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  1. Hardcore Mode Arcade Life System

    Probably some way or another but I'm not really sure how. I will do some digging and see what I can work out.
  2. Setting Classes

    I use the gate method in my hardcore mod It's pretty easy to set the gates to do whatever you need them to do.
  3. Ask how to open: the Imbuing

    This^^ is the best resource for how anything works in UO, it doesn't have a some of the little tips but it covers the basics. Tips: Use an imbuing calculator to plan your enhancements. Imbue the stats that use the most expensive mats first when you have less chance of failure.
  4. Wrong Saves when server crash

    I have had problems like that with ftp. Sometimes I just delete the one one the server or rename it first.
  5. Bio Enginering standalone

    What does the system do?
  6. Do someone have a script for mystic vendor & Sea Monger?

    My main on OSI the last few months has been my fishing toon. I am getting ready to work on parts of that system but I have another project going that will be taking most of my time for a while. The fishing quests won't be too bad, getting the rep system working properly will be the hardest part.
  7. Castle Defense

    Sounds cool. One of my guilds on OSI has been planning cannon battles with our ships. This would be cool as a guild war event. Build a castle with destructible walls. One guild defends, one attacks, pvp battle to finish it off. You could disable res and make it a last man standing or set up...
  8. Private Message with location marker

    Nuggzy updated Private Message with location marker with a new update entry: Private message with location marker Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. Private Message with location marker - Private message with location marker

    Added options to specify the height of the marker bounce and time the marker remains on the screen. Usage: [PvtMsg ("message") (z-bounce) (lifespan) [pvtmsg Attention [pvtmsg Attention 5 10 If your message contains spaces it has to be inside quotes. [pvtmsg "Grab the backpack" [pvtmsg "Grab...
  10. Private Message with location marker

    Yep, just added them.
  11. [tell to 1 player

    I fixed a small bug in the marker item and added a bounce timer to make the marker bounce up and down drawing attention to it.
  12. Private Message with location marker

    Nuggzy submitted a new resource: Private Message with location marker - Send a private message to a player and highlight an item. Read more about this resource...
  13. Private Message with location marker 1.1

    This will add a staff command to send a private message to a player and highlight a targeted item. Usage: [PvtMsg ("message") (z-bounce) (lifespan) [pvtmsg Attention [pvtmsg Attention 5 10 If your message contains spaces it has to be inside quotes. [pvtmsg "Grab the backpack" [pvtmsg "Grab...
  14. [tell to 1 player

    Well, couldn't figure out how to get the message on the item but I figured out another way. Use this script and the included item to drop an item that is visible only to the staff and targeted player. It also sends a private overhead message to the player. [say1 Hey, grab that item that was...
  15. [tell to 1 player

    It's kinda weird though, the staff can move around and it won't change, most of the time. But if the player moves it seems to follow him but not exactly in the same spot. It's almost like a dynamically placed tooltip finding a spot it can fit. Take the player and move around the backpack in a...
  16. [tell to 1 player

    We have tried making the item visible, it makes no difference on the location of the LabelTo message. The quest arrow script might work but I am guessing it will do the same thing. The script is designed for a staff member to enter the message command then target a player followed by an item...
  17. [tell to 1 player

    Yeah all of that works fine but what we are trying to do is get the message to show up above the item that is clicked so it draws attention to the item.
  18. [tell to 1 player

    LabelTo is the only way I know of attaching the message to the object but I am a novice when it comes to the system and what it can do.
  19. [tell to 1 player

    ok, nm on that, it's jumping around now, very odd.
  20. [tell to 1 player

    Mine repeats the position every time so it's really just a matter of adjusting the XYZ location to get it so the label is right. You won't be targeting yourself so you just need to focus on player/item location.

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