
HOW-TO ADD NEW CLOTHING (and other custom wearables) TO YOUR SHARD

What this tutorial covers:
How to add new wearables to your server using UOFiddler.

What this tutorial does not cover:
How to make custom artwork or animations.

What you need before beginning this tutorial:
  • UOFiddler
  • Icon image of the Item that will appear in game on the ground or in the backpacks as loot (.bmp, .tiff, or .jpg only)
  • Paperdoll image of the clothing/wearable (.bmp, .tiff, or .jpg only)
  • (Optional) Animations for all directions for your clothing as it will appear when moving in-game (.vd file)
Before we begin...
Always backup your files first!

Getting started...
  1. Open UOFiddler and navigate to the GUMPS tab
  2. Once in the GUMPS tab, in the top left, click on Misc > Show Free Slots
  3. Scroll down past the intro & spell icon graphics to 0xC350 (50000). Chose a red open space to place your wearable.
    Notes about which slot to place your wearable in:
    All default* wearables must be placed in slots 50000-50999.
    However, there is a possibility that unless your wearable is in between the following slots, it will disappear when you sit:
    So, if your wearable needs to appear properly in the sitting position, put it in between slots 0xC4E (50400) and 0xC737 (50999).
    Default* wearables are the default graphics used when either no gender or male gender is selected.
    If you have an item wearable by only females that corresponds to a wearable that also has a male version of the same, you place the female version of the same in the corresponding 60000 range. (for example, if your default/male long fancy shirt is in spot #50400, then the corresponding female long fancy shirt would go in spot #60400.

    Because UOFiddler doesn't let you see empty decimal numbers until you hit Save, this hex/dec convertor may come in handy helping you figure out slot numbers if you are trying to match up male/female hex/dec numbers.
  4. Once you have chosen an empty slot, right click on the red letters and click "Replace". Navigate to the gump art .bmp or .tiff that you would like to use and choose "Open".
  5. Lastly, right-click again and choose "Save".
ADDING YOUR IN-GAME ICON (the one that can be picked up and put into your backpack):
  1. Now navigate to the ITEMS tab.
  2. Right click and choose "Insert at". Type in the number of the spot where you added your image in the Gumps tab (in our case it was number 50400). This number should be the same number used in the Gumps tab.
  3. Once added, right click and hit "Save".
  1. Now, navigate to the TILEDATA tab.
  2. Scroll down to the same slot number you added the graphics to (in our example case, number 50400).
  3. The minimum things that need to be filled in are:
    • A. the WEARABLE flag needs to be checked and
    • B. the ANIM number needs to be Your Gump ID # minus 50000 (in our example case, type in 400 (504000-50000=400)).
      • A. NAME can be filled in with whatever you'd like to call your wearable.
      • B. Either ARTICLEA or ARTICLEAN can be checked depending if you want "a" or "an" to appear before the wearable's name in game (for example "a" long fancy shirt).
      • C. QUALITY should be the layer number of the wearable (but does not have to be filled in if it is declared later in the script).
      • D. WEIGHT, HUE etc. can also be declared either here or in the script.
  4. Hit "Save Changes" and then "Save Tiledata".
1. Navigate to the ANIMATIONS tab.
2. Scroll down to Equipment > Animations #400-997 and find the animation that looks closest to your new wearable.
3. Take note of the number in parentheses of your animation choice (in our example, we chose fancy shirt (435)).​

  1. Navigate to your CLIENT folder and open "Body.def" in a text editor.
  2. Add an entry for your graphic using the following format:
    <GRAPHIC # - 50000> {<NEW ANIM ID#>} <NEW HUE #>
    Note that 0 = not hued
    So, in our example case...
    400 {435} 0

1. Navigate to your UOFiddler folder (usually C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\UoFiddler).
2. Copy your updated files: art.mul, artidx.mul, Gumpart.mul, Gumpidx.mul, tiledata.mul
3. Paste/overwrite to your CLIENT directory.

1. Open a text editor and write a basic wearable script (see attachment).
2. Change the name of the item, type of the item (layer) and the Item ID (e.g. "ItemID = 50400;")
3. Save your Script to your server/emulator folder.
4. Restart your server/emulator and login.
5. [add WearableName (example: "[add LongFancyShirt")


Additional Information:
1. In UOFiddler, navigate to ANIMATIONS > EQUIPMENT and find the animation that is closest to what your clothing looks like and take note of the number in parenthesis after the name (e.g.
elven robe e02 (899)")
2. At the bottom of the Animations screen, Go to SETTINGS > ANIMATION EDIT
3. At the top left of the Animation Edit screen, choose "Choose Anim File" > anim
4. Scroll down to the animation that you want to duplicate, right click on the name, and choose "Export > "To .vd"
5. This will export your animation to the default UOFiddler folder (usually C:\Users\dedicated\AppData\Roaming\UoFiddler)

What if there's no animation to export as a .vd for my choice?
If you cannot export a .vd file then the words for the file will be in red ("P:517(517)").
It probably means they are using another animation that has been rehued in that slot, find the original animation that this one is based on and use it.
If you can't find it, choose another animation that does allow you to export the .vd file.
For instance, I wanted to use "elven robe e02 (899)", but found that it was actually just a rehued "Kamishimo (517)", so I used it instead.
However, the animation info for the Kamisho (517) was actually located in "anim4", not "anim".
Navigating to "anim4", we see that Kamisho (517) is actually using the animation for
Note: While I haven't tried this yet, it appears that in order to install new animations, you will have to use the open animation slots from 400-499 only.
Do I have to export the .vd and re-import it or can I use the same animation for multiple items?
You can re-use the same animations for multiple articles of clothing by altering the Body.def file.
Useful links:

**an extra special thank you to M309, Hammerhand, and Milva for their hands in helping me figure this all out.**
Very nice Thanks for sharing!! Not many take the time to create a tuturial for other's so this is excellent for those wanting to learn the "how to" )
I have a few items that are fine on males, but look completely different on females.

I believe this is in one of the new .defs? Ex: sword looks like a sword for males, but looks like a rose for females.
@m309 Thanks! I figured that was it, but I haven't taken the time to look for it. I'm wondering if that file can just be trashed???
I'm pretty sure it can be, or at the very least just delete the contents and keep the file (you never know if the client could potentially crash if it can't find it in the directory - better safe than sorry). You'll likely have issues with the sex of items though, and have to work through just about every single wearable/equipable item until you find them all.
So... I tried this and ran into an issue at the adding the item part... my graphics dont go to 50400 the Highest it goes is 32767
swiftorb your post about the gumps tab, is this for custom art or just a question in general for UO Fiddler?
#2 Once in the GUMPS tab, in the top left, click on Misc > Show Free Slots.

I have added a heap of custom art/animations already via item/tiledata/animdata tabs .
Have not used the Gump tab before. But as my earlier post says its empty.
First of all thanks! Awesome guide.

I got as far as adding the graphic 260x237 .bmp to GUMPS and saving at 50,400.. Inserting into ITEMS at 50,400 with 44x44 .bmp 24 bit. When I select send to TileData I get an exception.

I changed fiddler to compatible with xp SP3 and ran as admin. Using .net 4 and fiddler 4.6

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated as I am just now getting into art.

*Edit - Could this be because I am using --old client?*
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Fiddler should recognize the ML clients just fine. Is it only when you select "Select in TileData tab"? Meaning, can you physically click the TileData tab and then scroll down to the entry you're looking for without issue?

You also might have more luck if you dl the Fiddler source and compile it. It has a few bug fixes that havent been published in a release, it might address this too.
I'll try that. Nah, when I click the TileData tab it shows an empty list. I know I have my path set right. I'll try compiling it. I have the source from Mark Sturgil's repository. Maybe I'll have some luck. Thanks!
I don't know what the deal is. It just doesn't want to load tiledata. If i select "Send to tiledata" from IMAGES is throws an error. Maybe the client is too old or it is a problem with Windows 7. I have tried everything. Changed compatibility, ran as admin etc. I tried it on and still no dice. Then I downloaded Fiddler+ and compiled that but one file is corrupted. Just going to be one of those days. I will search for an alternative.
Awesome Job Safera ..very informative and useful... do you happen to have a TuT on adding new NPC etc to the body.def ..ones i have read left me confused lol.. i downloaded the Children Animations.. UOFiddler dont see them..but mulpatcher & InisdeUO does ..even tried moddifing the Animalist.xml for fiddler... Thankx for this TuT
demented, once you add the anims, and add them to the xml, you then go to "Try to Find New Graphics" at the bottom of the Animations tab in Fiddler. Find your anim in that list, and add it as the proper type (MONSTER, ANIMAL, etc). You also want to make sure its listed properly in mobtypes.txt. If you added it to any other AnimX.mul other than the first one, then you'll need to make sure there is a proper entry in bodyconv.def as well. If you're trying to rehue or overwrite one anim for another in the original anim.mul, thats where body.def comes into play.
demented, once you add the anims, and add them to the xml, you then go to "Try to Find New Graphics" at the bottom of the Animations tab in Fiddler. Find your anim in that list, and add it as the proper type (MONSTER, ANIMAL, etc). You also want to make sure its listed properly in mobtypes.txt. If you added it to any other AnimX.mul other than the first one, then you'll need to make sure there is a proper entry in bodyconv.def as well. If you're trying to rehue or overwrite one anim for another in the original anim.mul, thats where body.def comes into play.

Thanks M309.. did Hex Conversion to get the decimal # ..package give folder hex # ..first one being 0x1A4 etc.. which when dec converted is 421 i was placing them around the Dupre etc area..not trying to re-hue or anything..keeping them as they are =)
Anybody wrote a manual or a tutorial to UOFiddler explaining what everything means? I have a question about tiledata tab, but if there is a manual, it would be a great help. as far as Tiledata tab but I have some concerns. I added my new weapon(50719) to Gump.mul, then used 'insert at' to add it into Items tab. I noticed that this number was past the Items end-of-file. The (50719) slot I used already had a name: "OrcShip Mast D1 WEST" I looked at other gump weapon items and the correlating Item/Tiledata slots and those also had names/attributes already assigned. Why is this happening and is it something I should be doing differently? I've already backed up all the files that will be updated but I hoped someone could shed some light on why this is happening. Thanks in advance!
You don't need to place the Item art in the same slot as the Gump art. The Item art can be anywhere. What needs to match is: Gump Slot - 50000 = Animation slot.

In Tiledata is where you'll assign the Animation slot to the Item, which in turn tells the item which Gump art to use when equipped.
Ah ok....the instructions said you should use the same Item# as was used in Gump tab. Should edit the original post, it is a little confusing(but a great tutorial nonetheless) I really appreciate it Safera!!

ADDING YOUR IN-GAME ICON (the one that can be picked up and put into your backpack):
  1. Now navigate to the ITEMS tab.
  2. Right click and choose "Insert at". Type in the number of the spot where you added your image in the Gumps tab (in our case it was number 50400). This number should be the same number used in the Gumps tab.
  3. Once added, right click and hit "Save".

Thanks again for the help!
I can see where that is misleading.

If you think about it in math terms though, that could never be the case. Take the older client versions whose Art.mul only goes to 0x3fff (or a 16383 decimal value), you'd never have any wearable art able to be put in the files. Safera probably was just short on coffee that day, as she definitely knows how to do it.

Glad to help!
Aye....I understand but most won't understand those limitations. (^8....Therefore ya get all the EOF questions...I think it is currently 45190 or something that is the max you can use for the Art.mul(even though I think it displays up to 65k? I barely know any of this myself but I knew something seemed odd about what I was trying to do. Anyway, these little addendums should help others clear up any issues with that.
Ok....hit a snag....I have it working for the most part....If I grab my new weapon and hover over paperdoll it shows but crashes my client when I release it....I've double checked everything I can think of at this point....My server doesn't crash, just client. If I reload client it has an invisible item equipped. I had to drop char STR to make him drop it. Any ideas what could cause this? Client is and running ServUO. I attached a picture.....I used 260x237 for image size also. Any help appreciated!

Did you make sure to assign all of the Tiledata flags? I remember this happening to me once or twice before too, and I think it was an incorrect flag.

Also, make sure in mobtypes.txt in the client files (and servers) you check the animation slot you're using, and make sure its set to EQUIPMENT (I'm not yelling, thats how it'll look).
I have: Wearable, Weapon, Article A, and NoDiagonal(not sure what this does but other weapons have it checked....didn't read about the 'mobtypes' in Tut. Will check that...I even did an in-game check to make sure the layer and other attributes looked right. Hopefully it's the mobtypes.......will check

update: read previous post you wrote about mobtypes..I didn't make my own animation...using one for Viking Sword(I think it was...643 anyway) Do I need to adjust this if I'm just using another weapons animation? I will eventually make animation for lightsaber...just want to get it working first
You didn't mention it, but maybe you flagged it and left it out of your post, but what about Layer?

Edit: Also, can you explain NoDiagonal? Maybe thats a bad translation or something, but I'm not seeing that in Fiddler.

EditEdit: And just to be safe and check, you did move your new files with the custom art to both client and server?
You didn't mention it, but maybe you flagged it and left it out of your post, but what about Layer?

Edit: Also, can you explain NoDiagonal? Maybe thats a bad translation or something, but I'm not seeing that in Fiddler.

I set the Quality to 1 (shows as FirstValid on in-game Layers)....The NoDiagonal I have no clue about...but I emulated what all other weapons had is a print screen:


Edit...Yeah, copy/pasted all files to both server/client side. Redid it just to make sure lol don't see what the issue me nuts! It only affects the crashes client when I drop saber on char. I restart client and can't add a different weapon on to him. So, it is treating the saber like it is still there. I ran an XML search and it couldnt find the saber. I also tried a command i think was something like 'dropitem' and it said I wasn't holding, then when i dropped players STR to get him to drop the saber.

Edit.. If ya notice in picture I can hover the lightsaber over char and get it to display, and mini-saber in pack displays also.
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Hrm hrm. PM me the code for the sabre, maybe its something in there? Otherwise I might be out of ideas!
When I added lightsabers to my shard, I had a very difficult time adding new graphics for the weapons and getting them to appear without crashing. As I understand it, beyond a certain client version, something changed in the flags that Fiddler doesn't show. So you might be able to add new TileData items, but gumps don't seem to work properly, in regards to weapons/armor.
We tried a bunch of stuff for a while last night and couldn't get it to work. The gump art shows when you hover the item over the paperdoll, but when you drop it to equip, the client crashes.
Yeah, that's what I was facing as well. Certain gumps could be replaced without issue (paperdoll, backpacks, etc), but weapons and armor (anything you can equip basically) would cause a client crash and be invisible when you restarted your client. If you log in on another character, you can see the item equipped, but if you hover over it, you'll crash that client too. It's whatever that missing flag is that we can't see in Fiddler, new packet might be my guess, but I don't know when exactly it was introduced. I've heard that clients prior to 7.0.7 do not have this issue and I'm running and I do have this issue, so some client version in between those two.
I swear I had this same issue using a (same as I've been using for years) when I worked on a previous server, and we got it to work eventually. I just forget how, its been too long...and I'm getting old.

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