Hi Joshua,Can only find the 0.7.7 version, I downloaded the installer from the site (the broken one) and used an inno setup extractor, this is what came out of the second most recently released version. Hope this helps.
Do you use ML map? Set the size to 896x512, if the older map, set 768x512. Flag needs to be tried. I think it will work safely 0x0000, but if you are using an ML size map, you can try setting 0x0004. More on the wiki: Start and server setup - CentrEd+ - Quintessence<Map>
Thank you friend! The file you have uploaded solved my issues. I am now able to use the program! I hope this post helps future users of CentrED+ 0.7.9!These errors are not related to the server, but to the application with which you log on to that server. Feel free to use the latest version of center + 0.7.9. I recommend redesigning the server settings. Put all the files directly in the PEBinaries folder. You can try to set the Flag Format to 0x0004. The centred.xml configuration file would look like this:
Do you use ML map? Set the size to 896x512, if the older map, set 768x512. Flag needs to be tried. I think it will work safely 0x0000, but if you are using an ML size map, you can try setting 0x0004. More on the wiki: Start and server setup - CentrEd+ - Quintessence
And now to the very mistake that is happening to you.
In AppData/Local/CentrED-plus/Profiles / (name of your profile) delete the RadarMap.cache and TilesEntry.cache files. If you have not created a profile, delete these files where you have them. Then download these two new files and paste them where you deleted them. I recommend that you create and save a new profile on the program login window. And paste these two files into a folder with the name of the profile that you save. Then the program should no longer create your mentioned mistakes. Then run the program using the CentrED-plus.exe application in the PEBinaries folder.
I don't know which kind of magic you did here but it worked. Thank you very much, kind sir!!These errors are not related to the server, but to the application with which you log on to that server. Feel free to use the latest version of center + 0.7.9. I recommend redesigning the server settings. Put all the files directly in the PEBinaries folder. You can try to set the Flag Format to 0x0004. The centred.xml configuration file would look like this:
Do you use ML map? Set the size to 896x512, if the older map, set 768x512. Flag needs to be tried. I think it will work safely 0x0000, but if you are using an ML size map, you can try setting 0x0004. More on the wiki: Start and server setup - CentrEd+ - Quintessence
And now to the very mistake that is happening to you.
In AppData/Local/CentrED-plus/Profiles / (name of your profile) delete the RadarMap.cache and TilesEntry.cache files. If you have not created a profile, delete these files where you have them. Then download these two new files and paste them where you deleted them. I recommend that you create and save a new profile on the program login window. And paste these two files into a folder with the name of the profile that you save. Then the program should no longer create your mentioned mistakes. Then run the program using the CentrED-plus.exe application in the PEBinaries folder.
The installer isn't able to download the files it needs to install the program. Anyone have all the client and server files for v0.7.9 they can post?
UO Resources - Google Drive
This is my google drive with a few version of CentrED+. For newer version of CentrED+, you will need to plug in the included registry file and update the caches for the program to run. Granted, plugging in unknown registry files from the internet is unwise, but it's there if you really need it. Older versions, such as 6.3, don't require this registry patch.
D:\>cd D:\UO Tools\CentrED+0.7.9
D:\UO Tools\CentrED+0.7.9>
D:\UO Tools\CentrED+0.7.9>dir
Datenträger in Laufwerk D: ist Game
Volumeseriennummer: D482-99E1
Verzeichnis von D:\UO Tools\CentrED+0.7.9
27.09.2021 18:27 <DIR> .
27.09.2021 18:27 <DIR> ..
27.09.2021 17:59 1.103.442 Assetspack.dat
02.07.2021 22:42 530 centerd.reg
27.09.2021 17:59 197 Homepage.url
27.09.2021 17:59 <DIR> Language
27.09.2021 17:59 <DIR> LocalData
27.09.2021 19:21 <DIR> PEBinaries
27.09.2021 18:12 312 RegKey.reg
14.01.2021 17:07 <DIR> ScreenShots
27.09.2021 17:59 1.036 UOCentrED+.lnk
5 Datei(en), 1.105.517 Bytes
6 Verzeichnis(se), 105.572.495.360 Bytes frei
D:\UO Tools\CentrED+0.7.9>
Thank youAs I wrote on Spherefor, download the post-installation files here:
so i have sollution.
Extracted registy entry from my working copy of CentrED+ (attached)
when you install it you need to change "InstallPath" entry to Your CentrED+ folder
View attachment 18292
an it should work fine
Thank You for pointing location of this registry !!
As I wrote on Spherefor, download the post-installation files here:
Start cmd line or powershell and run cedserver.exe from it to see where it fails. Probably files setup and flags are wrong. Depending on your client version you may need to enable .uop flags and adjust the block size of the map.After I start the server exe and go through the setup process it closes itself after entering the password. What gives?
Hello everyone!
I am using centred v0.7.9 , centred 0.6.3 version.
But I can't see items from other ultima versions (Stygian Abyss, High Seas)
View attachment 20148
In your cedserver.xml config, change your format. Try 0x0002, 0x0004, 0x000C until one works. I don't know the rhyme or reason to these numbers.Thanks Owyn , now I can see all the items.
But i have one more problem
centred 0.6.3 everything works fine
centred 0.7.9 broken
muls the same
View attachment 20151View attachment 20152
Did you finally get an answer because I've been trying to get CentreD+ to work for 4 days now and despite all the reading and the tutorials nothing works.wondering if anyone has any up to date tutorials on getting centred+ installed and working? Can't seem to get it to run from the youtube tutorial that I've found posted 8+ years ago![]()
Clients after version 7.0.24 uses uop so there are no mapX.mul files.All attempts to get CED+ to run results in a "Bad Mul file". I've tried a lot of different approaches but no dice so far.
I'm open to any and all feedback
Currently running Servuo Version 0.5, Build 8192.14063 High Seas
Clients after version 7.0.24 uses uop so there are no mapX.mul files.
Try this for map0 just adjust paths. You should have separate copy of map/static files for ced server and separate for client. Trying to read and edit same files in ced will fail. I keep my cedserver files in ced directory.
XML:<Map> <Map>map0LegacyMUL.uop</Map> <StaIdx>staidx0.mul</StaIdx> <Statics>statics0.mul</Statics> <Width>896</Width> <Height>512</Height> <Prefix>0</Prefix> <Format>0x18</Format> </Map>
for maps 1,2,3... just adjust prefix and file names![]()
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