
Well going back to RunUo for the 2.3. Heard there was a 2.4 , even a 2.5 but i have failed to find it here so just going to use 2.3 .
Well going back to RunUo for the 2.3. Heard there was a 2.4 , even a 2.5 but i have failed to find it here so just going to use 2.3 .

RunUO is closer to what UO is now, without support and even removal of older systems (Mondain's Legacy). It may be a little confusing since RunUO has 2.x, and ServUO has Pub 5#. IMO, ServUO is by far a warmer community than RunUO. I have yet to see a post of "you can't post that here", "what a DA question", etc. ServUO is more for a custom "tricked out" UO.

Think of it like this:

For the guys- RunUO is like the auto manufacturer (Ford, Chevy, VW, etc) ServUO would be classified as the street racers (Nascar, Tokyo Drift, etc)

For the girls- RunUO is like buying a plain gold or silver bracelet. ServUO would be classified as the "pandora charms" that are used to customize it.
LOL Redmoon, i like your play with words, now to learn your language :DSo i need pub5 then and not 2x, just when i had the basics up again. I know theres a way to Clone over to pub5 with git but never have used it before , i have yet to grasp the program. Tho fear not, i'm not smart enough to give up lol. Now to find Pub 5. And uninstall v2.3
So from what i seen so far , there is no per say "batch file" for servuo containing the whole pub 5 itself, like runuo has the batch /2.3 . Looks , and correct me if i'm wrong, like its a file by file conversion process, where you drag and drop say the data file from the repository to the 2.3? Forgive me if i'm sounding stupid , but being a whole different setup, i have yet to convert . I will do it if it alls me all day and night today tho, so expect to see me blowing up the forums, i apologize in advance.
LOL Redmoon, i like your play with words, now to learn your language :DSo i need pub5 then and not 2x, just when i had the basics up again. I know theres a way to Clone over to pub5 with git but never have used it before , i have yet to grasp the program. Tho fear not, i'm not smart enough to give up lol. Now to find Pub 5. And uninstall v2.3

Easiest Method: Use this link and download the zip file-
It is the "ServUO Repo" which is located at the top of the page.

The Git method is a little harder, but you can get instant updates when ServUO fixes, changes, adds anything. If you use this method, I'd suggest having a separate folder for it and convert new things to your server folder. This will keep you up to date, and not give you a headache from what you need to change, what you did change, and the "OMG did I add this in?!?!" LOL
So from what i seen so far , there is no per say "batch file" for servuo containing the whole pub 5 itself, like runuo has the batch /2.3 . Looks , and correct me if i'm wrong, like its a file by file conversion process, where you drag and drop say the data file from the repository to the 2.3? Forgive me if i'm sounding stupid , but being a whole different setup, i have yet to convert . I will do it if it alls me all day and night today tho, so expect to see me blowing up the forums, i apologize in advance.

ServUO is, and should be looked at the same way as RunUO. So, technically you ~can~ have both ServUO and RunUO. Basically....just think of ServUO as RunUO.
lol ok so at the git site i see SSH and puddy, is one better than the other

Look for the "Download ZIP" on the right side. ;)

Both are the same thing, just in different "boxes".

Think red, one green..both have the same contents.
And what i guess i'm failing to see it on that site. This the right page?


  • Untitled.jpg
    224.2 KB · Views: 13
Seeing no .exe file in list, and is this file my actual server , like to run my runuo i click my runuo.exe file to open the shard. I dont see it in this file yet but i am looking . Of course i already realized i have to use Visuall Studios to see the indiv. folders lol . I see compile.winbat, nope thats back up lol
Wow, its almost the exact same folder as my runuo folder as you said, with a few differences. Very well done, am very impressed. Still looking for compile .exe . But loving what i see so far.
Seeing no .exe file in list, and is this file my actual server , like to run my runuo i click my runuo.exe file to open the shard. I dont see it in this file yet but i am looking . Of course i already realized i have to use Visuall Studios to see the indiv. folders lol . I see compile.winbat, nope thats back up lol

You will need to compile the server for the .exe file. Here is my compile.bat, if there wasn't one in there. (change .txt to .bat and place in ServUO\server file and run)
cd EmergencyBackup
SET DOTNET=C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
csc.exe /r:..\SevenZipSharp.dll /debug /nowarn:0618 /nologo /out:..\EmergencyBackup.exe /optimize /unsafe /recurse:*.cs
cd ..
cd Server
csc.exe /win32icon:servuo.ico /r:..\OpenUO.Core.dll /r:..\OpenUO.Ultima.dll /r:..\OpenUO.Ultima.Windows.Forms.dll /r:..\SevenZipSharp.dll /debug /nowarn:0618 /nologo /out:..\ServUO.exe /optimize /unsafe /recurse:*.cs
cd ..
title ServUO - By Team ServUO @
echo off
lol was doing that now, yeah just had to find the command line, omg i need MORE COFFEE now !!! Too excited
Hmm now to create a shortcut lol but it is asking me to make a ower account now, this all looks familiar to runuo now heheh
Hmm now to create a shortcut lol but it is asking me to make a ower account now, this all looks familiar to runuo now heheh

Yep! Also, if you want to make your server have a custom icon; place your icon in the ServUO\server folder and overwrite the other one, recompile and badabing..your ServUO.exe will show your server's icon. ;)
ok huge issue, when i log in, i can barely move , run , like huge lagg packet or something. This is odd, wasnt a issue on runuo
ok huge issue, when i log in, i can barely move , run , like huge lagg packet or something. This is odd, wasnt a issue on runuo

This is a mapdefinition.cs issue. You'll need to set it up for your client, I'm using and here is what I have:
    TileMatrixPatch.Enabled = false; // OSI Client Patch
            //TileMatrixPatch.Enabled = true; // OSI Client Patch

            MultiComponentList.PostHSFormat = true; // OSI Client Patch
            //MultiComponentList.PostHSFormat = false; // OSI Client Patch
Code (csharp):
TileMatrixPatch.Enabled = false; // OSI Client Patch
//TileMatrixPatch.Enabled = true; // OSI Client Patch

MultiComponentList.PostHSFormat = true; // OSI Client Patch
//MultiComponentList.PostHSFormat = false; // OSI Client Patch

this file i meant to ask, sorry, am excited lol
hmm my paint / pic studios dont do that, going to have to find a program that does convert it over. Btw, can you point me to that text file , i still have not found it
hmm my paint / pic studios dont do that, going to have to find a program that does convert it over. Btw, can you point me to that text file , i still have not found it
Above message for the icon, and for the mapdefinitions...well ya got it so...LOL
This is the correct file yes? Reason i'm asking is that i dont see the lines you linked, still looking however


  • TileMatrixPatch.cs
    5.1 KB · Views: 3
  /* Example of registering a custom map:
            * RegisterMap( 32, 0, 0, 6144, 4096, 3, "Iceland", MapRules.FeluccaRules );
            * Defined:
            * RegisterMap( <index>, <mapID>, <fileIndex>, <width>, <height>, <season>, <name>, <rules> );
            *  - <index> : An unreserved unique index for this map
            *  - <mapID> : An identification number used in client communications. For any visible maps, this value must be from 0-5
            *  - <fileIndex> : A file identification number. For any visible maps, this value must be from 0-5
            *  - <width>, <height> : Size of the map (in tiles)
            *  - <season> : Season of the map. 0 = Spring, 1 = Summer, 2 = Fall, 3 = Winter, 4 = Desolation
            *  - <name> : Reference name for the map, used in props gump, get/set commands, region loading, etc
            *  - <rules> : Rules and restrictions associated with the map. See documentation for details

            TileMatrixPatch.Enabled = false; // OSI Client Patch
            //TileMatrixPatch.Enabled = true; // OSI Client Patch

            MultiComponentList.PostHSFormat = true; // OSI Client Patch
            //MultiComponentList.PostHSFormat = false; // OSI Client Patch

        public static void RegisterMap(int mapIndex, int mapID, int fileIndex, int width, int height, int season, string name, MapRules rules)
            Map newMap = new Map(mapID, mapIndex, fileIndex, width, height, season, name, rules);

            Map.Maps[mapIndex] = newMap;
yes , mine appears to look the same way already tho. Or am i mistaken?


  • MapDefinitions.cs
    2.5 KB · Views: 4
Seems the same. I have done alot of scripts changes in my short time but still sometimes i do miss a tiny detail

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