this one
Error 483 'System.DateTime' does not contain a definition for 'NowUtc'

Sorry to be a pain
Changing it to DateTime.NowUtc gives error Error 478 'System.DateTime' does not contain a definition for 'NowUtc'.
Changing it to DateTime.UtcNow gives error Error 483 Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long'.
Ah yeah, sorry. It was changed to Core.TickCount. Don't believe anything I say tonight, I've been drinking.
:p I really appreciate your help oh drunken master :)
Im still at a loss of what to change it around to though. Something like

NextActionTime = NextActionTime - Core.TickCount;

NextActionTime = DateTime.Now;

here is the complete method

public void GrabItems( bool ignoreNoteriety )
ArrayList items = new ArrayList();
bool rejected = false;
bool lootAdded = false;
Emote( "*Rummages through items on the ground.*" );
foreach ( Item item in GetItemsInRange( 2 ) )
if ( item.Movable )
items.Add( item );
else if ( item is Corpse )
{ // Either criminally loot any corpses or loot only corpses that we have rights to
if ( ignoreNoteriety || NotorietyHandlers.CorpseNotoriety( this, (Corpse)item ) != Notoriety.Innocent )
Emote( "*Rummages through items in a corpse.*" );
foreach ( Item corpseItem in ((Corpse)item).Items )
items.Add( corpseItem );
foreach ( Item item in items )
if ( !Backpack.CheckHold( this, item, false, true ) )
rejected = true;
bool isRejected;
LRReason reason;
NextActionTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
Lift( item, item.Amount, out isRejected, out reason );
if ( !isRejected )
Drop( this, Point3D.Zero );
lootAdded = true;
rejected = true;
if ( lootAdded )
PlaySound( 0x2E6 ); //drop gold sound
if ( rejected )
Say( "I could not pick up all of the items." );

It was on line 41 (which I changed)
NextActionTime = Core.TickCount;

Its wanting to set that exact moment in time. You may have to check where the NextActionTime is called also.

Active Shards


Total amount