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  1. Hammerhand

    Craft resource hues

    I reset everything back to original & tried a less involved route. Went into CraftItem.cs & added all 3 of the tiger pelts into the tables region in both the private static readonly Type[][] ItemTypesTable = & the private static readonly Type[] m_ColoredResourceTable = sections. I can now use...
  2. Hammerhand

    Increase Resource Node Replenish/Respawn Rate

    In the harvest scripts. Example. In Mining.cs, line 33 (Mining for Ore and Stone region) #region Mining for ore and stone HarvestDefinition oreAndStone = OreAndStone = new HarvestDefinition(); // Resource banks are every 8x8 tiles...
  3. Hammerhand

    Craft resource hues

    I'm trying to get the TigerPelt armors to be craftable with the White & Black pelts. I have them set up as craft resources, with hues for them. I've made armor pieces for both the Black & White pelts so that they show the resource name (showing that they are rarer than the reg). I've even...
  4. Hammerhand

    Help with code knowledge

    PowerScroll has no CliLoc, it doesn't need one.
  5. Hammerhand

    Fishing additions

    No, that's an animation that runs continuously. The Porthole just has a 2 piece animation like a door & functions in a similar manner. Dbl click to open, dbl click to close.. But door coding throws an error due to the Shipwreck coding.
  6. Hammerhand

    AddonGenerator through High Seas

    None that I know of. You'd probably need to make new ones showing different sides. But rotating, no, don't think it's possible.
  7. Hammerhand

    Fishing additions

    Only issue so far is the Porthole doesn't open & close on dbl click. Treating it as a door throws errors & won't compile, so I need to try to sort out another route.
  8. Hammerhand

    Fishing additions

    Picky, picky, picky.. lol I didn't even see that one. Guess I should have looked a bit deeper.
  9. Hammerhand

    Fishing additions

    Turns out they DO fish up, or at least the anchor does, so the others should as well. They seem to fall mid way between common & semi-rare, but that works for me. No sense in overloading a server with anchors & bottled ships lol. I did end up having to add in the shipwreck coding after all, so...
  10. Hammerhand

    Fishing additions

    That's about the only item that has that coding in it that can be fished up actually.
  11. Hammerhand

    Fishing additions

    I'm trying to add the Anchor, Porthole, AnchorChain & ShipInABottle into my Fishing.cs I have scripts done for them, I've added all but the AnchorChain, but so far I haven't fished any up. What I've done however has reduced the amount of bones & body...
  12. Hammerhand

    Davie's Locker gump redux

    Managed what I set out to do after all. Just needed to shift things sideways a bit. lol I like it. :D Script included if anyone is interested in it.
  13. Hammerhand

    Davie's Locker gump redux

    I never really cared for the Davie's Locker gump in regards to the coordinates, so I decided to try to make some changes. So far, things have worked out (after doing a bit of shuffling). The only issues I'm having is getting the SOS's to show Ancient. Because of the gump art itself, I was...
  14. Hammerhand

    paragon chest aren't taking random hue

    Maybe try something along the lines of m_Hue = Utility.RandomMinMax(0x0, 0x489); with your hue #'s in place of these. I did this on a mob a while back & it gave it the ability to spawn in any hue within that range.
  15. Hammerhand

    Delete all facets but Malas (error)

    I think all that really needed to be done was just remove/not spawn moongates. No moongates, no travel to other facets, so they technically don't exist. And the gate travel spell wouldn't get anyone anywhere other than Malas either. No way to create runes in other places.
  16. Hammerhand


    *waves HI*
  17. Hammerhand

    Beetles inspired by Diablo (re-release)

    I made one several years ago. Not sure if it still works, but here it is. Picky fire beetle mount that smelts ores.
  18. Hammerhand

    Happy Groundhogs Day!

    Happy Groundhogs Day 2-2-22 The date doesn't make it seem very ominous, does it? Let's hope we don't get stuck in some weird loop like the movie.. Happy Groundhogs Day 2-2-22 The date doesn't make it seem very ominous, does it? Let's hope we don't get stuck in some weird loop like the movie...
  19. Hammerhand

    UO-The Expanse: the (edu) Repack

    Aaawww... shucks! I didn't do much, but thanks all the same. ;)
  20. Hammerhand

    RunUO coming back?

    Anyone know anything about this?

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