Recent content by sircapted

  1. sircapted

    Vendor drop down menus?

    not exactly sure but i think the vendor dropdown menus are post aos!
  2. sircapted

    3x3 matrice

    where can i get that open source script?> thats what im talking about, its been done!!! wow!
  3. sircapted

    3x3 matrice

    exactly! Ultima Online on a new level! where to even begin? A next level platform! evolution of! the new millenium! that would be a project! i have a dream! in 3x3 matrice you have x,y,z axis on a coordinate graph.. thats a 2d system with...
  4. sircapted

    3x3 matrice

    Utima Online is a 3x3 matrice system (x,y,z) and is obsolete really, we endure its relic state because we are accustomed to it! What if Ultima Online was a 4x4 matrice (x,y,z,w)? Like most modern games Ultima Online could compete again as a state of the art game! Too bad this idea is far fetched...
  5. sircapted

    I'm asking you a question because I'm curious about the tree collection once again.

    is this why grapes can be picked in yew?
  6. sircapted

    I have a question about the explosion effect.
  7. sircapted

    Monthly PVM ranking with prize.

    at the end of the month if its not manually reset, endranking, everykill gets a robe and it resets at the next kill. how to reset automatically with no "endranking" reset! and doesnt show points on robe or month it was won. i like this system, its awesome. also would be more awesome to...
  8. sircapted

    Using an explode effect on mobile death, no effect is happening

    add using VitaNex.FX; and using VitaNex.Network; awesome!
  9. sircapted

    core error

    confirmed auto restart.cfg must be false, if true will not boot. with it false i still have a few issues, system.nullreferenceexception: object reference not set to an instance of an object. at system.objectextutility.geteventdelegates(object obj, string eventname) at...
  10. sircapted

    offending items

    thnk you, must change alot of script now. alot of ofeending items..
  11. sircapted

    offending items

    why do i get offending mobiles and items often?
  12. sircapted

    core error

    gonna work on it, i think from al my error reports that the time stamp on vitanex is different from the time stamp on servuo auto restart, they are contradicting each other, perhaps one is military time(servuo) and the other is regular time(vitanex). gonna try it on an old runuo 2.6 server.
  13. sircapted

    core error

    i deleted vita nex and still it threw exceptions. apperently autorestart.cfg = true was throwing it off. set it to false and it booted. vita nex was worth a try.
  14. sircapted

    core error

    sorry man 57.3.... ic reset datapath.cs and renamed all files is there a cfg file if i delete vitanex i get same results. okie dokie, bummer i gonna have to start a fresh server. after all the stuff i did to it. System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the...

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