
xmlspawner attach.cs & xmlsetgump.cs errors. please guide me to fix this please
I had just downloaded the xmlspawner2 from on may 31,2014. followed the instructions, which might i add were very precise and clear. I had and have no errors with any of the alterations that were suggested. thank you =)
Here is a copy of the runuo window

RunUO - [] Version
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 4.0.30319
Core: Optimizing for 3 64-bit processors
Core: Server garbage collection mode enabled
RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (2 errors, 0 warnings)
+ Customs/XmlSpawner Core/XmlAttach/XmlAttach.cs:
CS1525: Line 2473: Invalid expression term 'else'
CS1002: Line 2473: ; expected
+ Customs/XmlSpawner Core/XmlPropsGumps/XmlSetGump.cs:
CS1502: Line 271: The best overloaded method match for 'Server.Gumps.SetBody
Gump.SetBodyGump(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo, Server.Mobile, object, System.C
ollections.Generic.Stack<Server.Gumps.StackEntry>, int, System.Collections.Array
List)' has some invalid arguments
CS1503: Line 271: Argument 4: cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Stack'
to 'System.Collections.Generic.Stack<Server.Gumps.StackEntry>'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

For the first error...its an else line....; isn't needed there so I'm just baffled. the 2nd error for the setgumps theres been issues i have read about but I was under the impression that the issue was corrected and the update was published on fwiffo's page back in april. i did check my setgumps.cs with the new one with winmerge and they are identical.


  • XmlSetGump.cs
    9.5 KB · Views: 4
  • XmlAttach.cs
    66.9 KB · Views: 1
did you perhaps miss an edit to the SetBodyGump.cs file to allow more then 1-3 arguements?

in attach.cs file looks to me the "else" statement is in the wrong spot....

// need to check the item again in case it was modified in the OnUse or OnUser method
if (!blockdefaultonuse)


should be

// need to check the item again in case it was modified in the OnUse or OnUser method
if (!blockdefaultonuse)

the way yours looks if you did the if statement then closed out the if statement and tried to re-continue the if statement after closing it...
Last edited:
He is using RunUO 2.5 from mark sturgil, but doesn't know of the core mods that were done inside here.

The core needs to be recompiled with the option /D:NEWTIMERS if it's using my release of xmlspawner...

just look at the attached file and eventually replace your file and recompile the server.


  • ScriptCompiler.cs
    19.7 KB · Views: 21
Thanks for the post and answers regarding this particular situation. Although, I have since scrapped the runuo basic setup as it was just throwing me too many errors after i would get any part of it fixed. Fwiffo is correct in the aspect that I was using the runuo base and was unaware of the edits made from this site to fix those issues. demented, as for the worries everyone fubs up time to time. no worries man. I have since then, completely converted over to a servuo base and i am using vita-nex core from Voxpire. since i installed and restarted everything over from scratch, the errors i would get were easily fixed by reading the error line, using pastebin, utilizing the microsoft visual C# and trial and error. Many of you here have gently guided my path to find the information i needed to resolve many of the issues. For this, I thank everyone of you here. Without the aid of my husband and this community, my little server would still be a blank page. Many thanks to all of you!
Okay so im getting the same XMLSetGump.cs error when i try to use this with Runuo 2.5, and i can't seem to find where to fix it as @fwiffo said on how to fix it.... Any detailed guidelines to fix this issue, please?

Thank you in advance.

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