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  1. ShtimusMaximus

    Custom Map Making with latest UO client? ???

    Thanks for the reply. I will try that new fiddler tomorrow. As of right now there are invisible errors... Random invisible altitude changes that send me flying and stopping mid air... For the most part it looks fabulous but it's just not working this way. The reason I'm using the old files is...
  2. ShtimusMaximus

    Custom Map Making with latest UO client? ???

    I'm able to edit the maps for going to smear it flat as best as i can then try every packer i can find starting with ESSENCE UDK as that is the most up to date... will report back shortly. 1606367986 OK SO! ESSENCE fouled up on me... wouldnt pack the mul to uop... BUT!!! I had this...
  3. ShtimusMaximus

    Custom Map Making with latest UO client? ???

    Sorry to be a bother but someone out there might be able to help me with this... All the tools I've been able to find either fail to work or are only able to produce an outcome for older client versions... I would very much appreciate help getting the latest maps customizable either in a dragon...
  4. ShtimusMaximus

    Up to date info on how to modify / create custom maps?

    I've been trying to edit a map for use in the latest uo client.... so frustrating. not even a solid rock map at a solid altitude can be converted to uop from mul without tones of gibberish and basically just static random jumbled up errors likely caused by the conversion to uop. So my last hope...
  5. ShtimusMaximus

    ServUO Pub57 - Plain server

    try this in search... " how to use custom map" as an example the search feature on this site is terrible in comparison.
  6. ShtimusMaximus

    Client hangs after adding altered map...

    I think you want centred+ its one of the pickiest programs to get working but once you do its a piece of cake to edit the world... It's actually a lot like a modern map editor like Cryengine Sandbox. The guy that made the map for outlands uses centred+ good luck. You could use the dragon to...
  7. ShtimusMaximus

    ServUO Pub57 - Plain server

    I think hes saying once he [createworld if his custom map will get regions and spawns and what not meant for the other maps... I'm not exactly sure but you shouldn't use the slot for the default maps you should use additional unused slots to avoid all of that mess.
  8. ShtimusMaximus

    INSANE UO - The owner is running a big event for new players...

    From now until December the owner of INSANEUO will personally be setting custom templates and making custom gear / pets for anyone who chooses to take him up on the offer. Check out the new site he made you can see that starting in December this service he is offering will...
  9. ShtimusMaximus

    How do I reduce the weight of ORE... (ironore for example)

    I'm using version 57 of servuo. I cannot figure this out. I got help for this before but didnt take a proper note and I forgot how its not showing up with any searches so... I've searched for "ore 12" (1 ore is 12 stone) and nothing I just end up ruining the ore.cs script with no noticable...
  10. ShtimusMaximus

    How the next update coming along?

    I'm looking forward to starting fresh with the latest servuo, ultima online client, and classicuo client! When can we expect the next update?
  11. ShtimusMaximus

    Can the new custom castles and over sized plots be imported to client?

    I tried using the latest art.mul and artidx.mul without any difference. Nothing happened. Are you sure that's the correct file? This is what happens when I place the custom keep or castle.
  12. ShtimusMaximus

    Can the new custom castles and over sized plots be imported to client?

    I was wondering if anyone could tell me which file the new castles and over sized house plots are in? I would like to try to overwrite my current file with the latest house file but I just don't know what it is. I'm hoping that its just drag and drop and boom it works! I have a server...
  13. ShtimusMaximus

    09/22/2020 - Needing update on how to, get servuo instructions and walk through...

    you need the frame work and something else... its like visual studio run time or something...
  14. ShtimusMaximus

    Need help with a container override to prevent server crashes.

    So i tested this on my admin character lol... There is actually code in container.cs that allows admins to go over the max items infinitely i think... I think thats what it said so im testing on a regular character... The bug was a troll please delete this thread thanks
  15. ShtimusMaximus

    Need help with a container override to prevent server crashes.

    I need to set up an override for containers that checks if it has reached its item limit and if so any item dropped into it would be dropped to the ground. I was recently made aware of some kinda bug that allows you to over flow containers. for some reason im not sure why but in my server the...
  16. ShtimusMaximus

    Need help with keeping reds and criminals out of tram

    dude you guys freaking rule thank you so much! 1600068824 well I tried... I tried just about every trick in my book lol if (MapMap.Trammel) { if (Criminal || Murderer) { MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1399, 1873, -90)...
  17. ShtimusMaximus

    Need help with keeping reds and criminals out of tram

    My shard has the ability to go grey in tram and also be a murderer in tram. I want to make it so any red entering tram or any one who becomes a criminal in tram will be telleported to a specific location in fel. So technically it would be awesome if they just auto disappeared to fel but the way...
  18. ShtimusMaximus

    Randomly can't connect until I type something?

    I have this issue with my server that is pretty random (doesn't happen every single time). Basically the server gets booted up and everything looks fine only no one can connect. The server doesn't even say that someone tried to connect. Now I go in and type anything into the servuo.exe and then...
  19. ShtimusMaximus

    How to say "or" in code

    I know "!" mean "not" but how do i say "or"?
  20. ShtimusMaximus

    Errors unpacking the latest UO gumpart.mul

    So I tried a few uop unpackers on the latest uo files as of 8/24/2020 and it always says it has failed and that the file is only 9000kb big while the file from client was over 100,000kb. I'm looking for the following files unpacked from a client that is at least as I think...

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