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  1. Sorthious

    razor question

    Yeah....Jeff is right....Wish the interface allowed easy removal of unwanted IP's. The older versions of Razor used to store them as a pair I think. They would be stored as something like IP1/Port1...So, say you had and had seperate servers on Port 2593 and 2594 it would save them...
  2. Sorthious

    Thoughts on #regions in code

    I love regions...makes it much easier searching through code while debugging. You can just collapse the parts that you know have nothing to do with the current issue. Especially helpful in files with lots of lines!
  3. Sorthious

    Bulk Order Help

    For this part: I think should be something like: if (((Item)o).Amount > 1) { if ( (this.m_AmountCur) + (((Item)o).Amount) > this.m_AmountMax) { this.m_AmountCur = this.m_AmountMax; } else { this.m_AmountCur += ((Item)o).Amount; }...
  4. Sorthious

    Brutal Doom v20

    Haha....yeah I remember that....Call Waiting would bump our connection....Damn you call waiting!
  5. Sorthious

    C# tutorials

    Opps...sorry bout that!
  6. Sorthious

    OSI Spawn (Mostly accurate) - XML

    I forget how....but there is an xmlcommand to convert all 'spawner' spawners to Xmlspawners and then save that file. Use the [help command to find it.
  7. Sorthious

    Convert RunUO 2.5 to ServUO

    From what I've read that can be a daunting task, especially if you have tons of custom content, items, and players. It can be done, but lots of work.
  8. Sorthious

    OSI Spawn (Mostly accurate) - XML

    Yeah, I got rid of all other spawners; spawner, aspawner,megaspawner,etc and replaced them with XmlSpawners. And quests I don't script anymore. I just do quests on a spawner and save the QuestDialogue to the server. [xmlfind lets you search your spawners with many search parameters, and you...
  9. Sorthious

    Problem with my Big Fish not saving stones

    Please post what you did to fix it so it may help others (^8
  10. Sorthious

    Problem with my Big Fish not saving stones

    Just glanced at it but original doesnt Goto Case 0: and yours does
  11. Sorthious

    Adding an arcane focus to a mobs pack

    Here is a guide to set up your project in Visual Studio.....
  12. Sorthious

    Tag a player character that so they can only receive one item?

    Congrats!'s an Indian might have to get used to his accent but his lessons are great!
  13. Sorthious

    Why I think Pay to Win is Bad.

    I think you are painting all shards that accept donations with too broad a brush. Just because they accept donations doesnt make them bad.
  14. Sorthious

    Why I think Pay to Win is Bad.

    The shard I'm on, admittedly, does have items that give advantage but we don't entirely leave non-donating players out. They are given a Vet Reward ticket, which they can use to get Donation Items, once a year. I definitely see the issue, however it isn't my shard. But my main issue would be...
  15. Sorthious

    Why I think Pay to Win is Bad.

    Not everyone can afford to do that and thus donations are the only means with which to continue. If a person is doing it solely for profit then I can see an issue with it. If the funds donated are taken and used to upgrade servers, upgrade connection speed, etc., then I don't see a problem...
  16. Sorthious

    Tag a player character that so they can only receive one item?

    Aye Pooka is right...Could have let the falses fall through but doing it the way way I did it stops unnecessary processing. Still new to programming myself but learning a lot!
  17. Sorthious

    Functional XmlSpawner BBQ Grill

    Just wanted to show another Item I made using XmlSpawners....hope people like this and/or it gives them ideas. (^8 For those who normally turn sound off, this has sound effects as well!
  18. Sorthious

    Why I think Pay to Win is Bad.

    If you for it, and someone buys it, people in-game who can't/won't pay for it are at a disadvantage. Option 3 is the best option imo, but even then if I were starting a new shard with donation items, I would only have donation items that have little or no impact on gameplay or having an even...
  19. Sorthious

    Tag a player character that so they can only receive one item?

    You're problem is that OnDragDrop has a Return Type of Bool yet you have no returns in that method. It is expecting a Bool that tells it whether or not to allow Drag/Drop for the item. For every possible branch of the nested IF statements you need to either Return true(allow DragDrop) or...
  20. Sorthious

    Why I think Pay to Win is Bad.

    I've been arguing that for years but it normally falls on deaf ears. Unfortunately my shard has items that would be considered 'Pay to Win' but over the last several years i've been trying to reverse that tread. We've introduced items in game that are actualy better than donation weapons/gear...

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