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  1. Yvan Major

    Pet Bonding Potion

    Yes the script i submitted at the very first come from the Pet Bonding Deed idea. I just want the compile items like ServUO Repo does. I just dont like to add items "customs" that i know it can compile like the rest of the item set. I am working the BaseArtificialLife.cs so it should compile...
  2. Yvan Major

    Pet Bonding Potion

    Really dont know, just trying to add customs that are working the same as the repo.
  3. Yvan Major

    Mouving 2 houses side by side

    I did that too and it let only 1 house per character, but max 2 per account if you change it to 2. But it's fine since a player can have more than 1 character :)
  4. Yvan Major

    Pet Bonding Potion

    But drinking wont give a target to target the dead pet, no ?
  5. Yvan Major

    Pet Bonding Potion

    Hi, i am trying to make a Pet Bonding Potion OSI style but named "Artificial Life" that i want to be craftable since my server will have mostly all skills up-gradable to 120. I know i will have more to customize to make it craftable :) If anyone able to tell me where i am wrong it would be much...
  6. Yvan Major

    Full Soulstone Token

    Yvan Major submitted a new resource: Full Soulstone Token - Full Soulstone Token Read more about this resource...
  7. Yvan Major

    Full Soulstone Token 2016-02-17

    It does the same thing than the Soulstone Fragment but will grant players a full Soulstone with no charges. It is NOT deleting the fragment, so both are available in the script instead of only the fragment. I have searched and used the normal cliloc file so will fit on any server. Install...
  8. Yvan Major

    Mouving 2 houses side by side

    Ok no problem i can create multiple characters anyway. Thanks for the informations.
  9. Yvan Major

    Mouving 2 houses side by side

    Yes though that was possible :)
  10. Yvan Major

    Static ore spawn

    That easy :D Thanks a lot !
  11. Yvan Major

    Static ore spawn

    Is there a way i can make the ore spawn static ? Like it used to be in UO, you could mark ore locations and recall to the ore you were in need of instead of getting them randomized. Thanks for any informations.
  12. Yvan Major

    Mouving 2 houses side by side

    This was already done also: # Number of houses allowed per account # Note that only the most recently placed house will auto-refresh AccountHouseLimit=2 Readed the RunUO forum and it was saying that. Just dont know why it doesn't work. :(
  13. Yvan Major

    Firewall blocking clients

    Thanks, worked when i added the exception. :)
  14. Yvan Major

    Mouving 2 houses side by side

    Thanks, this is exactly what i was looking for. I am able to place all houses i want but was wondering if a player place a second and decorate it, how could i move it side by side with another. Now how do i setup accounts to be able to "place" 2 houses ? private static int...
  15. Yvan Major

    Firewall blocking clients

    Hi all, i have may look dumb but how do i allow folks to connect to my server? It look like my firewall is blocking everyone. Tried with my wife and it doesn't allow her to connect. Thanks for your help!
  16. Yvan Major

    Mouving 2 houses side by side

    I am wondering how to move 2 houses side by side, anyone know how to do that please ? Thanks !
  17. Yvan Major

    Game Window

    Nice, thanks for the informations. May look dumb but i just come back had too much work decorating, creating and scripting that i never remembered to open the back of Razor to customize it. Was looking for a [bandageself script yesterday and found out there is a place to set it in Razor either...
  18. Yvan Major

    Cleanup Rewards Publish 86 TC1

    Nocturne are one of my favorite reward of the Clean Up Britannia for all non Gargoyle characters since its the only thing really worth placing on earrings slot for elves and humans. :)
  19. Yvan Major

    Impassable Tiles In Ter Mur

    Well it is in Tomb Of King. Was on my test server and the client and server had different version. Sorry for that, finally found out myself it was the whole instance that was bugged. Hard to come back o_O Thanks all for your time !
  20. Yvan Major

    Impassable Tiles In Ter Mur

    Hi everyone, I have a problem in TerMur, All the Unfreezable/Freezable tiles are impassable. I have modified Trammel but haven't touch the TerMur map at all. Anyone got clue? Thanks in advance...

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