Recent content by CrafterEric

  1. CrafterEric

    Raven Moon

    I play here, and I just wanted to say this shard is the best. Gobs of mobs, all kinds of custom content, underwater dungeon, other dungeons custom made, tokens at 6:1, Master Keys to hold everything for you (like OWLTR). New LRC suit for every starting player (found in the donation boxes in...
  2. CrafterEric

    How to increase followers?

    @Barclay: try the addon script for followers based on intelligence. I had mine set to 100 followers at one time, so I know you can do it easily. Say so here if you can't find it, i'll post mine. 1560021072 there it is. try this out.
  3. CrafterEric

    I crashed on using a carpentry tool

    Lagatha got it working very late last night (writing this @ 2am), and went straight to bed. I had to come here and tell everyone that she got it and everything's cool. Beyond that, I'd like to publicly thank @UoSidio for making the attempt to help out. Lag has been away since OP, and UoSidio...
  4. CrafterEric

    I crashed on using a carpentry tool

    oh yah, I'm sorry, I did not mean to say that this is a bug in ServUO, it's not. Yes, there's some custom code in place, but as it's not my server, I don't have access to look closer at it. She's not signed in to Discord today, so she likely won't be able to answer until tomorrow. I'll let her...
  5. CrafterEric

    I crashed on using a carpentry tool

    I play on Lagatha's shard full time. In fact, I'm the one who discovered the bug, causing the shard to reboot (not the computer, only the shard) every time I did it. I hadn't tried it out on any other carpentry tools, though I had just tried the other crafting tools (tinkering, blacksmithy)...
  6. CrafterEric

    Removing Insta-kill when being guardwhacked

    Felladrin released a killable guard of 3 different types called The Peacemaker. Apparently they still respond to guard commands and can be killed, but don't loot. Either way, there's something a step closer to where ya going.
  7. CrafterEric

    Bomberman Game

    Great game, Milva! I recognize that you didn't write it originally, but I'm really glad you shared it with us. Thanks. :)
  8. CrafterEric

    cute house done as addon

    Ok, so we might see more of her in the future. Until then I guess we can expect your great addons and more. Thank you, Lagatha, for coding and sharing what you design.
  9. CrafterEric

    cute house done as addon

    Hey Lagatha, what's up. I've been looking pretty closely for your updated slave dancer, and just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything. Oh but this is a cute house. :)
  10. CrafterEric

    Trying to add a random piece of ranger armor as quest reward

    Hehe. Well I'm going through the magic 8 ball tutorial right now, so I am learning the correct way to do things from the best. I just also appreciate any thinking that can get me closer to whatever solution I'm working on. Don't worry, the masters are still training me thru tutes. :)
  11. CrafterEric

    Trying to add a random piece of ranger armor as quest reward

    Wow, great, thank you so much @Aschnyder26. I just wanted you to know that not only do I appreciate all the extra work you went to to show the correct way to do this, but I'm sure others who will come after me do, too. Thanks for keeping the learning alive.
  12. CrafterEric

    Trying to add a random piece of ranger armor as quest reward

    Oh wow, crap, that's a whole lot easier, cleaner, less overhaul, and obviously actually correct. Next week our sermon is on the blind leading the blind. Don't forget to Send Me Your Money! (Suicidal Tendencies) I just realized I need to know how to code random drops in the future. Yes, same...
  13. CrafterEric

    Trying to add a random piece of ranger armor as quest reward

    Ok, I found where mining can give you a chance at something, or nothing at all. After adding the RoughStones to your mining.cs (yes I know it's got nothing to do with you, but it's a working piece of code on a random drop), we would see this: if ( Core.ML ) {...
  14. CrafterEric

    Trying to add a random piece of ranger armor as quest reward

    Could you add 1 to the case options and either add nothing or add something useless or worthless? Oh wait, no, there's a way to add only by chance. Didn't I find that adding rough stones to the miner's possibilities? Let me see if I can figure out how to calculate a chance for drop instead of a...
  15. CrafterEric

    Trying to add a random piece of ranger armor as quest reward

    I know nothing, but since I happened to see it first and might have an idea, I'll respond. It looks like you used AddItem, which is why it's adding the items to the quest giver's pack. In Scripts/Misc/CharacterCreation, we can see the example of PackItem, like shown below: PackItem(new...

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