The player tooltip Lives display is a bit buggy.

When does this code update and can I force it to update, or can someone suggest a better way of displaying lives left?
        public override void AddNameProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)

            XmlPoints a = (XmlPoints)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(this, typeof(XmlPoints));

            XmlData XmlPointsTitle = (XmlData)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(this, typeof(XmlData), "XmlPointsTitle");

            if ((XmlPointsTitle != null && XmlPointsTitle.Data == "True") || a == null)
            else if (IsPlayer())
                #region Nuggzy's Hardcore Mod
                Account acct = (Account)this.Account;
                int NHMHardcore = Convert.ToInt32(acct.GetTag("HardcoreMode~" + this.Name));
                if (NHMHardcore == 1)
                    int NHMLCount = Convert.ToInt32(acct.GetTag("HardcoreLifeCount~" + this.Name));
                    list.Add(1070722, "Kills {0} / Deaths {1} : Rank={2} : Lives {3}", a.Kills, a.Deaths, a.Rank, NHMLCount);
                    list.Add(1070722, "Kills {0} / Deaths {1} : Rank={2}", a.Kills, a.Deaths, a.Rank);
Its possible gives extra lives to players using
[props or anythinh?

I included an extra life token to be used for that. It was intended to be used as rewards for quests or achievements.

[addtopack NHMFreeLife

I will add a command to give players lives in case they are dead and can't use the token.
another question, its possible increase the time for respawn?

That is in the settings section at the top of the playermobile.cs

private int NHMAutoResAdj = 15; //Auto res base time, multiplied by the number of deaths.
i have this problems when i update:

 + custom/mobiles/PlayerMobile.cs:
    CS0103: Line 3357: The name `NHMpmX' does not exist in the current context
    CS0103: Line 3360: The name `NHMpmY' does not exist in the current context
    CS0103: Line 3372: The name `NHMUpdateGump' does not exist in the current context
    CS0103: Line 3447: The name `NHMUpdateGump' does not exist in the current context
    CS0103: Line 3908: The name `NHMpmX' does not exist in the current context
    CS0103: Line 3909: The name `NHMpmY' does not exist in the current context
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

i do anything brong?


  • PlayerMobile.cs
    173.2 KB · Views: 3
You missed some imports after the OnDeath section. I am at work now so I can't get to it for a little while. If you can't get it let me know and I will look at it on lunch.
i try it but i can solve it :S,

+ custom/mobiles/PlayerMobile.cs:
    CS0136: Line 3356: A local variable named `acct' cannot be declared in this scope because it would give a different meaning to `acct', which is already used in a `parent or current' scope to denote something else
    CS0136: Line 3360: A local variable named `NHMLifeCount' cannot be declared in this scope because it would give a different meaning to `NHMLifeCount', which is already used in a `parent or current' scope to denote something else
    CS0136: Line 3367: A local variable named `deathRobe' cannot be declared in this scope because it would give a different meaning to `deathRobe', which is already used in a `parent or current' scope to denote something else
    CS0136: Line 3500: A local variable named `deathRobe' cannot be declared in this scope because it would give a different meaning to `deathRobe', which is already used in a `parent or current' scope to denote something else
    CS1525: Line 3517: Unexpected symbol `private'
    CS1547: Line 3517: Keyword `void' cannot be used in this context
    CS1525: Line 3517: Unexpected symbol `('
    CS1525: Line 3522: Unexpected symbol `private'
    CS1547: Line 3522: Keyword `void' cannot be used in this context
    CS1525: Line 3522: Unexpected symbol `('
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.
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if i don't modify nothing in playermobile works, but without the news xD

Ok, unfortunately it's been crazy at work so I haven't had a chance to look at it. I will finish my command script as soon as I get home and update your playermobile with the latest version. I will be home in about 3.5 hours(4:50 EST).
Don't worry ;) you are working hard! thanks for all. another question, you knows about servuo on linux?

that playermonile are working now for me:


  • PlayerMobile.cs
    169 KB · Views: 1
i upgrade and no problem with my playermobile but, when player log in, go to a black area staying alive :S
They should be going to jail cell number 4. That is where the gates are set up to choose between normal and hardcore. Are you using custom maps?
Ok, if you are using custom maps then you need to change the locations. The playermobile.cs will send you to jail the first time you log on then you select a gate and it send you back to New Haven. When you choose the gate it sets up all of the account information that it's a hardcore/normal player.
i'm trying so hard this system and i like so much! thanks!!!!

it's possible for the last life when player dead, save the log of the dead, and send a gump for report to the staff if this dead its out of control for the role play?
i'm trying so hard this system and i like so much! thanks!!!!

it's possible for the last life when player dead, save the log of the dead, and send a gump for report to the staff if this dead its out of control for the role play?

Probably some way or another but I'm not really sure how. I will do some digging and see what I can work out.
i remember, using the comand [challenge (i think its from xmlspawner) when one player dead, show a popup gump saying if you will report the dead at the staff.

Can help you this?
it's normal when player use the skillballplus, then i can change their stats? whitout [props or [set comands?
Are you trying to set str, int and dex or rawstr, rawint and rawdex? If it's the first then you need to set the second.
if i do [set rawstr 61 for a player whit 60 they increase in 15 more :S
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I would really love to get this system working but I keep getting the following errors:

CS0246: Line 101: The type or namespace name 'IHonorTarget' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 4772: The type or namespace name 'DuelContext' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 4774: The type or namespace name 'DuelPlayer' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 5272: The type or namespace name 'HonorContext' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 5273: The type or namespace name 'HonorContext' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0115: Line 1415: 'PlayerMobile.CanBeHarmful(Mobile, bool, bool)': no suitable method found to override
CS0508: Line 3441: 'PlayerMobile.Damage(int, Mobile)': return type must be 'int' to match overridden member 'Mobile.Damage(int, Mobile)'
CS0115: Line 3552: 'PlayerMobile.IsHarmfulCriminal(Mobile)': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 4738: 'PlayerMobile.Asleep': no suitable method found to override
CS0246: Line 4769: The type or namespace name 'DuelContext' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 4770: The type or namespace name 'DuelPlayer' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 5262: The type or namespace name 'HonorContext' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 5263: The type or namespace name 'HonorContext' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.


  • PlayerMobile.cs
    149.8 KB · Views: 1

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